Restriction in the number of Ship types(POLL)

The only solution for that is playing competitive 1v1 games like Starcraft 2, but team arena or multiplayer games are all like that.

At least here you can blame your team. :005j:

In SC2 ppl blame the lag, how op or up are the zerg/terrain/toss, hacks and so on xD

Standard human behaviour. Don’t accept responsibility for your own actions, instead point fingers and/or guns at someone else. In games as in real life.

And most LRF are ex-WoT players IMO. There is no dogfights in motorcycle there, right ?


How much you dogfight in a frigate, or even in a fighter? Next to nothing. This game is not that kind of space shooter.

How much you dogfight in a frigate, or even in a fighter? Next to nothing. This game is not that kind of space shooter.

You need to fly more federation ships. They’re all about the dogfight.

Just a thought   -   How about adding a feature like a timer of X number of secs until the game ends that all ships must have refreshed at an active beacon at least once per game.  If a ship did not refresh at an beacon prior to alloted time it self destructs.


a. does not take effect if the game ends due to one team objectives reached prior to end of time. 

b. if the ships is destroyed prior to reaching a beacon the timer remains in effect until it been refreshed.   



Only time it would not be required is under Combat Recon since it is protect the Capt or Kill the opposing Capt and not directly involving beacons.

Just a thought   -   How about adding a feature like a timer of X number of secs until the game ends that all ships must have refreshed at an active beacon at least once per game.  If a ship did not refresh at an beacon prior to alloted time it self destructs.

Would make the game even more of a deathmatch and even less tactical.

I’d rather have that engineer hide behind the next rock and keep providing those heals rather than sit on the beacon and get blown up. I’d rather have that tackler sit above the beacon to keep those debuffs on an enemy circling the beacon rather than them toggling off instantly if he moved close to the beacon. I’d rather have that gunship intercept and distract the incoming enemy frigates before they get to the beacon we’re capping rather than sit on the beacon with everybody else so the enemies have an easy time interrupting capture. Et cetera.

There can be good tactical reasons why some ships don’t move in on beacons. The problem is only if none of them do. But forcing all of them to or destroy their ships doesn’t sound like the solution to me.

Besides, detonation has no active beacons and in capture the beacons destroying the opposition rather than capturing beacons is a valid tactic.

I will have to summerize some of the ideas and thoughts on how to prevent sniper clusterfucks in the first thread, so they are better accessible. The Devs might consider some of them for implementation.


As for the poll it pretty much has settled down in one direction, so a plain number-restriction, shouldn’t be considered.

Thanks for the participation and comments, poll keeps on running though.

residente told me off in his capacity as a GM that I must not outright disconnect from boring battles and I must not self-destruct as captain either, but you know I’m just really inexperienced in recons so those random crashes do happen in the heat of the battle! :yes_yes:

I met Tillowaty in yet another CR right after that one. That game mode needs to die on the pire of bad game design decisions, nothing more boring in this game (although some of the maps should be fed to the flames as well).

I’ve had a few maps where terrain popped in and I thudded into a rock I could not see when I began the jump.

Captains should be advised that hostile rocks now use cloaking.

Whats even better, i had a thud medal from crashing into something i can only think of as my own micro locator, as the space was empty around, only a beacon near.

I once had a real accidental thud into another warping recon. The really interesting part was that we were warping in different directions but happened to meet at the same point in space and time. What were the chances…

These days it’s hard to thud into structures even if you’re trying to because it automatically pulls you out of warp a you get near.

I once had a real accidental thud into another warping recon. The really interesting part was that we were warping in different directions but happened to meet at the same point in space and time. What were the chances…

These days it’s hard to thud into structures even if you’re trying to because it automatically pulls you out of warp a you get near.

Only if you are skimming the object. If you go straight into an asteroid, you are gonna have a bad time, and a new thud! medal.

Here’s an idea, if there are more than a certain number of LRFs in a match, then all LRFs only should not receive any synergy gain or cash gain. They will lose money for not participating in battle.

Or too many engineers!  It doesn’t matter if the first three don’t have heals, no more engineers either!

Or too many engineers!  It doesn’t matter if the first three don’t have heals, no more engineers either!

What too many engineers ?  Sheesh some games there are NONE ! zip zap Nada…   Really noticeable of course in combat recon…  when your the CAPT…



Here’s an idea, if there are more than a certain number of LRFs in a match, then all LRFs only should not receive any synergy gain or cash gain. They will lose money for not participating in battle.


  Also how your going to track too many of one type of ship…  If I am the only one who initially comes out in a LRF… stays alive …but those that die then choose an LRF… so now there a so called over abundance of LRFs.   Why is the initial person who comes out in a particular ship being lumped together with others ? 


