
Going straight to the point what’s wrong with the repairs and income in T3? i got my first T3 ship and the game is a little bit 

frustrating i pay a lot of money on repairs it’s killing my income i gave up and went back to using T2 ships don’t get me wrong i love this game it’s great but these repair costs are just killing me and i am sure someone else is also suffering from this the 

income it self is not a problem but these repair costs are just not right but i could be wrong maybe this game is made this way for some purpose i honestly don’t know that’s why i am making this topic 

The point of that is so you can use a license to increase your income. More income = less spent on repairs.

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20030-do-you-think-the-current-credits-income-without-license-its-ok-or-to-less/)
[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19935-gamer-blog-t2-to-t3-transition/)


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19563-whats-wrong-with-this-picture/)

For the love of spaceshooters johnyShepard, please use proper punctuation and sentence structure; makes your text so much more easier to read and you get your point across much better.





“The point of that is so you can use a license to increase your income. More income = less spent on repairs.”



There should be no requirement in the whole game ot use a license, neither to increase profit nor to conjure a squad of more than two players. What you’re suggesting is a slippery slope to a pay to win model.

For the love of spaceshooters johnyShepard, please use proper punctuation and sentence structure; makes your text so much more easier to read and you get your point across much better.







There should be no requirement in the whole game ot use a license, neither to increase profit nor to conjure a squad of more than two players. What you’re suggesting is a slippery slope to a pay to win model.

at that moment it already is P2W actually, since you are required to pay to play the game. (like in WoT)

I still think the “old” way was the best for this game, but whatever…they ruined my wanting to throw money at them since 7.10

So they made the game in a way that makes you unable to make any real profit without getting a license or a premium ship or both they should have just made it pay to play instead of trying to make us pay using these methods i hate it when they do that they ruined such a great game i do know they need to make money it’s just business after all but really it doesn’t have to be this way.

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20030-do-you-think-the-current-credits-income-without-license-its-ok-or-to-less/)


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19935-gamer-blog-t2-to-t3-transition/)


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19563-whats-wrong-with-this-picture/)

Thanks for links seems like i am not the only one thinking that the rewards&repairs need one huge rework i wonder why they are not responding to all these people? it’s not just a player or two almost the whole damn game wants to change this 

I suspect a large % of their income comes from licenses. They will need to find other ways of making money before a change could realistically be made.

I suspect a large % of their income comes from licenses. They will need to find other ways of making money before a change could realistically be made.



There are also tips on [how to save credits](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19956-credits-and-your-bankroll-how-to-save-a-bundle/#entry202174) in other threads and further analysis of income in the above links by Kine. The rank of your ship is a large determining factor for how much you will make at the end of a match.



There are also tips on [how to save credits](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19956-credits-and-your-bankroll-how-to-save-a-bundle/#entry202174) in other threads and further analysis of income in the above links by Kine. The rank of your ship is a large determining factor for how much you will make at the end of a match.

I am trying to save credits i don’t use auto repairs and trying to stay alive while still being effective in a match i am using a rank 7 PhobosAura cost 38k when it’s broken and i do know that this is pretty much your main source of money but you could at least try to find a bit more user friendly way as i said

before the repair costs are just killing the income and ships prices keep getting higher and higher and income is almost the same it’s a huge problem if

you manage balance things i would be grateful and not just me plenty of players will be happy as well.


Thanks in advance. 

The situation is being monitored.

The situation is being monitored.

Thank you for taking this suggestion into consideration.

There should be no requirement in the whole game ot use a license, neither to increase profit nor to conjure a squad of more than two players. What you’re suggesting is a slippery slope to a pay to win model.

You’re right, there shouldn’t. But the point IS to squeeze out as much money as possible from the users. And this is how they do it.

You’re right, there shouldn’t. But the point IS to squeeze out as much money as possible from the users. And this is how they do it.

I only agree partially with the frequent and ostentatiously placed advertisements ‘Pay money to gain xxx’, however i reject the idea of true malicious intent from the development team to milk the playerbase, particularly before an ‘offical’ release of the game.

Nevertheless i think the money rewards and repair costs in tier 4 should be adressed in order to spur people on embracing the ‘end game content’ that is T4 at the moment.

The situation is being monitored.

And it would be nice if you keep us updated  :)wt

And it would be nice if you keep us updated  :)wt

Will do. Sometimes it takes a while to get the appropriate responses though. I appreciate your patience.

Will do. Sometimes it takes a while to get the appropriate responses though. I appreciate your patience.

Take your time. i don’t really care how long it takes as long as you don’t forget about it  ;)wt

It’s really nice that you guys decreased the repair costs it didn’t exactly solve the problem since you kinda just took down a couple of thousands but it’s a start so thank you

The repair costs of my rank 7 T3 ships are still the same, while T1 and T2 ships repair for less. you guys doing half work only or what?

I only agree partially with the frequent and ostentatiously placed advertisements ‘Pay money to gain xxx’, however i reject the idea of true malicious intent from the development team to milk the playerbase, particularly before an ‘offical’ release of the game.

Nevertheless i think the money rewards and repair costs in tier 4 should be adressed in order to spur people on embracing the ‘end game content’ that is T4 at the moment.

Keep deluding yourself. The “end-game” is T3. And that’s unbalanced as all hell in the current meta.