Roll back the Synergy requirements and Ranks.

This is a good post, and it plays along with gripe of the new system. [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20688-fix-tiers/)


However its about a completely different aspect.


My gripe with the new system is not only the link above, but also the fact that ships now require synergy to use the next ship. I honestly would not mind this, IF, you they did not have tacklers, ECMs, commands, etc. thrown randomly and haphazardly into the tech tree.


I like to play certain ships. Some I don’t. Some I’m better with, others I’m not. However with the new system I’m forced to grind ship classes I’m either terrible with, or don’t want to play.


It used to be, I could rank up in the ranks while playing only my ECM ships if I so desired, or run just my Tier 2 Covert Ops, ECM, and Frigate. I could rank up my jericho Rank, unlock the next tiers using the ships I wan’t, and be A-OK to move on.


Now I’d still have to buy the next ship, but honestly, I can get over that, whatever its cool. But now I’m being forced to play ships I don’t want to play, and forced to grind the synergy on them…


Its all together a bad mechanic. It was golden before imo. It allowed the player to play how they want, and the play the class they want, without forcing them to grind un-wanted ships. It was fun, rewarding, and still took time. Forcing them to buy the next ship still, kept it fair to everyone. So that was fine as well.

bad news from steam I’m afraid …and i quote “We do not plan to change synergy-based leveling [sic] system” 

So they have two options now; make the crap ships worth using (they won’t), or work around a playerbase who have no desire to progress in the game and, thus, no desire to give them money.

If you can’t tell they’re trying to turn this into a World of Space Tanks copying everything from a ship tree with synergy requirements to progress, to the paid synergy transfer system.  Even locking weapon types to certain classes forcing them into a predetermined niche role.  

bad news from steam I’m afraid …and i quote “We do not plan to change synergy-based leveling [sic] system” 


Unfortunately the devs are gonna have to get over it. Or they’ll find they have no players.

Unfortunately the devs are gonna have to get over it. Or they’ll find they have no players.


Let’s hope so LadyAthena. I’m with you. I’ll wait it out until next patch, but reading through the 30 some pages of the 0.9 patch discussion, the Dev’s don’t even want to address it right now. They will certainly lose me as a player if they don’t fix that one aspect of it. Nothing was wrong with the old system. It was perfect. It allowed experimentation at your own pace. Now you’re stuck with ships you don’t want or spend real money to skip it. Well guess what Dev’s, I already bought your Elite pack under different pretenses. So now I can’t really use my premium ships anymore as they are basically useless, and all that Gold Standard I use for looting, I would now have to spend on getting Synergy for the next ship. You really put a lot of players in a bad spot Dev’s. I know you see my posts throughout the forum…please don’t ignore, as it is quite apparent I am not a singular voice.

well said LadyAthena and Chino

I’ve got mixed feelings about the new synergy system,  but I will agree with the OP’s point in that forcing players to play certain ships to unlock the next one is a bit harsh.  Especially because (let’s face it) Star Conflict can be a bit grindy, taking a very long time to unlock the ship you want.  

Case in point, I want to unlock a Jericho Tackler, and I have the money to buy it, but before I can even get there I have to play with and level up a Jericho Long Range missle cruiser.  For me this is a problem because I think the long range ships (especially in the higher tiers) are drastically underpowered.  So I’m basically grinding game after game with a ship that I don’t like, and my rating suffers because of it. 

Now, one some levels is it cool that the game is forcing you to be adaptive and introduce a variety of play styles? Yes, but it’s a mixed blessing.  Forcing players into niche roles makes sense for larger games, but in smaller games the person with the dominant weapon type can handily win without much skill. 

I’ve got mixed feelings about the new synergy system,  but I will agree with the OP’s point in that forcing players to play certain ships to unlock the next one is a bit harsh.  Especially because (let’s face it) Star Conflict can be a bit grindy, taking a very long time to unlock the ship you want.  

Case in point, I want to unlock a Jericho Tackler, and I have the money to buy it, but before I can even get there I have to play with and level up a Jericho Long Range missle cruiser.  For me this is a problem because I think the long range ships (especially in the higher tiers) are drastically underpowered.  So I’m basically grinding game after game with a ship that I don’t like, and my rating suffers because of it. 

Now, one some levels is it cool that the game is forcing you to be adaptive and introduce a variety of play styles? Yes, but it’s a mixed blessing.  Forcing players into niche roles makes sense for larger games, but in smaller games the person with the dominant weapon type can handily win without much skill. 


And thats not even pointing out the fact that they literally slapped every person in the face who bought those packs on steam. Those packs had gold ships in them, ships which are now utterly and completely useless. You cannot advance in the game with them what so ever.


Even with their special that they never have to be repaired, you can’t even farm credits on them like other games, as taking a normal ship into PvE will still net you just as much credits or more, plus the synergy to unlock the next ship…


Only time a gold ship would be nice is after you’ve already grinded the entire tier and have the credits you want. Which by then… whats the point? Pretty much just flying a few games for fun in ur rarely used gold ship, until you decide to start grinding those higher tiers for synergy again…

Dear devs, this is a diagram of what you have essentially done with the synergy system in this patch




I like your game, I won’t to continue playing, I really do, please stop this.