Restriction in the number of Ship types(POLL)

Hi i want to see, if the community would accept a restriction to the maximum number of  ship types each team can use in a battle. This poll is a little biased regarding LRFs. State your arguments for and/or against the options, if u like.

Not possible. What if i only have LRFs on my roster, and i get matched with 11 other people like me? What if all of us have 1 LRF and 1 other, and the other dies (capture the beacon), now everyone will be LRF again. What if i want to respawn but all of my ship types are over capacity?

A simple counter for every ship type would be enough on the minimap.

The more you regulate multi-player games, the more boring they become. Playing with other people is fun exactly because they are people and do both fantastically stupid and fantastically brilliant things, but never exactly the same. Sure, you could force teams into ideal flavor of the month/patch kill-squad setups but where would be the fun in that…

I dont think a hard cap on one class would be the best solution. 

A big fat warning could be a nice option.


“Hey! Vapor for brains! There are 2 LRFs on your team already! Play something more useful!”


A running tally of ship classes would be nice to see at a glance at the map/respawn screen without having to thumb thru players’ ships so I can make better picks with my own ships.

“Hey! Vapor for brains! There are 2 LRFs on your team already! Play something more useful!”

Maybe these two LRF are xxxx and the guy who is picking the third can get more kills than both of them alone. If I’m playing solo I fly the ship I want, the ship that I have to level up, and the one that I think is more effective for the current map and mode.

I can speak from experience, that this notion to have a hard cap comes from frustration


Allow me to explain.


Yesterday, I was in a “Losing Streak”, where me and my single squad mate were thrown into battles, were we faced 1. a kill squad. 2. Unbalanced SR on each side. 3. Unfair ship layouts. It was the MM fault we lost, as in each of the battles, I myself was synergizings ships, So I was more focused on objectives and kills. 


There was one battle were there were 4. Yes 4 LRF. Needless to say, the enemy triple capped us and literally, 3 other players, including myself, just decided to sit in spawn with the LRF and wait till the match was over. Unfair right? Sure, but I looked at there roster of other ships, and each were not synergized 1 or 2 levels. Thus they were just trying to raise there levels. But you can clearly see, that if you have too much of a ship type for the wrong game mode. Then you will lose. 


I think there is a lack of incentive to cap the beacons as a LRF. Imagine if LRF got 500 points instead of the normal 300 points for capping, Mabye they would move up and use there 6 guns? 


Also its impossible to cap people nor is it wise to do so, UNLESS its a specific game mode separate from the normal Q. 

Guys you don’t get it, it’s not about number of ship types. You can easily win a battle with 12 of the same role if they play well.

What you guys rage about is bad players, and in every shooter bad players gravitate towards the sniper role, it’s a fact of life. So unless you manage to find a way to limit the number of bad players in a team this discussion will get you exactly nowhere.

A running tally of ship classes would be nice to see at a glance at the map/respawn screen without having to thumb thru players’ ships so I can make better picks with my own ships.


Thanks for supporting my idea and phrasing it this much better. Would you be so kind to open a suggestion page in Visuals?

12x Styx in Capt Recon vs 12x gunship/LRF

I would love to join game like that

12x Styx in Capt Recon vs 12x gunship/LRF

I would love to join game like that

All of the LRF being Ira Deus. That would be prettier than the 4th of July!

12x Styx in Capt Recon vs 12x gunship/LRF

I would love to join game like that

And all the Styx with heal guns? Tough one to call. A warp gate chain from the Styx ball would end it quickly but if the LRF are good they can stall that mid-air. We might have to set up a custom battle to find out. :wink:

LRF need to be punished for not getting stuck in. Ideally, the Class should be removed entirely. However, a simple fix would be that their main gun only works within 1000m of a live beacon. At least then they would be forced to attack / defend, not sit in spawn with a thumb up their arse.

LRF need to be punished for not getting stuck in. Ideally, the Class should be removed entirely. However, a simple fix would be that their main gun only works within 1000m of a live beacon. At least then they would be forced to attack / defend, not sit in spawn with a thumb up their arse.


A much better incentive is actually 600 points for capping beacons…

A much better incentive is actually 600 points for capping beacons…

Can’t wait for the recons capping and counter-capping to farm points while they wait for the rest of the teams to arrive. :wink:

Can’t wait for the recons capping and counter-capping to farm points while they wait for the rest of the teams to arrive. :wink:


No, I mean ONLY for the LRF gets 600 points for capping. 

A much better incentive is actually 600 points for capping beacons…

No it isn’t. The LRFs are too stupid to move out of spawn. Offering them more points to cap won’t do anything, but taking away their ability to snipe unless they do so from a useful position would help the team.

No it isn’t. The LRFs are too stupid to move out of spawn. Offering them more points to cap won’t do anything, but taking away their ability to snipe unless they do so from a useful position would help the team.


Now your being a bit ridiculous. Idea is sound. But in reality, would not work. 

No, I mean ONLY for the LRF gets 600 points for capping.

Oh alright, not your worst idea although I doubt it would get snipers to move. Worth a try maybe.

OH, better Idea, the farther you are from spawn, the BETTER or more powerful your weapons become!