Sector Conquest Purchasing

Sometimes the CEO can’t be around all the time to put challenges down on open sectors. You can’t expect one person to be around 24/7 to purchase sectors at the right time when they come up.


Add the ability for corporation officers to vote upon purchasing a sector. Require 2-3 to select the sector together, and allow them to challenge the sector without intervention from the CEO. Of course, the CEO’s vote would always veto the choices by the officers.


That or add the ability for the CEO to assign challenging power to officers of his choice.

Good idea +1

All I know is I feel half sorry for Wunnypuh(I think that’s spelled right).


I am somewhat surprised about the sector control list, since many of the top corps are still zerg corps.  I know that right now NASA and any other Americas corp are really getting hurt on sector conquest in part by the horrible playerbase.

All I know is I feel half sorry for Wunnypuh(I think that’s spelled right).


I am somewhat surprised about the sector control list, since many of the top corps are still zerg corps.  I know that right now NASA and any other Americas corp are really getting hurt on sector conquest in part by the horrible playerbase.




There’s a reason for zerg corps topping the control charts. Their members join SCon and get carried by the better teammates. That keeps earning them influence score. And since they have many members, they usually rack enough influence to get many sectors


 *I know that right now NASA and any other Americas corp are really getting hurt on sector conquest in part by the horrible playerbase.


*Not affiliated with NASA or its allies.

or simply create a new position, Admin, which is above officer and below CEO. give them the ability to promote officers and to “place chips” on the sector conquest map.

+1 to allowing offices to put challenges down

Purchasing is broken anyway. Look at map, what sectors actually have owners? Yeah, only GS ones. That ruin purpose for bidding and fighting for sector that is abadoned afterwards.

On the sector rewards front, why would anyone want a credits sector? 20,000 credits per tick? You can earn more than that flying Tier 1!

GS is always in high demand, hence why only zerg buy up the map - everyone else is waiting to bid for gold.

They should change credit sectors into loyalty sectors, or split them into credit and loyalty meanwhile increasing credit gains.

I would do what Kostyan says. 


But actually what we have now is ok to boost their ego, they have a lot of sectors, doesn’t matter if they are cheap.