Scouts in Stripped Deposits

This is a Rank 1 Sector, right outside Mendes IX, and yet the Scout spawns are more dangerous than most Hunter spawns in Rank 7 sectors!


These things have enough health that they can survive two T5 Mk IV pulsars, and they fly in packs of four, giving them enough firepower to cripple or kill a T5 Guard.


By contrast, most Biomorph squads fly in packs of two or three and can be killed and a single high-tier Pulsar will cripple them. Two is a guaranteed kill.


Combined with the map design that ensures the Scouts will attack anyone who doesn’t take a 50,000m detour around the very edge of the map (and even then you aren’t guaranteed to be safe), this enemy spawning is FAR too strong for a Rank 1 sector. Most T4 ships can’t survive this - why are you claiming this sector is suitable for T1 ships?


Edit: As if to prove a point, I found it easier to handle five or six enemies at once in Threshold (Rank 10 Sector), one of which was a HUNTER, than it is to handle four Scouts in a Rank 1 Sector.


Stripped Deposits should be rebalanced, urgently.


I can handle these groups in a T3 Styx (Blasters / Drones), just stack EM resists and your good to go.

I agree that scouts how they are in stripped deposits need some work (since they are much stronger than cybers there), so they could get weakened or replaced with biomorphs.

However i disagree in many points you call:

  1. If those scout packs kill your T5 guard, you must really suck or have a very bad ship build, sry but its true xD. Those ships cant dodge much and are not that tanky for a T5 ship.
  2. Scouts have a radar range of about 3km, so its very easy to avoid their agro, even with a slow ship. Also they are really slow (no idea why they are called scouts if they have low sensor range and low speed).
  3. If you do well, you can take out scouts with T3 ships. Also you can rely on friendly NPCs to draw their fire and do your thingie.

BTW, hostile NPCs from R10 sectors (pirates, cybers and cartel) are very weak and offer bad rewards from loot, wich makes T4 dread sectors only worthy to go if you have a daily mission there. Aliens can be much more dangerous in R7 sectors.

I’ve taken the scouts there in a Teir 2 ship… dunno what you’re doing.

Scouts are waaay to strong: I can take out 6 hunters and even a predator but a pack of scouts and I’m dead.


Please nerf scouts, it’s really needed and nerf predator too (agro + guided balls of doom), biomorphs and hunters are ok

I agree. Scouts should not be more dangerous than Hunters. Since Scouts usually travel in a group of 4 ships, they are difficult to handle, if you do not have T5 ship and a Tackler.

I think that you should only reduce durability (shield/hull/resistance) of a Scout, without affecting his weapons, like fire rate, damage, projectile speed, etc.

ok then tell me why i die on 1 lvl spot useing 15 lvl ship and before update i kill everything on 10 lvl spot and only shield sometine go down mauybe someone repair this because now game is not for me

ok then tell me why i die on 1 lvl spot useing 15 lvl ship and before update i kill everything on 10 lvl spot and only shield sometine go down mauybe someone repair this because now game is not for me

T5 ships will not grant you immortality, if you do not know, how to use it and where.