RIP Star Conflict



2 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

Everything is working as intended. 


This is where they put your extra resources. 

Hmm delicious pain! God i love that game…

Question/Gamble: Will be the “1.4.3 patch discussion” opened? ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 


As a grinder, i must say it’s vacation time ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

6 minutes ago, blurcak said:

Question/Gamble: Will be the “1.4.3 patch discussion” opened?

If they read opinions they rather won’t. If not, tomorrow.

1 minute ago, OmegaFighter said:

If they read opinions they rather won’t. If not, tomorrow.

If they are smart and visiting the forum, they deff wont.

3 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

If they are smart and visiting the forum, they deff wont.

No, they will as usual. 

But as usual, they’ll close it after not even a week saying something like : Thanks for your report, see you next patch. 

1 minute ago, Swifter43021 said:

…see you next patch. 

And they aren’t wrong ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Im gonna sleep over it and wake up to 1.4.3.b or something tmrw hopefully…

We all hope that.


May you rust in pieces, Star Conflict.

Still gonna freaking log in an hour everyday till OS rework. Shame on me…ohh wait, no, all my loot get destroyed. I feel flattered, all those goodies shown to me but unobtainable.

Surely they don’t do this for everyone.

At least what, 150hrs (50hrs if you get “only the required” stuff from the crate and 10 of each, battle after battle) to get a cabin for the newest and smallest ship type in the game. Then even more resources required than a t5 destroyer ,special project and Thar’Ga reunited. Exaggerating a bit there.

Ok i’ll trade, right… Most of the stuff nobody wants, there’s close to no buyer on English trade, unless it’s one of those 10 rare items. So i’ll sit in my hangar look at the trade tab all day to see the same offers over and over. No thanks, Anyway i won’t take part in the current trade system so i can give to ability to someone who finally got his  r8 DD, to  craft a coilgun requiring like 100 mono and 50 neo plates for a r9 weapon, and then rip him off a little more so he can craft his, idk, pyro emmiter. All of this because he wasn’t there that day, that week, that month when the item rotation wheel, stopped on those required bp’s.

Sadly, again with this patch(1.4.3), 1 step forward, 2 step backward.

I like the Vulcan canon and the new dynamical PvE though.

I was so looking forward to this update. I even did public test server which I avoid. Little could I have known that this update would be the worst thing that has happened to this community since I started in June of 2014.

Placing the cap on items is not only strange it renders the following features useless to all but the newest players. License - now worthless. Daily bonus containers - here’s what you won know watch it burn in a red text box. Event missions/awards - Oh you’ve been saving up? Sorry all the event loot burns and you get NOTHING.

The decision making process that went into making the “cap” must have been well…there couldn’t have been a real process, or this would never have happened. If they would have asked ANY of the players who have been here for more than a month they would have received all the input you would have needed to avoid this absolutely stupid decision.

Don’t give me the garbage about trying to level the playing field for newer players, or trying to balance out who can get what and when. Bottom line is you penalized your faithful player base… those of us who have actually invested time and money into trying to build this community.

I became a GM to try and help make this a better game, to keep people in line with the rules so a broader client base would stay after visiting. Retention was a common theme in my discussions with CMs and Devs. This unvetted change (the cap) has all but destroyed my confidence in the administrative team to further develope this community.

Based on the number of players I have seen quit in the last 12 hours, I would guess you have less than 24 hours to correct this before you loose a major portion of your veteran players and a good portion of your volunteer staff.

You can’t continue to cut the legs out from under this community and expect it to grow.

It’s not complicated.

  • People have been saving up resources due to long periods of time between new releases.
  • Stargem’s new economic model relies on people buying these resources via bundles in order to  to get the “hype content” faster.
  • People will not be buying as much because they have saved up.

→ Two solutions to get people to keep paying with this flawed economic model:

  1. Introduce new resources. (already done so often that it is now too complicated with too many different types of resources)
  2. Reduce people’s stocks so they have to buy more if they want the hype content.

In this patch the second option has been chosen.

31 minutes ago, millanbel said:

It’s not complicated.

  • People have been saving up resources due to long periods of time between new releases.
  • Stargem’s new economic model relies on people buying these resources via bundles in order to  to get the “hype content” faster.
  • People will not be buying as much because they have saved up.

→ Two solutions to get people to keep paying with this flawed economic model:

  1. Introduce new resources. (already done so often that it is now too complicated with too many different types of resources)
  2. Reduce people’s stocks so they have to buy more if they want the hype content.

In this patch the second option has been chosen.

Fun fact, you can’t even buy the resources of the new components.

Day 2, situation still as bad as yesterday.

25 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Day 2, situation still as bad as yesterday.

Okay, I gotta ask now I’ve read through all the different doom-threads (helllooo 2014) - but what exactly is the cap? Is it stupid low like 500 or something or is it in the thousands?

It also seems I’m not updating star conflict for a while…

The cap is a measly 200 and 300 for some materials, which means everything u get past that number gets destroyed, even monocrystals which is insanely bad.

17 minutes ago, TheDerpNukem said:

Okay, I gotta ask now I’ve read through all the different doom-threads (helllooo 2014) - but what exactly is the cap? Is it stupid low like 500 or something or is it in the thousands?

It also seems I’m not updating star conflict for a while…