Secret Project ship - the 10th slot choice

I am requesting and suggesting a following (optional) choice.


As we are able to build a Secret Project, a lot or at least majority of players requested, that we get more than 9 slots available for it.


For those, who already have the ship, nothing would change.

You can only add an additional option, so that you can upgrade the ship and that you don’t have to deconstruct it, unless if we get the Deconstructor device.


It’s simple.


The 10th slot is an exclusive feature of any Secret Project ship, but it also increases the costs of needed resources by a certain percentage, which means higher overall resource costs.

You can also construct a Secret Project with 9 slots, but what matters is that some people who want 10 of them, should get the 10th slot. I think that it should be an optional choice for everyone.

Do not forget, that it is essential, that we also get [customizable synergy ranks](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27038-complete-control-of-secret-project-ship-customizable-synergy-ranks/?p=320864).



I have created a public vote poll.

Leave your comments here and don’t forget to vote!






Reserved, for any additional expansion.

Actually it would give the Secret Projects a bigger advantage compared to the normal ones and would make T5,5 ships to T6.

That would break the balance at some point, because not everybody wants to grind, not even for a 10th passive slot.

Actually it would give the Secret Projects a bigger advantage compared to the normal ones and would make T5,5 ships to T6.

That would break the balance at some point, because not everybody wants to grind, not even for a 10th passive slot.

I do not care, if they get all moved up to T6, because of it. Imagine that we fight only in Secret Project ships, especially when they will be all out.

It could be a special mode and very interesting, who knows.

In such case, we might also need rank 16-18 Implants/Crews.

I do not care, if they get all moved up to T6, because of it. Imagine that we fight only in Secret Project ships, especially when they will be all out.

We doesn’t include random pub players.

If they give us a T6, then this ships could even have 12, but they won’t do it. At least not soon.

I’ve been speculating/hoping that T6 would be a secret-project-only tier, once all Secret Projects (including secondary specialties) are released.


You would need to have four Secret Project ships in your lineup to queue for it, otherwise it would place you in T5 queue.


This would be end-end-endgame content, but as more vets have something to do and something to grind towards, it would be a good place to bring the vets looking to fight opponents of equally high caliber.
Disassembly would have to be massively buffed to support this, though. Currently it takes about a month and a half to regrind materials lost through disassembly…

I am on the fence on this one, although I lean more towards supporting this idea.

As Omega brought up, it could create some imbalance, but I feel like there are ways of compensating for that. Increasing the grind is only a partial fix, as it would only make it harder to get the 10th slot, but the imbalance would still occur in the actual games. I feel like if players opt for 10 slots, some kind of drawback would have to be added in actual combat so that it would balance it. 


Not really sure though…

Heh, there will be no games in that ‘tier’

Yes, because 99,9% of the game population is not interested to spend loads of resources in a ship that they can not even use because it’s tier isn’t even being played.

That 0,1% is Koromac. :slight_smile:

Sorry, Koro. But this is a terrible idea.

We already struggle to populate 5 tiers. We do not need a 6th. As it stands, the secret ships are already super powerful by virtue of completely custom slot layouts. Anything more would make them completely OP.

I’m sorry, but I cannot support this idea.

Heh, there will be no games in that ‘tier’



Yes, because 99,9% of the game population is not interested to spend loads of resources in a ship that they can not even use because it’s tier isn’t even being played.

That 0,1% is Koromac. :slight_smile:



Sorry, Koro. But this is a terrible idea.

We already struggle to populate 5 tiers. We do not need a 6th. As it stands, the secret ships are already super powerful by virtue of completely custom slot layouts. Anything more would make them completely OP.

I’m sorry, but I cannot support this idea.

Cool about having an even greater ship, but this 3 guys have the reason. Its not viable at all in the current situation of SC.

It’s always good to get feedback.

We can scrap this idea for now, but what we really need, is [fully customizable synergy ranks](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27038-complete-control-of-secret-project-ship-customizable-synergy-ranks/?p=320864) and Deconstructor - Disassembly device.

Support that instead.

It’s always good to get feedback.

We can scrap this idea for now, but what we really need, is [fully customizable synergy ranks](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27038-complete-control-of-secret-project-ship-customizable-synergy-ranks/?p=320864) and Deconstructor - Disassembly device.

Support that instead.

this isnt USA, dont tell me what to support.

this isnt USA, dont tell me what to support.

Sorry. I meant to say, review.


Good day!