Sector Conquest Balancing

There are a couple things that can be improved for sector conquest.


  1. Each tier should have an increased amount of points towards a sector.

It is not fair for corporation to just play T2 and dominate the new players for conquest points.


2)Less points (however the percentage is determined for conquest) for a faction with more pilots.

This is debatable since more pilots doesn’t mean better but I think this should be looked at.





Let me guess, you’re mad because Dynamis is running away with the map? Let me put some things in perspective for you.


Dynamis has one of the largest and most active player bases. This largely due to continual recruitment and culling the ranks for inactive members. As such, there are few pilots who are inactive for more than 2 days.


Because of this, we also have one of the widest spreads as far as Tier level and equipment go. We play T2 because it is the most balanced (and least screwed up) and because most of our members have at least one T2 ship.


Stop trying to fix sector conquest by nerfing corporations that are working as intended, and start trying to fix the actual mechanics of the frakkin game mode so it stops acting like a cheap clone of arcade. Once that has been done THEN if there is still a problem we can start talking about nerfing corporations.

Stop trying to fix sector conquest by nerfing corporations that are working as intended, and start trying to fix the actual mechanics of the frakkin game mode so it stops acting like a cheap clone of arcade. Once that has been done THEN if there is still a problem we can start talking about nerfing corporations.


But it is a cheap clone of arcade.  The least they could have done was give it some special maps or restricted it to corporations only.

Let me guess, you’re mad because Dynamis is running away with the map? Let me put some things in perspective for you.


Your Perspective is F*%$ed up


Where was it said corps needed to be nerfed???


The problem is corps FARMING off of the T2 player base, which is mostly new players, so if you have the T3&T4 ships start using them.

I don’t want to hear about T3 being unbalanced or T4 for that matter cause its apparent you have not played them. 


Like I told your CEO “come up and play with the big boys” and quit zerging T2. I’m pretty sure you have been farming T1 also.


If you dont like what I’m saying come up to the higher tier’s and lets see what you got? I’m not impressed with what i’ve seen so far.

Edit: If I didn’t have anything nice to say, I shouldn’t have said anything at all.

I was wondering how they did it.

This last sector we had 2 squads almost playing for 12 hours straight

Didnt saw any of them on T3…

So they call pub stomping low levels t1/2 balance?

Edit: Let me geuss maxed out t2 ships with every blue and probably a purple here and there

Vs fresh meat who probably havent played more then a day

Sounds like easy mode for me, nice balance

Like I told your CEO “come up and play with the big boys” and quit zerging T2. I’m pretty sure you have been farming T1 also.


If you dont like what I’m saying come up to the higher tier’s and lets see what you got? I’m not impressed with what i’ve seen so far.


Funny, but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen several members of NASA, PULSE, and several other corporations in T2 on a regular basis. Clearly you have an issue with Dynamis not because we play in T2 matches, but because we are currently on the top of the leaderboards.


So what exactly is this “easy mode” I keep hearing about? And where is this “fresh meat” that has played fewer than 24 hours and can afford a Tier 2 ship? If players in Tier 2 are that bad, I ought to feel ashamed that I’ve lost 50% of the matches I’ve played in.


You accusations of Dynamis farming T1 are just speculation and vicious rumor. Unless you have screenshot proof of a squad in a T1 game, you are blowing hot air.


If it is wrong to fly a maxed out T2 ship with my corporation, what is my incentive to level up my sub-faction ranks? The game is working as intended. We use what we have unlocked. We play to have fun. We laugh, we fight, we die, we win, we lose. What is so wrong about that?


Oh, and as for playing with the “Big Boys” in T3? I’ve been there for awhile. And to use your words, “I’m not impressed with what I’ve seen so far.” Some of your members gave me a fine welcome by telling me to “go back to T2” after my random PUG team lost. Not sure where you find such wonderful and supportive members, though I think I can see where they inherit their sense of superiority.


Haters gonna hate.


P.S. If you think Dynamis playing in T2 is unfair because there is a lack of experienced players (to which I disagree), maybe you ought to come down here with your corporation and even out the playing field instead of whinging about it.

So what exactly is this “easy mode” I keep hearing about? And where is this “fresh meat” that has played fewer than 24 hours and can afford a Tier 2 ship? If players in Tier 2 are that bad, I ought to feel ashamed that I’ve lost 50% of the matches I’ve played in.


I know it is easy mode, after i helped some corpies out to grind fast to t3, cant remember i lost a t2 match

Mostly due the lack of expierence of players at t1/t2, it is COMMON to face t1 ships in t2.  With that said you should be ashamed anyway.

Get real and just face the fact your “farming” mostly new players.

