Second project ‘Ellydium’ (Discussion)


I can’t wait for the new fighter weapon! Also, it’s nice that we now can get living crystals by killing stuff in OS. 

Good job devs, these last patches are really good. Keep up the good work! 

Okey as far as I can see, we have 6 different rewards.

But only 4 different class of ships.

I guess we will have one weapon for each classes (destroyers included), and the final reward will be r14 blueprint for destroyers.

And maybe… A multipurpose mod like A1M1?

Need to test those task in Coop. It sucked so hard in PvP to do the first stage missions.

If this turn out to be the same BS as the first phase I’m out. Not wasting my time with teams or yolo moves.

Need to test those task in Coop. It sucked so hard in PvP to do the first stage missions.

If this turn out to be the same BS as the first phase I’m out. Not wasting my time with teams or yolo moves.

I think you have to do them in pvp, but these one are easy to do, and there’s no destroyer spam this time. Battles are pretty balanced. The only thing you need to do is craft the unpronounceable weapon and use it.  

Need to test those task in Coop. It sucked so hard in PvP to do the first stage missions.

If this turn out to be the same BS as the first phase I’m out. Not wasting my time with teams or yolo moves.

you can always you know  - squad up with your good playing friends, go on TS, communicate and have fun :slight_smile:

I like this mission set more than the first one.

Even though you can’t complete it in co-op, there is no pressure. You’re fine even if it takes 6 PVP matches.

Having to use the special ammo in PVP, you often got only one shot at completing it for that day. Had alot of complaints about that under fellow wingmen in my corperation. Please don’t do that type of mission again.


Keep the good patches coming devs.

I think you have to do them in pvp, but these one are easy to do, and there’s no destroyer spam this time. Battles are pretty balanced. The only thing you need to do is craft the unpronounceable weapon and use it.

The destroyerspam was the lowest problem for me. You know why? Only 2 times I encountered one. That was good for the mission and the battles weren’t so unbalanced as the rest I faced.

But with this again I think you will have again those that either yolo or really focus on frigates for the sake to kill them.

I wouldn’t call Dag+t+nith as a unpronounceable name.

What is one of the main problems is, that you are again forced to a specific mod to finish these missions. Oh and that you need the bp + enough crystals to even build one weapon to use them.

Need to test those task in Coop. It sucked so hard in PvP to do the first stage missions.

If this turn out to be the same BS as the first phase I’m out. Not wasting my time with teams or yolo moves.


If you are trying to play Star Conflict without ever doing pvp then you might as well stop playing tbh.

I have 47 live crystals, so I can either build a mid-rank Dag’tnith now, or a top-rank one in a couple of days time.


Would you recommend getting the mid-rank one now, so I can do all the missions, or wait a couple of days, so I can get the best weapon?


(In other words, how bad would it be to miss two days worth of ‘Alient Weapon Developmnt’ rewards?  Is it a minor inconvenience, or would it mean being unable to get something important later?)

If you are trying to play Star Conflict without ever doing pvp then you might as well stop playing tbh.


I think his point is that you should keep all options open. Yes, there are pilots that will only pve. It would be nice if all missions were optional for pvp and pve.

If you are trying to play Star Conflict without ever doing pvp then you might as well stop playing tbh.

That what i was about to say … why be wrong about a game content ?

Btw nice patch dev’s keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

If you are trying to play Star Conflict without ever doing pvp then you might as well stop playing tbh.

You would be so idiotic to join beacon hunt with a frigate/destroyer eh?

You would be so idiotic to join beacon hunt with a frigate/destroyer eh?


What on earth are you on about? How is this question in the slightest related to the discussion?


To answer your question, however random it is, yes, I would fly beacon hunt in a frigate: a federation engy or guard. And no, I’m not idiotic, although I’m starting to wonder about you to be honest…

What on earth are you on about? How is this question in the slightest related to the discussion?

To answer your question, however random it is, yes, I would fly beacon hunt in a frigate: a federation engy or guard. And no, I’m not idiotic, although I’m starting to wonder about you to be honest…

If you don’t see the big picture I will explain it: Just for the sake of your own mission you would put your team at a disadvantage?

You don’t know which mode you get in PvP and what your opponents will use.

So do you want to be in queue for multiple matches(aka wasting time) or do you yolo into enemies just to get your own objective done?

In Coop you can at least be with corpmates/friends to compensate for you or just ignoring a lose. But you aren’t a burden for randoms thrown into your team.

If you don’t see the big picture I will explain it: Just for the sake of your own mission you would put your team at a disadvantage?

You don’t know which mode you get in PvP and what your opponents will use.

So do you want to be in queue for multiple matches(aka wasting time) or do you yolo into enemies just to get your own objective done?

In Coop you can at least be with corpmates/friends to compensate for you or just ignoring a lose. But you aren’t a burden for randoms thrown into your team.

Most of the time I yolo with my frigate/destroyer, complete my objective and then use the most appropriate ship to win the battle. And it works most of the time, so I don’t see the problem. 

If you don’t see the big picture I will explain it: Just for the sake of your own mission you would put your team at a disadvantage?

You don’t know which mode you get in PvP and what your opponents will use.

So do you want to be in queue for multiple matches(aka wasting time) or do you yolo into enemies just to get your own objective done?

In Coop you can at least be with corpmates/friends to compensate for you or just ignoring a lose. But you aren’t a burden for randoms thrown into your team.


Most of the time I yolo with my frigate/destroyer, complete my objective and then use the most appropriate ship to win the battle. And it works most of the time, so I don’t see the problem. 




Also, I don’t mind not completing my mission first time, so I’ll wait for an appropriate gamemode if need be. My main objective is to have fun in PVP and win as much as I can.

Some guys are strange. Give me your teams allowing this.

Some guys are strange. Give me your teams allowing this.



I don’t understand

I wonder how the new weapon will be named: Uwo’tmeit launcher?And it probably will invert your ship controls,SA ping will have a brother now.These missions are pretty interesting,now I can dust off my fed guards,but using Dag’tnith on Monolith is a nightmare,hopefully I will have more luck tomorrow.

And now we know why you made The ‘Leviathan’ accessible from the stations,so the n00bs wont struggle to find them or to fly all the way there,good for them but it can get crowded,now that you extended the safe area it will be just plain farming,at least something everyone can get done without complaining(too much)…