Ronin energy problems

I made the Ronin SP Guard today and it has the energy regen of a potato. I need two regen boosters just to be stable. Can we get a little boost on this? :3

How much regen do you have, my fully upgrade rank 15 Inquisitor S regen is 215en/s and afterburner use 205en/s

It has 180pt/s regen without any boosters. 270pt/s afterb use.

It’s a damn brick in space, if you want to be energy stable put passive on it.

It’s a damn brick in space, if you want to be energy stable put passive on it.


Ahem, more then a brick it looks totally like a d…k

strap a Caltrop to either side…

Maybe you need to max synergy for the extra regeneration :slight_smile:

almost there. one level. ^^

Use the 7c implant. the enemy will power you.

I do. But when I’m hauling in to battle I run out super fast.

True. Well, make sure you’re not running any modules on the journey, and keep the energy within the middle-bar area, and stop before it hits the red. The Energy will recharge without slowing down that way. 

If you let the energy go above the blue bar, or below, it’ll slow down the energy regeneration speed. 

In short, you should be able to keep up the boosting for a good few seconds before you recharge fairly quickly back to the top of the blue bar, then you can boost again. 

It shouldn’t effect you too much in terms of getting from beacon to beacon.

totally like a d…k

You’re seeing some weird d…s my friend

Ahem, more then a brick it looks totally like a d…k

You’re seeing some weird d…s my friend



Yeah my Octopus has no cap slots so I used the energy from damage implant. Even a crapdps ship will power you :slight_smile: