SC Leagues: Rewards (Discussion)

Doom these games should be made 6 vs 6 or 8 vs 8… Batttles are 2 small imo.

Look here :slight_smile:


Information from a developer blog

We are planning to expand team rosters to 10 pilots, including substitutes. The main difference between Leagues will be the number of pilots in combat wings: for the First League their number will be increased



Which food do you prefer as a reward?

I dunno… BACON maybe? :stuck_out_tongue:

Leagues should be team battle/combat reacon mode not beacon match because of reacon/cruise engine tackler spamm

I kinda agree with u nightmare, CTB mode is doomed to be all recon spam, cruise tacklers… on the other hand, dont think combat recon would be any better, it would be even more monotone, and team battle we already have coz of weekend tournys (t3s yes but still)

We should have only 1-2 modes. TDM or Combat Recon with the Option that someone can pick up Captain’s artifact!

I think a system where one of the teams chooses a game-mode would be nice. Perhaps the team which is lowest placed in the ranking gets the choice, unless it is a rematch in the same session, in which case choice of gamemode switches each time. This would mean the team has to be prepared for all possibilities, like in regular PVP.


Other than this, maybe a game-mode switch every day?


But one of the fundamental problems is that recons are superior in 2/3 of the gamemodes, be it in Leagues or in regular PVP. 700 m/s spectre falcon in detonation, jarls and beserkers in any beacon game… Only team battle and combat recon are safe from recon spam, and that means camping is another possibly annoying strategy. I see no solution but to nerf recons (for example no capping within a minute after warping or reduced capture speed or something).

I kinda agree with u nightmare, CTB mode is doomed to be all recon spam, cruise tacklers… on the other hand, dont think combat recon would be any better, it would be even more monotone, and team battle we already have coz of weekend tournys (t3s yes but still)

but in those 2 modes you can choose to play any ship you want and not just speed ships,and if it’s combat recon mode the captain should not have invincibility there because it is supposed to be for “veterans”.

even if team battle is in t3 tourney it’s still fun to play in squad of 4 in leagues :wink:

OMG people seriously you’re doing it wrong!


How can you even consider grilled cheese sandwich a reward?!!                                                                          


 …not 'nough meat ;( 

you’ve clearly never had the god of grilled chese.


you’ve clearly never had the god of grilled chese.


I want one. Now. For breakfast XD

you’ve clearly never had the god of grilled chese.


I remember this, it’s GLORIOUS.

I like the rewards, but still not enough to force myself to play the same gamemode again and again in 4v4.

Give us enjoyable games, and we’ll fight for the glory without require any rewards.

Also I have some friends who only has T3 and a few T4 ships. I wanna play with them but… you know no squad in pvp.

But don’t worry in BF4 we was able to squad up, and that is a nice practice before the StarCitizen space marines comes out :wink:

But the rewards are good and tasty! +1 for them

I wanna play with you too gizmo no worries im grinding for t5 ships we will be united again soon…

He is on “pause”, meanwhile you could join the t5 pvp madness sometimes we still made. Hurry up, i want to kick your garlic. :stuck_out_tongue:

Challenge? Brawl or hate …just fun ?  maybe a bit love?   i dont know what you meaning but you can find all from me but you must wait till i get a better ping…