"Return to Combat" button

I find it extremely annoying that I am forced to wait for my ships to finish my pointless battle when I am disconnected. There needs to be a button to return to battle that is ALWAYS available in the hangar. Don’t throw that “but there’s a one-time dialogue box that pops up after you’re disconnected” bs at me. That doesn’t mean anything.

yep, my internet sucks and sometimes there is no option when my internet is back up :frowning:

Oh it gives me like 4 different type of dialogue boxes when it is lagging and saying the battle is not finished/full/timeout/over and that my ammo needs replenishing…but I guess a button might work for some people. Also, make the server auto-reconnect to the chat server…

as sometimes my ships remain in battle that is no longer going on. and i have an option to return to that battle… wich actually doesnt happen. its just locks my ships and keep me waiting like an idiot.



This is not my suggestion.

“Return to battle” does not mean “insta-free my ships”.

The suggestion is an improved way for players to RETURN to battle after disconnecting. This would actually improve game attendance, rather than rewarding abandoning the battlefield.

Ah, I understand now.


Then yes, I support this. Disregard previous post.



as sometimes my ships remain in battle that is no longer going on. and i have an option to return to that battle… wich actually doesnt happen. its just locks my ships and keep me waiting like an idiot.

I think the server is doing this for consistency reasons. When server is under load and writing stuff to the db it keeps your ships pending in battle. Tthose are times which can lead to duped items if you somehow manage to corrupt the data management. Although writing on db should be mutual exclusive.