I know it is easy mode, after i helped some corpies out to grind fast to t3, cant remember i lost a t2 match

Mostly due the lack of expierence of players at t1/t2, it is COMMON to face t1 ships in t2.  With that said you should be ashamed anyway.

Get real and just face the fact your “farming” mostly new players.


So if we’re really as 1337 as you all claim, with max synergy and mk. 3 and experimental modules; then the fact that we are getting put in matches against T2/T1 ships is a matchmaking problem. Which means it’s not our fault, but the developers fault for implimenting mixed tier matchmaking. Or at least for not having the algorythm fixed yet.


Here’s what I said earlier, “We play T2 because it is the most balanced (and least screwed up) and because most of our members have at least one T2 ship.” Everyone is focusing on the first part about balance because that is subjective and easy to argue when there is no “proof”. However, because of our continual booting of inactive players and recruiting of new blood, our average player level is (gasp!) Tier 2! Amazing how that works.


Some of you more stingy and rigid corporations may all have Tier 3 tech because you are elitists, but most of our players do not. Mostly because we are here to have fun, and as such are not very stingy with who we recruit.


And if our corporation, with it’s average tech level of Tier 2 is causing enough of a problem to warrant this much hate, I’ll take that as a compliment that we are taking average Tier 2 players and turning them into deadly killers.

There are a couple things that can be improved for sector conquest.


  1. Each tier should have an increased amount of points towards a sector.

It is not fair for corporation to just play T2 and dominate the new players for conquest points.


2)Less points (however the percentage is determined for conquest) for a faction with more pilots.

This is debatable since more pilots doesn’t mean better but I think this should be looked at.


  1. You want to scale Tier points just like reward bonuses? Fine. That part is the only slightly sensible part of this post. Though I still debate the whole “poor inexperienced T2 Bambi” bit. If they have reached T2, they know enough to be considered average at least, not Newbie.


  1. You want to punish corporations for having full and active rosters? Bollux. If this portion isn’t a suggestion to nerf the power of corporations (such as DYN), I need my glasses checked. This is clearly a push by smaller, elitist corporations who can’t stand the unwashed masses getting ahead in points. *For you American history nerds, this is the equivalent of the New Jersey plan of state representation; hating on the bigger states, such as Virginia.


^There’s your biased corporation nerf, TacticalWizard.


DYN Members: ~150 *member cap

Longest inactive time: 3 days


420 Members: ~146


ALPHA Members: ~120


PULSE Members: ~110


NASA Members: ~108   -That is 2/3 the size of DYN. [insert compensation joke here]


You really want to be supporting idea #2 nLx? Because 420 is sure to get the short end of the stick along with DYN and any other corporations that are near member cap.

First of all I didn’t said I support any of these idea’s.

All i can say they should take a look in matter of this


I was just wondering where ya’ll been hiding and how you guys capted so many sectors, since I didnt saw like big groups of any of you guys and we mostly roll you on t3.

Now that I know it is just you guys playing “balanced” t2 mode.


And about our numbers, dont worry we got like ppl inactive for 11 days(Yeah maybe we should clean house).

People come and go. And we are not that kind of corp to kick ppl because they cant play for 20 hours a week or w/e.

Also i want to state that we are not SUPER CERIAL like you guys going hardcore grind at t2


I’m still saying you guys play easy mode.

I bet you know it to.

I’m still saying you guys play easy mode.

I bet you know it to.


My claim that Tier 2 is the most balanced is completely subjective.


Your claim that Tier 2 is “easy mode” is completely subjective.


We’re not going to agree and we are not going to convice the other of our viewpoint because that particular debate is entirely dependent on our personal opinions.

Ok lets recap this.



There are a couple things that can be improved for sector conquest.


  1. Each tier should have an increased amount of points towards a sector.

It is not fair for corporation to just play T2 and dominate the new players for conquest points.


2)Less points (however the percentage is determined for conquest) for a faction with more pilots.

This is debatable since more pilots doesn’t mean better but I think this should be looked at.


Said by Mom, nothing here mentions anything about corp nerfs. Correct?


He is stating that a FACTION can have more pilots then another. Correct?


^There’s your biased corporation nerf, TacticalWizard.


DYN Members: ~150 *member cap

Longest inactive time: 3 days


420 Members: ~146


ALPHA Members: ~120


PULSE Members: ~110


NASA Members: ~108   -That is 2/3 the size of DYN. [insert compensation joke here]


You really want to be supporting idea #2 nLx? Because 420 is sure to get the short end of the stick along with DYN and any other corporations that are near member cap.


