SC Leagues: Rewards (Discussion)

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I am sorry to say, but I am not being moved by rewards.

Besides, my vouchers are stuck at 6M, so 200k for each faction is practically nothing, since that cap will erase them.

100 monos - meh… Only good enough to upgrade 1 T5 - rank 13 weapon.

3000 GS - only decent reward worth getting.

I am sorry to say, but I am not being moved by rewards.

Besides, my vouchers are stuck at 6M, so 200k for each faction is practically nothing, since that cap will erase them.

100 monos - meh… Only good enough to upgrade 1 T5 - rank 13 weapon.

3000 GS - only decent reward worth getting.


What about titles? Everybody loves titles!

What about titles? Everybody loves titles!

ESB and me do not care. We care about teamwork and good gameplay against good opponents. xD

Title is nothing more than egoistic mark on an individual. It means nothing at all. xD

If you want to keep me interested, Secret Projects ship parts, like 5 in each category would be enough to keep me going, btw. :wink:

Title is nothing more than egoistic mark on an individual. It means nothing at all. xD

So, why did you ask me about a special title after ICC? xDD

So, why did you ask me about a special title after ICC? xDD

Because I knew that I won’t get it anyway. xD

Titled are good and GS is always welcome. And I love the mono reward!! A step in the right direction :slight_smile:

I like the rewards, but still not enough to force myself to play the same gamemode again and again in 4v4.
Give us enjoyable games, and we’ll fight for the glory without require any rewards.

Also I have some friends who only has T3 and a few T4 ships. I wanna play with them but… you know no squad in pvp.
But don’t worry in BF4 we was able to squad up, and that is a nice practice before the StarCitizen space marines comes out :wink:

But the rewards are good and tasty! +1 for them

Also given away:

10 000 000 000 credits

A free destroyer

A personal thank you note from the president of space

A grilled cheese sandwich

What I’m really wanting is the 100 Monos and the ship skin. I’m a fan of unique looking skins for unique looking ships. Only problem I see is having to grind though endless 4v4 one-sided battles that are hosted in the most painful gamemode I know of. I genuinely despise the gamemode and League layout. The only thing that would make me play them is potential rewards and exclusive material. Even then, with how impossible it is to beat some of the teams out there, the feat seems more of a task than fun.

Also given away:

10 000 000 000 credits

A free destroyer

A personal thank you note from the president of space

A grilled cheese sandwich

Hmm. I like it. Especially the sandwich.

OMG people seriously you’re doing it wrong!


How can you even consider grilled cheese sandwich a reward?!!                                                                          


 …not 'nough meat ;( 

OMG people seriously you’re doing it wrong!


How can you even consider grilled cheese sandwich a reward?!!                                                                          


 …not 'nough meat ;( 

get our team ready!

OMG people seriously you’re doing it wrong!


How can you even consider grilled cheese sandwich a reward?!!                                                                          


 …not 'nough meat ;( 

Which food do you prefer as a reward?

Which food do you prefer as a reward?

Steak au poivre :slight_smile: and don’t forget the red wine^^ 

get our team ready!

I know I know 

I’ve had insane insomnia lately, been sleeping the hours League battle has been up - but that doesn’t stop U from playing! :smiley: Remember, its a 4v4 and anyone in the team can make a squad and lauch for the thing. 

Steak au poivre :slight_smile: and don’t forget the red wine^^ 

Ok. Would pinot noir be good for the first place in the top?

Ok. Would pinot noir be good for the first place in the top?

I usually go cabernet sauvignon but… 

Might be good to step outside the comfy-zone once in a while eh? 


TEAM Owlicious! There’s my favorite dish up there, you know what that means? 

Doom these games should be made 6 vs 6 or 8 vs 8… Batttles are 2 small imo.