revised economic model for upgrades - mark 3 and mark 5 only

I got a new suggestion here, which will be more beneficial to new players and it would keep them them. Of course, same goes for other long-term players.



Old system (outdated, too grindy and too restrictive)


We have 5 tiers. We have 5 upgrade levels.

We can buy a weapon, module or equipment item from the Store.

Such item is considered to be mark 1.

We can upgrade this item with a mark 2 Kit (green orb), or with the money to upgrade it to mark 2.

Mark III is the most demanding option. We need to have proper type and amount of loyalty vouchers.

We must upgrade an item from mark 2 to mark 3 with them every single time, regardless if the same item was already upgraded before.

Mark 4 option requires a mark 4 Kit (purple orb) or Iridium only to upgrade the item.

Finally, there is the final and the ultimate and infamous mark 5 (orange orb)!

You can only upgrade to mark 5, if you already got the same mark 4 item and if you got  a proper blueprint and the amount of resources.

This of course, means Invasion resources, especially Monocrystals. It’s important to mention, that Monocrystals are not craftable, but they can only be bought by money, galactic standards currency in game.

The only other alternative to get them for free, is that you complete daily missions, from which you may get 6-9 of them.



New suggested system (much needed, because it’s more balanced and still offers a great deal of challenge)


Mark 1 item is fine as it is. It’s any purchased item you get in the Shop.

Once you upgrade such item to mark 2 with a Kit (green orb), or credits it can be further upgraded to mark 3.


Important change: (mark 3 - unlocks access permanently)


Once you have the opportunity to access and upgrade to mark 3, things change. You need to pay loyalty vouchers , but only one time for each item , for granted access.

As a Mercenary, I already paid my well earned loyalty vouchers (trust points) before and because of that, I have earned my access to mark 3 without any restrictions in the future, now with credits only.

However, I still need to pay for it, but no longer with loyalty vouchers , but just with an increased cost for mark 3 with credits only! I think that the cost of mark 3 should cost a lot.

I think that the diffence in price between mark 1 and 2 is around 120%. Well, the difference in price between mark 2 and mark 3 should then be around 240-300%.

If some people have bought mark 3 upgrade with GS only, they have the same benefit. Unrestricted access to mark 3 and an added +3% permanent synergy bonus.

Mark 4 is another dilemma. You can obtain a mark 4 Kit (purple orb) and upgrade for free, without any need for Iridium itself. If you don’t have a Kit, you must then pay the full price of Iridium cost.

Mark 4 here should remain unchanged, since I have been repeatedly warned, that the loss of grind is not considered by the developers. And I agree. Mark 4 should stay as it is, since you can still get Kits.


Important change: (mark 5 - researches the blueprint with the full resource cost, to get access to Mark 5 Kit)


Mark 4 item needs to be upgraded to mark 5.

If you never crafted any weapon before, from the blueprint, you need to pay the full price of resources, which includes Monocrystals).

However, you need to do this for each item just once! Why just once?

Since you have fully researched the item, you already obtained the skills to produce a mark V kit automatically.

Each mark 5 Kit will instantly and permanently unlock, after you invest in it, but only in the Workshop.

You will still need to craft it! To craft it, you will need the same resources, that are required from you for any mark 5 item, but without Monocrystals.

Credits will play a huge role here. Instead of paying Monocrystals on the same item for the 2nd time, you will need to pay credits.

Credits cost is affected by the tier and equipment type.



Mark 5 Kit cost :

example (Tier V shown only - all cases below)


Option 1 :

Tier V, Mark 5 Kit (expenses - credits only)

Applies only for option 1.

Crafting costs are separate and independent from the requirements below.

I think that crafting costs should remain the same as they are for any Mark 5 item.


Type:           Amount:

Equipment:   500000 credits

Module:        750000 credits

Weapon:    1000000 credits



I also considered to implement loyalty vouchers again or Iridium here for Mark 5 Kits, but I think it’s better that we only get credit cost.

If loyalty vouchers would be implemented for Mark 5, each Mark 5 Kit crafted, would need to be used each time, when an item gets crafted.

This means that loyalty vouchers would still be preserved and economically viable, if they would be again require for mark 5.

Same type of loyalty vouchers would need to be reused, but at much lesser amount.

However, cost for such option would have to get reduced, since we are only crafting Mark 5 Kits.



Option 2 :

Tier V, Mark 5 Kit (expenses - loyalty vouchers only)


Type:           Amount:

Equipment:    50000 loyalty vouchers

Module:         75000 loyalty vouchers

Weapon:     100000 loyalty vouchers



If Iridium is to be used instead, or to be considered again for Mark 5 Kits, then the cost should be something like this.

You would need to pay each time for each piece for specified item, since you do not unlock it, but you obtain it.



Option 3 :

Tier V, Mark 5 Kit (expenses - Iridium only)


Type:           Amount:

Equipment:   50 Iridium

Module:        75 Iridium

Weapon:    100 Iridium



Mark 5 kits are then added to the Armory, when we can upgrade them only (orange orb) directly from the Interface. Crafting cost is independent.

There should be section Mark 5 Kits in the Workshop, when you craft your item for the first time and it should apply for mark 5 Kits only.

Same applies for Mark 3 option. Mark 3 access option needs to be purchased in the Workshop as well.

Prices or costs may vary. This is just an example.


If you wish to keep the players from leaving the game, you should implement this system.

I hope that you will heed my request.

Do not forget to vote!



Thank you.






Please, comment below.

Which option would you prefer the most and why?