I sure hope not !  



if there r 2 lrf in same team u get half effectiveness and ABOVE ALL, HALF RATING!

if there r 3 lrf in same team u get 1/3 effectiveness and ABOVE ALL, 1/3 RATING!

if there r 4 lrf in same team u get 1/4 effectiveness and ABOVE ALL, 1/4 RATING!

if there r 5 lrf in same team u get 1/5 effectiveness and ABOVE ALL, 1/5 RATING!

… and so on…

At the same time give lrf double effectiveness for capturing!


This for sure will end for ever the LRF spam…LRF is that kind of role that can really ruin a game or save it. So it’s not weird they could have different rules for gainig effectiveness and rating in kills! Same is already happening on command and engeener ships! This will help ppl understand how to use those ships!


Devs do this and problem solved lol




if there r 2 lrf in same team u get half effectiveness and ABOVE ALL, HALF RATING!

if there r 3 lrf in same team u get 1/3 effectiveness and ABOVE ALL, 1/3 RATING!

if there r 4 lrf in same team u get 1/4 effectiveness and ABOVE ALL, 1/4 RATING!

if there r 5 lrf in same team u get 1/5 effectiveness and ABOVE ALL, 1/5 RATING!

… and so on…

At the same time give lrf double effectiveness for capturing!


This for sure will end for ever the LRF spam…LRF is that kind of role that can really ruin a game or save it. So it’s not weird they could have different rules for gainig effectiveness and rating in kills! Same is already happening on command and engeener ships! This will help ppl understand how to use those ships!


Devs do this and problem solved lol


That is stupid. Shall we do the same with ECM? With bubble gunships? With Tacklers??Why should I give LRF double efficiency capturing beacons?? that is not their role. It is like giving cov ops a bonus efficiency for sniping enemies from 5 km away.


5 LRF in a game can be either a good thing or a bad thing. I would like to see me, Hotarm, Tillowaty, and other good LRF players in a team. I don’t think anyone will complain about that. But on the other way, 5 bad players spawn camping in a big map like abandoned station, is a lost game.


It is not about the class, it is about the player.



  Also how your going to track too many of one type of ship…  If I am the only one who initially comes out in a LRF… stays alive …but those that die then choose an LRF… so now there a so called over abundance of LRFs.   Why is the initial person who comes out in a particular ship being lumped together with others ? 


I sure hope not !  


That’s what I’m saying, it should be a penalty system that should discourage the usage of numerous LRFs as much as possible. Let’s say this system was being used (hypothetically), if one person takes an LRF and becomes one too many, he will be responsible for making others lose synergy/cash. But the fault does not lie only with him. There are the others who have taken LRF and are not actively participating in battle. The main purpose of this idea is to discourage LRF as much as possible.

The main purpose of this idea is to discourage LRF as much as possible.

I still miss the point on this. Why should we discourage or ban a class? Do you want that the small player base get smaller? I would leave for instance, if they don’t allow me to choose the class I want to play.


This is beginning to look like the Kaiju post about ECMs.

Can we also thrown down penalties for bullying if more than two enemies are shooting me at the same time? :crazy:

This thread is so sad…



That is stupid. Shall we do the same with ECM? With bubble gunships? With Tacklers??Why should I give LRF double efficiency capturing beacons?? that is not their role. It is like giving cov ops a bonus efficiency for sniping enemies from 5 km away.


5 LRF in a game can be either a good thing or a bad thing. I would like to see me, Hotarm, Tillowaty, and other good LRF players in a team. I don’t think anyone will complain about that. But on the other way, 5 bad players spawn camping in a big map like abandoned station, is a lost game.


It is not about the class, it is about the player.

it’s not stupid at all… and pls do not answer like that anymore!


This is a very clever way to stop the lrf crap storm… U missed the point anyway wich is not the bonus on the beacon capture but the nerf on the effectiveness and kill rating gain!


The stupid thing is having 2-3 lrf in 4vs4 or 5vs5 beacon hunt or domination. 1 lrf could be needed 2 are too much. It’s not about the player… Do u want to get the lrf in domination or beacon hunt when 1 or 2 other player are going to do the same…? So u can farm easy kills for your preciuos rating…? Well u can do and u will synergize the ship as well…but at least u r not going to increase your kills rating that much coz the more players are trying to do the same the less rating and effectiveness u r going to earn!!! Or at least move your xxxx and go capture like anyone else! Going in the first line could be more difficault for a lrf so giving them a 500 pts for capture could be a good idea! But leaving the 300 pts capture the way it is atm it’s fine anyway to me…


And pls if you can post a screen of a domination or beacon hunt where 4-5 lrf vs 4-5 random ships got a win i’ll be very glad to have a look at that… Waiting the screenshot starts from now… :slight_smile: