Seed Chip Fusion v2.0

Seed chips as found in the wild look like this:

0.5% Actual good seed chips.

0.5% Legendary seed chips.

4% Good for upgrading

5% Good for joke builds

90% Absolute garbage.


Its the 90% Absolute garbage that I’m here to talk about today.


Garbage chips have plagued OS players since the dawn of seed chips, but we haven’t  really had anything useful to do with them. They don’t sell for but 1 credit. They can’t really be used to upgrade other seed chips. They don’t have any useful effects themselves. It’s just all-around not good.


It would fit in VERY nicely to have a new tab on the seed-chips page called “Fusion” where any number (up to 10) seed chips can be deposited, and have one re-rolled chip come out with better stats and rarity to hopefully make them useful!

More seed chips can be sacrificed to enhance the outcome of the result, and higher quality (blue/yellow/red) seed chips can be used to increase the chances of a higher rarity seed chip/effect to be given as well.


This process would be free of course, but with the limitation that it takes time for the process to complete, up to an hour for one fusion. This time could however be shortened or even eliminated by paying extra credits for a professional to assist in the fusion process.


There should be up to 4 fusion slots, much like crew slots, where only 1 is open to start but more open as the pilot reaches high ranks in all the factions. These extra slots should also be able to be activated with Galactic Standards as usual.



This will help provide incentive to keep more seed chips and expand storage, while also giving a use to old useless seed chips that otherwise would have littered space or been thrown away.


22 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

It would fit in VERY nicely to have a new tab on the seed-chips page called “Fusion” where any number (up to 10) seed chips can be deposited, and have one re-rolled chip come out with better stats and rarity to hopefully make them useful!

More seed chips can be sacrificed to enhance the outcome of the result, and higher quality (blue/yellow/red) seed chips can be used to increase the chances of a higher rarity seed chip/effect to be given as well.

My main problem has been with finding chips with maybe one or two desirable stats and the rest terrible. I would prefer a system that would weight the stats on the chips you are fusing. For example, you could fuse four chips, and there is a 60% chance for the first perk of the first chip to be used, a 60% chance for the second perk of the second chip to be used, etc. (roughly 10% chance of getting the 4 stats you want, or 20% chance of getting 3 stats). Or implementing the outcome enhancement idea, maybe a 50% chance, and you can add another four chips to increase the respective chances of the stats carrying over, etc. etc. Just ideas but imo a way to make it less RNG than farming in OS that can feel somewhat directed by the player (since the stat pool is still fairly large and certain ships might want certain gimmicks like defence or heating which might be less important on a straight dps build).