Sector Conquest (would diminish greatly the queue times)

The idea is. Remove the FACTION factor for corporations. What do i mean.


This days, every corp fights for one of the Big factions: Jericho, Empire, Federation, so, since most powerfull corps are grouped on Empire, many corporations are migrating to there, causing big waiting times for SQ on that faction side because 1) too many ppl on that side queueing and 2) lack of enemies to form a fight.


So, my proposition is: Remove the Afiliation of the corporations regarding sector conquest, making it kinda like a free for all. Since the sector will be in “control” of the corporation theres  no logic saying that sector is empire, or jericho or federation.


Just an example:


2 strong corps currently are ESB and Nasa, lets say they both try to get the same sector. In the current model the matchmaking process would put them both on the same side of a battle because they both are afiliated to EMPIRE. In my model they could be on the same side, or in oposing sides aswell. So every corporation fights any corporations for the disputed territory.


That would pretty much solve the queue time crysis everyone is complaining.

You should add a poll, with options, and also other kind of proposals beside removing the faction affiliation (kinda the meta of the game, but whatever).

The idea is. Remove the FACTION factor for corporations. What do i mean.


This days, every corp fights for one of the Big factions: Jericho, Empire, Federation, so, since most powerfull corps are grouped on Empire, many corporations are migrating to there, causing big waiting times for SQ on that faction side because 1) too many ppl on that side queueing and 2) lack of enemies to form a fight.


So, my proposition is: Remove the Afiliation of the corporations regarding sector conquest, making it kinda like a free for all. Since the sector will be in “control” of the corporation theres  no logic saying that sector is empire, or jericho or federation.


Just an example:


2 strong corps currently are ESB and Nasa, lets say they both try to get the same sector. In the current model the matchmaking process would put them both on the same side of a battle because they both are afiliated to EMPIRE. In my model they could be on the same side, or in oposing sides aswell. So every corporation fights any corporations for the disputed territory.


That would pretty much solve the queue time crysis everyone is complaining.


The only problem with this idea is you could potentially face your own corp members too.  Most people either solo queue or duo queue for sector conquest at the moment so this increases the odds of facing your own corp also.  

Since its supposed to be corp content, this is how i think the sector conquest should work


* If two corps claim for same uncaptured sector, they must prepare their teams within 8 hours for an 8v8/12v12 battle. Whichever corp wins takes the sector

* If corp X wants to capture corp Y’s nice sector, they order an attack for it. Corp Y will have 8 hours to respond … if corp Y fails to put together a team in this time, their sector gets captured


This way two empire based corps can fight each other for a sector, if they want to.

There will be corps who dominate, but there’s a limit to it - If corp Z owns 7 sectors and 6 of them get attacked, they need 6 teams to protect them. It’s not easy to put up 4 teams with good players, they WILL lose sectors.

The only problem with this idea is you could potentially face your own corp members too.  Most people either solo queue or duo queue for sector conquest at the moment so this increases the odds of facing your own corp also.  


That could be solved by adding another feature, where you can form up to 12 or 8 ppl squad from the same corp to queue ONLY in sector conquest. Or some tweaking on matchmaking to prioritize putting same corp members on the same side.


Also i think some limit should be put regarding how many sectors a corporation can own, because it wouldnt be fun if 80-90% of the territory belonged to a single corp, or two corps.

Since its supposed to be corp content, this is how i think the sector conquest should work


* If two corps claim for same uncaptured sector, they must prepare their teams within 8 hours for an 8v8/12v12 battle. Whichever corp wins takes the sector

* If corp X wants to capture corp Y’s nice sector, they order an attack for it. Corp Y will have 8 hours to respond … if corp Y fails to put together a team in this time, their sector gets captured


This way two empire based corps can fight each other for a sector, if they want to.

There will be corps who dominate, but there’s a limit to it - If corp Z owns 7 sectors and 6 of them get attacked, they need 6 teams to protect them. It’s not easy to put up 4 teams with good players, they WILL lose sectors.


This would be troublesome, since ppl can time the “challenge” to take advantage of diferent timezones. And it would be hard to put 2 8 players team against each other if they all belong to diferent timezones, noone will quit their job or school to play a match for a sector.


In Eve online this timezone snipings are made all the time, ppl wait till an corporation is asleep and then destroy their stations, making a lot of money that way.

You should add a poll, with options, and also other kind of proposals beside removing the faction affiliation (kinda the meta of the game, but whatever).


As long as corporations remain attached to their factions the tendency is that the vast majority of corps migrate to that faction to prevent being stomped, thus causing the long waits.


Unless the very way the sectors work would be changed, but to do it i believe it would require to scrap the current model and create a whole new one.


