Second inter-corporate championship! (Discussion)


But you did it in the right time.



Good point about UTC 0 (and about countries time and utc), agree. About conversation with Omega, we discussed with him the European time and the difference between EU (Omega from Germany) and MSK time (cause it was changed last night). 


Yes we was there in time but the battle didn’t started in time, so one of our pilot had to leave before the battle started. Our reserve pilot had technical issue (randomly 11fps) so we had do change player after the first round as well.

A don’t like to complain about the result, WPK fight well and they totally deserved the wins, but the organisation was same bad as all the previous tournaments.

I’m very confused about all this


Not about what happened to the WPK team, but about what I was told by Doomb0t.


I also had some stupid coordination issue (huge surprise there) and when I was trying to get it fixed I was told that FDEF was the only team that ran into this kind of issue.  In fact it was made very clear to me that WPK specifically didn’t have these issues, and that my whole issue was my fault and not theirs.  I’m reading this now and I’m just curious…what were you trying to tell me about WPK not running into any kind of problems due to the coordinators?  My problem with all of this is not that complications came up - that’s bound to happen - but that the blame was always pushed off to someone else, and that nothing was really done to fix it.  


So please, for the future, maybe own up to your mistakes, and work to fix them instead of pretending like you didn’t do anything wrong.





I’m very confused about all this


Not about what happened to the WPK team, but about what I was told by Doomb0t.


I also had some stupid coordination issue (huge surprise there) and when I was trying to get it fixed I was told that FDEF was the only team that ran into this kind of issue.  In fact it was made very clear to me that WPK specifically didn’t have these issues, and that my whole issue was my fault and not theirs.  I’m reading this now and I’m just curious…what were you trying to tell me about WPK not running into any kind of problems due to the coordinators?  My problem with all of this is not that complications came up - that’s bound to happen - but that the blame was always pushed off to someone else, and that nothing was really done to fix it.  


So please, for the future, maybe own up to your mistakes, and work to fix them instead of pretending like you didn’t do anything wrong.





Did WPK come to the tournament with unregistered team members? Did they refuse to play against someone? Don’t remember it. Sorry but issues with WPK and FDEF are on completely different levels.

Btw, i don’t deny problems with curators, current system has serious drawbacks and we will fix them.

Ello all,Been AFK a bit and sry for that.I know you all missed me,but back at it again.Got back in time to help with a bit of streaming with this tournament and had some good fun.And let’s be honest,anytime you do something like this that involves a good amount of people,time zones and let not forget the langues.And a host of others things that go into this stuff.Mistakes and misunderstandings will happen,Trust me,i know.You can not plan for everything.I learned fast after the first one i helped plan.So let’s bring back on topic,There was hella good fighting from a few people,and some good fun…just saying…

do u have all matches recorded somewhere online? and especially after the quarterfinals

do u have all matches recorded somewhere online? and especially after the quarterfinals


There are also Russian videos, but you’d need to look for them yourself, they’re somewhere on these two channels:



Anyway, gg’s. Still had fun participating, despite all those… problems.

Did WPK come to the tournament with unregistered team members? Did they refuse to play against someone? Don’t remember it. Sorry but issues with WPK and FDEF are on completely different levels.

Btw, i don’t deny problems with curators, current system has serious drawbacks and we will fix them.

I’m sorry, but  WHAT?!  How is any of this in any way the fault of the players?

It is the responsibility of the Tournament Organizers to properly establish clear communications and then communicate clearly with the teams. The teams expect to show at pre-arranged times. If they’re posted in public news, then those are the times you use. If they aren’t, then make them available there and don’t deviate.


This is not the response you should be providing, it shows a very clear failure on the management’s part to run things properly and effectively. Own up to the mistake, don’t blame it on your players unless you want to lose their business.


I acknowledge that you are owning up to some of the faults, but seriously. You can do better.

TerraLuX(idk if everyone coz none is online expcept me) only got 6300GS instead of the 10500GS for reaching the Quarterfinals(4200GS less)

TerraLuX(idk if everyone coz none is online expcept me) only got 6300GS instead of the 10500GS for reaching the Quarterfinals(4200GS less)

Thanks. Fixed.

Thanks. Fixed.


so to cooridnate things maybe make the times in relation to a fixed object in the game like the Dreadnought battles,   IE   an hour before Jerhico dreads   or right after jerhico dreads

    this is a fixed point that players can adjust their times to,   or set the in game clock to the same time for everybody GMT   then the playere can mentally adjust it themselfs