revamp the minimap

the minimap displayed in the top right corner realy needs to give more info, information is key for a good strategy but so far it only display if there are ally or enemys over a small area and even then that info is quite confusing(no point of reference or altitude of the object), i think it would be much better if the minimap was more like world of tanks.


for those that dont know the game, the map is not 100% visible only enemys inside certain ally range are displayed.

minimap showing the whole battlefield realy helps with coordination and gives the player an idea where he is needed, it olso shows wich targets your allys are attacking and a point of reference of where is our gun pointing.

The only problem is, that in world of tanks you mostly move into 2 directions, while star conflict uses up to 3 directions.

The only problem is, that in world of tanks you mostly move into 2 directions, while star conflict uses up to 3 directions.

if you whant a better example that fits the game i could give you the janes combat simulator ATF gold:

lower right corner: radar

higher left corner: target information (altitude, speed, hp)

lower left corner: area radar, one could not use it to lock targets but give an idea of what was happening behind, it olso keep track of missiles twinkling small dots where active misiles while not twinkling small dots where unguided misiles or misiles that lost track of their objective, will see if i can get a better vid of how it works.

several things that make it a very usefull tool:

  1. radar range could be toogle, note the 5-10-25 change (20-25 secs of replay)

2)can select a target from radar to get target information (see the 2 bars that sow up on the radar display 35-40 secs)

i find a video that show the rdar in action a bit better

I don’t know I think the radar is okay, move around while watching it and it makes more sense where the enemy is, also the lines show how far above or below you they are.