For example, very soon federation will be surrounded by empire, then feds will be forced only to battle against empire as will jericho. Some alteration on the mechanics should be done to ensure always 2 options of adversaries, like making some sectors uncapturable, increasing a LOT the number of sectors.

I dont know…

Like the current model, this is far from being good and “fair”. 

What we need is some kind of mechanic that allows Corps with mediocre/relatively new Players to achive something without punishing the old Corps with experienced/good players. 


Some Ideas:


  1. Add more sectors and differentiate them Tier-Wise. 

  2. CEO/Officer can bid ships (or corp-members) on a sector in order to claim them (tier-wise). 

  3. When battle-Phase starts, matches corp vs corp in single strikeouts will be fought, the winner takes the sector (like a short tourney).

  4. If no other Corps bid on a sector it goes automatically to the bidder. 

  5. If a Corp cant bring enough players according to the bidded ships it counts as an auto-loose. 


Advantages: Guaranteed battles, corp-wise. Incentive for all kinds of corps. 


Not sure how to implement the faction-aspect tho. 

Sector Conquest definitely needs more sectors, and maybe it should start with all sectors greyed out, belonging to no faction. Corps of same faction could share or fight to control any free sector until they get connected to a sector controlled by an opposite Faction. Then, make any of those sectors connecting two opposite faction available for a fight between opposite faction, not just 2 per faction as it is at the moment. But yeah, that would work only with a bigger player base I guess…

I dont know…

Like the current model, this is far from being good and “fair”. 

What we need is some kind of mechanic that allows Corps with mediocre/relatively new Players to achive something without punishing the old Corps with experienced/good players. 


Some Ideas:


  1. Add more sectors and differentiate them Tier-Wise. 

  2. CEO/Officer can bid ships (or corp-members) on a sector in order to claim them (tier-wise). 

  3. When battle-Phase starts, matches corp vs corp in single strikeouts will be fought, the winner takes the sector (like a short tourney).

  4. If no other Corps bid on a sector it goes automatically to the bidder. 

  5. If a Corp cant bring enough players according to the bidded ships it counts as an auto-loose. 


Advantages: Guaranteed battles, corp-wise. Incentive for all kinds of corps. 


Not sure how to implement the faction-aspect tho. 


+1 Agreed.

Here’s a simple change to help fix sector conquest queue times.  Corps form squads of 1-8 players, no 4 man limit for sector conquest.  You’re matched against your squad size against every corporation.  If you queue solo it becomes a 1v1 match.  If it’s an eight man squad, you have to wait for another eight many squad to queue.  Eight members of NASA could face eight members of ESB because faction wouldn’t matter for queuing.  It would push finding the best corp instead of the best faction.


Why should sector conquest have mixed squads?  It’s supposed to be end game for corp members fighting first for their corp and then for their faction.  Right now eight ESB members and a zerg corp squad with a 1k DSR squad gets a win for the 1k DSR squad when they all may have died and nearly cost the battle.  Sector conquest should not be mixed squads.

I totally support this.

Make it a free for all , where you cant face other player from your corporation but they can be on your team.

The less there is restriction , the shorter will be the queue.

Some Ideas:


  1. Add more sectors and differentiate them Tier-Wise. 

  2. CEO/Officer can bid ships (or corp-members) on a sector in order to claim them (tier-wise). 

  3. When battle-Phase starts, matches corp vs corp in single strikeouts will be fought, the winner takes the sector (like a short tourney).

  4. If no other Corps bid on a sector it goes automatically to the bidder. 

  5. If a Corp cant bring enough players according to the bidded ships it counts as an auto-loose. 


Advantages: Guaranteed battles, corp-wise. Incentive for all kinds of corps. 


Not sure how to implement the faction-aspect tho. 



I gave this a bit more thought and here is what I came up with: 



Triple the amount of sectors: They are equally distributed tier-wise for T3, T4 and T5. The higher the Tier the better the income for the sector. (there need to be some mechanic to validify that the corp has enough players with the respective ships)


Distribution of sectors: 

CEO/Officer can bid players on a sector, that can be sectors that are owned by the respective faction or (like it is now) owned by an opponent faction. 

In the best situation, for the first 2 days all battles between the factions come to an halt because the corps fight for the ownership of their own sectors.

Sectors get locked for the amount of cycles.

After the own sectors are distributed, the fight over new sectors starts.


Advantages: Internal fights (shorter queing), External fights according tier-levels.

Corps that cant get into fights (those who dont want to be fought against) can also capture sectors, but are not that meaningful at the sector map.

Due to the bidding-system fights like 6v12 are possible (show that zerg-nawbs how 1773 ur corp is :lol: )