Returning crystal rework

Due to broken mechanics, I think a rework of returning crystal is needed. It’s currently nearly impossible to balance how the module works. If it needed a nerf, the only thing they could do would be increasing the cooldown. So I’ll suggest an alternative, keeping the same mechanics, but easier to balance and more enjoyable.


Returning crystal :  25 seconds cooldown / 500 host damage

On activation, warp 2’500m forward. If there are ships within 200m of the destination point, they are warped to your starting position (Basically, you’ve just swapped with them).

You then have 15 seconds to reactivate the module, warping you to your original position (without any blind like the current one have).


No more “warp beacon”, no more “warp ennemies 10km away from anything”.

Sounds good ?

It’s going to take a while to get proper feedback on this, not many got very far with their taikins.

10 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

No more “warp beacon”, no more “warp ennemies 10km away from anything”.

No more “steal enemy captain” ???

How about this, try to limit the range at which the beacon works, lets say having the limit be 6000m, but not being able to warp enemies, yet you can warp allies, make the range be 150m, and a 1s wind-up , something like that.

Lol I knew this module would be such a troll ;p

Does it only warp locked targets?

Its supposed to warp everything in a 200m radius, you can cram up your entire team and warp them in the middle of the enemies, hehe.

2 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

How about this, try to limit the range at which the beacon works, lets say having the limit be 6000m, but not being able to warp enemies, yet you can warp allies, make the range be 150m, and a 1s wind-up , something like that.

But that would make the module quite useless. It’s already meh beside the steal ability.

Any disable leaves you with no escape nor offense, and using it makes you either crash or die because you’re blinded for 2 seconds.