Rework of points gained - solution to several problems

It does not only affect money, actually money is the least important one. If you are in a corp that cares for their rank, every single rank matters since every one of those is important for the corp ranking.

And yes, new players might have it slightly more difficult to advance although i´m not even sure about that necause, when matchmaking is fixed, they will be fighting same tier and thus same newbies in tier 1. Sure, there will be some highlevels equipping t1 ships just to screw around a bit but they will leave soon, because after all, you don´t gain decent money/rep/anything in tier 1.


Glad at least Baron understands the ideas.


buffing and fighting should get a lot more points than a frigate camping some where doing nothing but buffing


This, mainly!

I must say the current system is ok with me also. Tho sometimes it feels unfair when you do 50 % of all damage in the battle and get 0 kills. But i play for fun, for gameplay itself, so i don’t care about rewards much. What pisses me off about frigs tho is that in some battles there are 4…5 of them - and none are using support modules. Just camping in spawn and sniping. They don’t get much rewards also … but still, feels like playing with half team.

First off, let’s take a break of that hot discussion and do something funny ;). There is no need to start a posting war.


What AmmoKK addressed is an easy way to exploit the current award system. You only need to sit AFK with some Support modules and get tons of points while others do the job. It’s not the problem if you actively join the battle and deal damage to enemies. Nevertheless, buffing and damage dealing will be rewarded as the same, ignoring the performance at all.


As for me, my experience tells me the same. If I am using a Command or Support module buffing my ally’s, I will always stay on top on the list. I am running often better with assist only than doing kills at all, only caused by Support Modules. I changed equipment and actively joined battle while maintaining the same play stile or going offense and with more effort I do get less points. I’m not rewarded for risking my ship, and going for the objective. This is not balanced at all.


The Idea will simply divide the current system in 3 classes.

This will lead to a change in the reward system where fighting is worth the effort while support is still a necessary part and will only show off in battle.


-> Offense (Hunters)

-> Backup (Debuffers and Assistance)

-> Support (Repairs and Command)



How i think his idea could look like if implemented.



— Offense (Hunters)


Hunters will actively join the battle and try to take out other ships or going for the objective with everything they have.

They will achieve an amount of points based on the % of Damage they dealt to an enemy as also a reward for killing an enemy and using Debuffs on him.


Point reward:

30 per Kill + dealt damage % in points and points by debuffs (6 points each debuff (you can easily add up more than 3 debuffs no limitation on stacks))

Reward times out 60 seconds after last action.




— Backup (Debuffers and Assitance)


Debuffers and Assistance will also join the battle but they will only achieve an Assist for it if they cannot take out an enemy.


Point reward:

Same as Hunter but without the Kill reward.




— Support (Repair and Command)




Repairmen will be rewarded for repairment based on a % amount of repairs. Since they keep a team alive, they will constantly receive points for that.

Supporter will receive points by taking out rockets, missiles and torpedos.

Supporter will receive points by placing the Warp gate whenever an ally uses it. (10 points each use)

Supporter will not receive points if an ally takes damage from an ally. Like collisions or Missiles.

Supporter will not receive points by using energy replenishments on ships that are out of combat.

Propulsion and Weapon inhibitor are classified as debuffs and will only reward points upon killing the debuffed ship. (Timeout 15 seconds after debuff ends)


Points reward:

Repairs: % in points (only given each 5% of regeneration)

Energy replenishment: % in 1/3 points (only given each 15% of replenishment (15% -> 5 points) only on ships in combat)

Roket Hunter: Unguided Rocket 1 point // Homing Rocket 2 points // Torpedos alike 3 points // Guided Torpedo 4 points (flares doesnt count as support)






Commanders will be rewarded for the buff used on ally’s. The only receive points from the Hunter that took out an enemy. They will be rewarded with a fixed amount of points for the buff they are using. It doesn’t matter if 2 or 3 Commanders using the same module. They will all be credited if they are in range.


Points reward:

each Command Buff adds 12 points (since we only have 3 atm you can get 36 points each takedown)





I do agree on the problem that effectiveness also increases the amount of awarded credits. So this needs some tweaks indeend. But it should be easy to balance it, if we have valid testing results on how much points a good, average and bad player will receive.




Since all are worried about the effect this change will have lets think how it will change the game.


I can imagine it like this:


There will be a lot more fighting now and camping got a hard nerv. It’s not worth anymore to sit around and do nothing. Also last hitting low enemys will be less attractive.

Frigates and Commanders will now stay closer to the battle zone making long range kiting less attractive; they try to support the ones who are fighting. Since we now have a greatly increased amount of ships in a small area, Frigs will also join the battle without using Disinegrator or Torpedos.

Frigs become a valuable support not only for the buffs they offer but also the damage they can deal. They are worth to be protected. For putting themselves into greater danger, they will also receive a constant input of points by running support. Not to mention that allied ships are close enough to protect the Frig.


The game will become way more fleet like. A group of ships offers more offense and defence options. Like a Bird Swarm. The Swarm offers protection for everyone who is in. It will be hard to pick a single target. Like we already have it in Recon. A good team has a balance of offense and defence ships, all racked up together so the captain cannot be taken out that easy.

Perfectly understood my idea, Gentaei.


Sure, nothing is perfect on the first attempt and i never said it is. Many things look good on paper but in practice you see the downsides of it. That´s why, after all, it´s a suggestion, nothing more.

Anyway, i like your slight changes to my suggestions, let´s see what the future will get us.