Sector Warfare - Your Questions?

Please post your questions for Sector conquest, Things about conquest, and future plans.

Then i will try to get answers asap for them!

Here are my suggestions:



  • Reduce the timer to 6 hours for giving out the sectors.

  • Make ALL the frontier sectors to be disputable.



  • Reward bonuses for owning sectors

  • Build defensive and support facilities in frontier sectors (-%revive time, +%radar range, -%radar enemy range, -%targeting time, etc)

  • Build Corporation Base in safe sectors

  • Build Corporation Dreadnought

  • Free flight in Corporation Base/Dreadnought for mining resources, and miniquests.



  • All Factions receive the same amount of resources per hour

  • With theese resources, you build the facilities in the frontier sectors

  • The less sectors a faction has, the more they can concentrate theese facilities, so it is easier for them to defend and take back the sectors lost

  • The more sectors a faction has, the more they have to spread the facilities, so it is harder for them to “sweep the board”

  • Also, a faction can counter attack and use a Dreadnought to warp into an enemy sector not belonging to the frontier, and conquer it.

The deeper you go into enemy territory, is there a balance to prevent one faction from sweeping the board? If all sectors are treated equally, the faction that has a strength advantage will clean out the area in time.

Thats true, so I updated my suggestions with this:



  • All Factions receive the same amount of resources per hour

  • With theese resources, you build the facilities in the frontier sectors

  • The less sectors a faction has, the more they can concentrate theese facilities, so it is easier for them to defend and take back the sectors lost

  • The more sectors a faction has, the more they have to spread the facilities, so it is harder for them to “sweep the board”

  • Also, a faction can counter attack and use a Dreadnought to warp into an enemy sector not belonging to the frontier, and conquer it.

we were talking about a way to get the sides to plan and plot against each other. It may be better for the conquest to allow for a 1-2 hour shift between powers, 

I’d like to see some sort of lock out system on it, that sort of forces the sides to go farther in to enemy territory.

It may be better for the conquest to allow for a 1-2 hour shift between powers


I thought the same at first, but then I thought that it would be more interesting and exciting to have a 6 hours shift with 15 sectors in dispute than a 1 hour shift with 3 sectors.


Also, the Defensive/Supportive Facilities built in the sectors are good for the “Lock out” system.

If you reduce the amount of time in 1 sector, you lock some of them , forcing the game play to more tactical This is one aspect of WoT i wanted to see in sector conquest.

they went against this system, and its good for some things, but we need to find a way to add that sort of tactical nature to it.

I also want that tactical nature of combat. I love it. But now I only choose between sector A and sector B, no tactical decision in that.


Give me 10 sectors to fight in, and tell me what do I win with each one, so I can decide what do I fight for.

 A good way to do it that might be kind of strange would be a sort of turn based mmo concept. that would make it very tactical.


we could do a voting process or something for it.

I love turn based strategy games, but I cannot see that implemented in this game in a good way.


Maybe a good idea is do it like a real time strategy game, like Starcraft. Battle for bases, resources, map control, unit production. And that does fit with the current game.


15 Contested Sectors, with bases and facilities in them. Each one gives you X resources per minute. There are 20 total resources and each Sector gives you 2 or 3 of them. Some resources are less common than others. This resources can be traded for blueprints and production of MK4 and MK5 equipment, and new modules and ships.


I really want to fight for resources and blueprints :smiley:

I’m not sure how you’d make it work like that. But if the games swapped faster, it’d make things more interesting. Maybe we can lower the sector conquest timer to max of 5 minutes, so that it encourages game play that is really battle-centric, people rushing to get things done will cause the combat to be more fast pace, which in return will cause the galaxy to shift faster.

I’m not sure how you’d make it work like that. But if the games swapped faster, it’d make things more interesting. Maybe we can lower the sector conquest timer to max of 5 minutes, so that it encourages game play that is really battle-centric, people rushing to get things done will cause the combat to be more fast pace, which in return will cause the galaxy to shift faster.


Well, I REALLY like this idea, it would make combat and battles exciting as hell.


But I keep thinking we need more than 2 Sectors opened, AND a reason to fight for them (Resources and blueprints)

So with the new Ship Roles, and every faction have 2 designated roles for each Ship Type, will we ever see games where all players are made up of the same faction, versus another faction? 

I’m curious as to how this would play out with objective based games as well. 

What does individual non-corp player like me get out of playing sector control?


Loyalty reward per battle would be nice but I doubt it will happen.

I have a question! Is Sector Conquest going to actually be fleshed out? Because right now it is a complete joke :frowning:
A: Will sector conquest eventually get its own queue? ATM it is just arcade queue but your win/loss is counted
B: Will you ever actually be fighting faction vs faction? ATM it is just random arcade players, you can even get into matches against your own corp/faction which is absurd.
C: Will there be any reason to conquer space besides for the sake of conquering space? Conquering is all and well, but rewards for victory would be nice too.

I have a question! Is Sector Conquest going to actually be fleshed out? Because right now it is a complete joke :frowning:

A: Will sector conquest eventually get its own queue? ATM it is just arcade queue but your win/loss is counted

B: Will you ever actually be fighting faction vs faction? ATM it is just random arcade players, you can even get into matches against your own corp/faction which is absurd.

C: Will there be any reason to conquer space besides for the sake of conquering space? Conquering is all and well, but rewards for victory would be nice too.

basically this.

Also - does anyone know the effects if a win or loss or draw in the % gain/loss?

I have a question: What is the point?

They will probably implement soon something about rewards in the sector conquest but yes, as it is it’s like playing in arcade

Will be Interesting if they put a faction restriction in this mode, i’m just afraid a side will turn out more powerful than the others, but if it serves as a good balancing meckanic i have nothing against it

I have a question! Is Sector Conquest going to actually be fleshed out? Because right now it is a complete joke :frowning:

A: Will sector conquest eventually get its own queue? ATM it is just arcade queue but your win/loss is counted

B: Will you ever actually be fighting faction vs faction? ATM it is just random arcade players, you can even get into matches against your own corp/faction which is absurd.

C: Will there be any reason to conquer space besides for the sake of conquering space? Conquering is all and well, but rewards for victory would be nice too.
