"Salvage all" Button

Pls, we need this button, is so boring to salvage piece by piece…


like this:


+1, this would be a nice improvement for quality of life.

yes, good suggestion!



+1, Please no more constant clicks of upgrade kits :00555:









Makes sense.

Now I don’t have to post this anymore.

Still, Store itself needs a bit more refinement.



It definitely makes sence. We tried to implement it with Sell All button, but it’s much heavier loads during salvaging many items, so we decided to come back with it later. 

It definitely makes sence. We tried to implement it with Sell All button, but it’s much heavier loads during salvaging many items, so we decided to come back with it later. 


How about just starting with salvage 5 or 10 to test it out in the next patch?

Manual select-salvage is better then auto, sometimes u may want to keep a upgrade kit lol

Manual select-salvage is better then auto, sometimes u may want to keep a upgrade kit lol


In that case how about an option in PVP/PVE to salvage a green loot on the spot instead of going into your warehouse? You can already do it with purple, shouldn’t be a problem with green ones.

salvage all for upgrade kits makes sense, but often the filters might include stuff you dont want to salvage in other circumstances


adding multiselect to the ui-controls on the other hand might be a lot of work, but multi select lists would ease up designing that part of the ui greatly.


adding amount select to salvage like in selling would also be a great idea.


generally however salvage all was what i hoped for as “sell all” was announced.


i can see merit in making this even more user friendly than one button, but i would go for more item gameplay for open space, which i would extend or redesign to have more of that, and take the ui item system into that project, because for the system in place atm. I think the simple salvage all button would be enough, so definitely +1.