Seed chip possibilities

So seed chips are the new “thang” but I find them rather underwhelming when it comes to actual features.

So as you could expect from me, here’s a bunch of ideas for seed chip functions.


Rare (yellow/red) bonuses:


-Upon destruction, enemies within a certain radius drop an item in space that reloads 1pc of your secondary weapon when picked up.


-Overloads enemy reactors within a radius, so that if they die, they cause a massive explosion that damages their allies.


-Each shot contains nanodrones that eat the target’s hull for extra damage.


-If the ship is below a certain speed, it becomes invisible to enemy radars.


-Upon destruction, enemies within a certain radius drop and item in space that makes your ship completely invisible for some time when picked up.


-Once every (amount of time), all enemies that are locked on to you lose the ability to lock on to targets.


-Weapons additionally fire capsules containing a mine.


-Enemies that touch your ship take severe EM damage. (“Tesla Plating” module adaptation)


-Launches a drone that orbits your ship every (amount of time), up to two drones. These drones carry one turret of your main weapon, and fire at your crosshairs when you fire.


-When the ship is below a certain speed, the shield regenerates at an incredible rate.


-Pressing the interact key launches a heavy missile that tracks your target. The missile can dodge obstacles. (Longer cooldown)


-Pressing the interact key charges a heavy laser that slowly tracks the crosshairs for a few seconds. (Longer cooldown)


-The more enemies that are targeting you, the stronger your shield and hull become.


-Launches a drone every (amount of time) that will pursue your target to deal damage.


-Launches a missile every (amount of time) that homes in on a random enemy.


-When your ship is about to be destroyed, teleports your to a random location within a radius.


-Literally just a pulsar


-Weapons additionally fire mortars.


-Your ship causes a massive explosion on death.





Generic (white/blue) buffs:


-Increases radar range


-Increases module effectiveness


-Increases energy pool/regeneration


-Increases projectile speed


-Increases missile clip size




and so many more!

ah yes give us more variables to reduce the probabilities of getting the chip we’re actually looking for even more

2 hours ago, LanSkyman2 said:

ah yes give us more variables to reduce the probabilities of getting the OP chip we’re actually looking for even more


22 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:


yeah not exactly OP chips, i meant the exact prefix/suffix. The way this could be fixed and make the farming less asinine is by making specific enemies drop specific chip types, for example: Interceptors and fighters drop normal chips, frigates (which only spawn alongside destroyers but that should be changed) drop blue chips and destroyers drop the yellow and red chips or something.

It worked fine when the aliens were around, when cybers specifically dropped intact containers