Ok now lets look at these numbers, roughly 404 pilots for Federation and if im correct about Alpha being Empire, that makes 228 pilots for Empire faction. NASA has more like 70 actives so that drops Empire pilots to around 190 pilots, just from those numbers you have. Your comparing 3 Fed corps to 2 Empire corps. See where I’m going with this?


Your size comments going to get you a heavy repair bill if we find you in-game. FYI


So to sum it up the OP or myself have said nothing about nerfing corps, the problem is that if a faction is out numbered yeah its going to have a hard time controlling sectors.


Ginga, ZED, and Nondairycreamer are the only DYN that i see at the T3 level on a regular basis. Hats off to them. 


Oh and SoldiersFortune lastnight lol we know how that ended. More to come!

  1. All corps were given the same set of rules/parameters for sector conquest.
  2. Given these rules, Dynamis has found the most effective method to score points and capture territories.
  3. Other corporations are upset that the most effective method does not match their preferred play-style. They view Dynamis’ method as “cheap” or “unfair”.
  4. Given the above, other corporations can:
  • Change their play-style to be more effective in order to compete with Dynamis.
  • Ask that Gaijin change to rules of Sector Conquest so that the most effective method to score points better matches their preferred play-style.


I find all the DYN hate to be highly unproductive. “You guys only win because you zerg T2 zomg!” Gaijin set up Sector Conquest that way, so that’s how we play. If you don’t like that that’s how you have to win at Sector Conquest, you should ask Gaijin to change to rules of Sector Conquest rather than disparaging Dynamis.

I for one am all for Dynamis having a presence at T3 but as it is a lot of our members don’t even have rank 6 ships yet much less geared T3 ships.


I don’t think the issue is desire to play T3 but rather just not enough players at that level yet to make it an enjoyable experience.  Pugging T3 usually doesn’t end well as we all know.  



Ok now lets look at these numbers, roughly 404 pilots for Federation and if im correct about Alpha being Empire, that makes 228 pilots for Empire faction. NASA has more like 70 actives so that drops Empire pilots to around 190 pilots, just from those numbers you have. Your comparing 3 Fed corps to 2 Empire corps. See where I’m going with this?


Are you complaining about your faction affiliation choice or the fact that maybe you haven’t been cleaning house as much as you should?  I understand being loyal to your members, and over here at Dyn we just ask for a warning before being away from the game for over 3 days (that’s not too much to ask is it?)   That being said if you want to be competitive and especially considering the number of players quitting recently, you have to remove people who have been offline for prolonged periods.

  1. Each tier should have an increased amount of points towards a sector.


Ever since PvP F, I thought that each tech level should have some kind of multiplier that increases the score the higher the tech level goes.

As stated by soldier i have met plenty of NASA,Pulse and other corps in T2 so im not really sure why you accuse us of farming.


And many of our members only have T2 ships (as stated by soldier as well)

Look this thing is just released and is the bare bones base of  which everything will be built on . We wont even remember this  in 3 months so there’s no point in arguing over this. They figured out the best  system to conquer territory first so enjoy it i say. I know I would and most of you all would too.



Oh and you have that active of a clan and most only have a tier 2? Do you guys have high turnover or something?

I may or may not of started a flame war…

anyways, what I’m personally trying to say is it isn’t quite fair when everyone stacks one faction. From what I can tell, sector conquest is like regular arcade. On average for 160 pts per a win and 80 for a loss. Now if this system is how it is in sector conquest doesn’t that sound unfair? Due to most players being on Federation, they can lose twice for every one win we get. Also, since everyone is still scrambled on the teams, when I’m in a full squad there is still most likely 4 or more Feds on my team. If I win so does the Feds on my team. That basically cancels out our win doesnt it? If we do lose that becomes atrocious doesn’t it? All I want is a way so that more players on a faction isn’t an instant win. My ideas aren’t perfect I know, I just want the devs to be aware and think of something to hopefully make it more “fair”.


Rethinking on all this, one positive step towards balance is no two opposion factions should be on the same team. Or, if two factions are attacking the other faction they can be on the same team. For example, Jeri + Fed are attacking Empire. Those two can be on the same team, but cannot be on Empire’s team.


To Dynamis,

You guys are a good if not great team. However, if ALL of your members are not inactive for more than three days then they can get to level six fairly quickly. Personally, I think I only had to put in two to three days to get from T1 to T3. In NASA, most of our members reached T3 fairly quickly aswell. I can’t see why DYN, the #1 ranked PVP corp can’t do the same?


@[ABlueParakeet](< base_url >/index.php?/user/240938-ablueparakeet/)

That is the point of my initial post. [SoldiersFortune](< base_url >/index.php?/user/240330-soldiersfortune/) just decided to bring his corporation into this. All I said was this is what I think should happen and he came along and claimed I’m angry at Dynamis.