Sector Conquest overhaul - Corp Warfare!

I’m going to try and keep this concise and to the point. So, let’s break it down:



Corps cannot mix in Sector Conquest anymore. ESB only fly alongside ESB; Nova only fly alongside Nova, etc. The game will seek to create balanced matches, but may require a minimum squad / wing size for a group to launch (say, 4 pilots).


Why do this? Because Sector Conquest is meant to be the mode where the best prove they are the best. Right now, all the top Corps are saying the same thing; they are sick and tired of carrying the dead weight.


Conquest Points:

Conquest Points should be awarded as follows:


Winning a Battle: +1.

Losing a Battle: -1.


Why do this? Losing should be punished. With this penalty, Zerg Corps can’t simply rush a beacon, capture it and earn rewards for the match.


Fought in a battle with 8 or more pilots per side: +1*.

Fought in a battle with 12 or more pilots per side: +2*.

Fought in a battle with 16 or more pilots per side: +3*.

* Highest only applies.


Why do this? To encourage Corps to field big squads and give us big games! It also encourages Alliances (see below).


Each enemy beacon captured: +1.

(Winning side only) Each active beacon remaining: +1.


Why do this? If the winning team wipes the opposition out, they should count as having captured all enemy beacons. Likewise, the losing team shouldn’t get extra reward if they are wiped out. This stops teams trying to suicide in order to earn more points, rather than fighting on to the end.



Corporations can form Alliances. A Corp can send an Alliance request to any Corp in their own faction (eg: Empire Corps can only request an Alliance with other Empire Corps). The request does not take effect until it is accepted by the CEO / XO of the Corp.


When Corps are in an Alliance the matchmaking treats them as being the same Corp.


For example: Corp A has 16 pilots in Sector Conquest. Corps B and C have 8 pilots in Sector Conquest and are in an alliance. the Matchmaking will put A vs B and C in a match.


Why do this? Because Corps, particularly stronger Corps, want to be choosy about who they fly with. Moreover, the fact that you get more rewards for taking part in bigger matches also encourages Alliances. The requirements for an Alliance to be validated by both sides helps stop “Zerg” Corps from jumping on the bandwagon and leeching off the success of others.

Sound great, 

but to be honest: With the current playerbase it would take ages to find matches. 


Also: You only looked at the point-distribution. How will that change the sectors faction-wise?

I have some nice ideas, too… the problem is, what kind of SecCon do PPL want? One that is easy accessible (like the current) or smth. more complicated yet individual (like in WoT). 


For the moment my proposal is: no more points for beacons.


Instead: points for efficiency! For every 200 Eff. Points you gain one SQ-Point. 

Winning gets +1

Loosing 0. 

Well the Devs clearly don’t want it accessible to everyone; they’ve shot down every suggestion to make it approachable for T3 pilots, and now they’ve cranked up the requirements. Clearly, the Devs want it to be end-game content.


With that in mind, the current model of “reward quantity, not quality” is flat out stupid. Corps should not be getting more rewards for just showing up with lots of bad players than winning with a few good ones.

Well the Devs clearly don’t want it accessible to everyone; they’ve shot down every suggestion to make it approachable for T3 pilots, and now they’ve cranked up the requirements. Clearly, the Devs want it to be end-game content.


With that in mind, the current model of “reward quantity, not quality” is flat out stupid. Corps should not be getting more rewards for just showing up with lots of bad players than winning with a few good ones.


I absolutely agree. Thats why I like this Eff-point idea. Its easy to implement and it makes sure, that Zerglings dont leech on the success of good corps (at least they wouldnt get rewarded equally)

These are all really good ideas.


The only trouble is even with losing a point, you will likely see a decrease of pilots in sector conquest. Some people will be intimidated that they could lose points for their corperation.

Honestly though I REALLY like the idea of pushing players to play better though. Conestenty I want to yell “Stop killing yourself!” into the mic.


There is no reason all points should not be gained if an apposing teams is wiped out. I agree with that 100%. Though most games I play we capture the beacons to win. I didn’t even know you don’t get the full points on a total kill match.

The intent is that you cannot have negatives. I should have stated that. A score of less than 0 is treated as 0.