So far we got 3 alternatives.

Credits, loyalty vouchers, Iridium.

An unreserved +1 from me.


Mark 3 items should not be the hardest to earn. Current system leave a huge power gap between those on one side of the Mk3 upgrade wall, and those on the other side.

An unreserved +1 from me.


Mark 3 items should not be the hardest to earn. Current system leave a huge power gap between those on one side of the Mk3 upgrade wall, and those on the other side.

Mark 5 Kit option might need additional Iridium requirements, or maybe just pure Iridium instead of credits.

However, if the prices for credits gets removed, independent crafting price would need to be much higher, like the one I proposed above.

Loyalty vouchers can also be set here instead of Iridium.

The only difference then is, that you would need to spend loyalty vouchers again for each crafted item, which may not be bad as well.

Economy for loyalty vouchers must still be active, even for end-tier players wtih all equipment maxed out.

I agree that Mark 5 option must be the hardest and also slowest to get.

Just don’t charge me for it, or it will be P2W method and extremely slow and annoying process, if I would need to upgrade 1100 Mark 4 items with a “free option” to Mark 5 items.



Voucher grind is ridiculous, I’d be fine shelling out a couple million credits instead. Heck, if it cost 5 million credits to upgrade, I’d still do it.



Voucher grind is ridiculous, I’d be fine shelling out a couple million credits instead. Heck, if it cost 5 million credits to upgrade, I’d still do it.

I know the feeling. Players will leave before they get a chance to upgrade to mark III. I know them.

so, did I got it correct: if you once unlocked a mark you can access it all the time?

So, basically you want to return to loyalty grind pre 0.9 ? That system was good. Current one is just pain in the backside when trying to upgrade t4-t5 modules, especially weapons.

so, did I got it correct: if you once unlocked a mark you can access it all the time?



Access to mark 3 and mark 5 is permanently unlocked, but you still need credits and certain resources.

Mark 3 uses credits later, once it unlocks. 2 options are possible in the Workshop. Direct combined credit cost (mark 1-3 combined) or change from loyalty vouchers to credits , but from the Armory directly.

Mark 5 uses the same amount of resources, but only credit cost ( option 1 - recommended ) in the Workshop’s slot 1 instead of Monocrystals.

Option 2 would still require the reuse of loyalty vouchers and option 3 , Iridium again and only.


But only under certain conditions.


Mark 3 option is unlocked all the time, but only after you’ve spent one time investment of loyalty vouchers for the specified item.

Mark 5 option is unlocked all the time, but only after you’ve invested full amount of listed resources (including Monocrystals) one time for the specified item.




You paid 270000 loyalty vouchers, just to unlock an Ion Emitter. This weapon is now unlocked - you can access to it permanently, and when you do have it unlocked, loyalty vouchers are automatically replaced by credits only.

Other solution is that we can buy unlocked mark 3 item directly from the Workshop, but the cost would then have to include basic cost of mark 1 and 2 combined, plus entire cost of mark 3, so that it matches the final price cost.

However, such case would mean that we no longer need to buy a Mark 1 item in the shop, but that we can just directly get Mark 3 from the Workshop. If we do not want that, then we must just change the requirement for all unlocked Mark 3 items. Loyalty vouchers are switched to credits immediately, after unlocked, but you still need to rebuy each item and upgrade it to mark 2, before you can upgrade it for credits to mark 3.




You crafted or manufactured one specific item, so this item’s Kit (Mark 5 Kit - orange Kit) becomes available or unlocked in the Workshop permanently. For Mark 5 you can go with option 1 (recommended), but we can also reuse the importance of loyalty vouchers ( option 2 ), or importance of Iridium ( option 3 ). Combined costs of requirements (double, triple, quadruple costs) is questionable, since they were already refused once by the developers.

So, basically you want to return to loyalty grind pre 0.9 ? That system was good. Current one is just pain in the backside when trying to upgrade t4-t5 modules, especially weapons.

It’s modernised, yet very similar and fair to users, so yes. However, there are 2 options still possible.

Method 1:

You can either access mark 3 directly, thus bypassing mark 1 and mark 2, but the cost of all combined is the same. It would be good, if such option would remain under special section for Mark 3 only in the Workshop.

Method 2:

You can buy it with credits only, once unlocked, but you still need to follow the same pattern. Mark 1, mark 2 and then an upgrade with credits to mark 3.

This is the same system as it is now, just requirement is changed, so that only Armory interface is being used.

If you got any further questions, no matter how relevant, let me know!

isnt this the old system? sounds very similar

isnt this the old system? sounds very similar


This is the brand new system!

Your forwarded the wrong one, which is the old one and obsolete.

this here one is forwarded instead of the obsoltete one

Here’s what I would recommend being done.

Option 1 - Make the MK3 upgrades cost Iridium. Cost about half the cost of the MK4.

Option 2- Take the voucher system out. We currently have to pay to jump from one faction to another.

Option 3 - Make the voucher system give us universal vouchers that can be used for items. Set them for Tier 1-2, 3-4, and 5. Each faction would give out a set level of the types. Also make them for Weapons, modules and ect…  This would make people have to move around to get the vouchers they need still. But it would be Universal Weapon vouchers… 

I think the third option would be the best for the system. 

It turned out that we have worked with similar idea before and at the moment it is getting analyzed on the project stage and might become true in the future. We will develop the system of contracts and getting loyalty, but so far we can’t give exact dates. We will provide official information regarding this as soon as it is possible. Thank u, we appreciate ur suggestion!