Roster ship emblems

On the ship selection screen (after triangulation, before battle), the player roster showing ship role emblems would be more informative than the miniature ship silhouettes.


Agreed. I can’t scan the silhouettes of my teammate’s ships without mousing over them to see what roles they are flying. And by that point, the match has already started.


It would help a ton if we saw role symbols instead, and then when we moused over, we could see the specific ship type.

It’s an interesting suggestion.

Thank you.

On the ship selection screen (after triangulation, before battle), the player roster showing ship role emblems would be more informative than the miniature ship silhouettes.

It’s been requested, before. At, iirc, 0.7.9… We’re still waiting.

It’s been requested, before. At, iirc, 0.7.9… We’re still waiting.


Hey, we were requesting better HUD options for two several months and we got… something. I mean, we didn’t get the black and green option, but it’s still better than it was. Right?

I think the reticle took five months.

Hey, we were requesting better HUD options for two several months and we got… something. I mean, we didn’t get the black and green option, but it’s still better than it was. Right?

We’ve been asking for most HUD improvements and ship customization options since I can remember (March, if not before). And they’ve only been applied in, what? September?

[…] but it’s still better than it was. Right?

Nope. I can’t see anything at the upper and lower parts of the targeting display. Targeted ships arrows, visible ships arrows, beacon markers, bomb markers etc. are just too damn far across the monitor around that HUMONGOUS circle. To know where everything lies i have to be at the edge of the arena…

Ok, ok. Relax guys. I was being sarcastic.


Yeah, it’s still not great. But here’s hoping this new suggestion will be implemented swiftly before the New Year.