Restriction in the number of Ship types(POLL)

Can someone post a video of using a LRF as a gunship? 

Here you have a little video I made to explain several classes. It is in spanish, but you can see the second game where I played with a Hydra

There is no good Positionning with an LRF until you move with your team, give FireSupport with your 6 weapons slots and harass the ennemy with your Desintigrator/Guided Torpedo to prevent the ennemy to reach the objective without pressure.


To my mind, it’s how LRF should be played. Instead of staying in a corner of the map Spamming with the special Module.

There is no good Positionning with an LRF until you move with your team, give FireSupport with your 6 weapons slots and harass the ennemy with your Desintigrator/Guided Torpedo to prevent the ennemy to reach the objective without pressure.


To my mind, it’s how LRF should be played. Instead of staying in a corner of the map Spamming with the special Module.


Just change the name of the ship so new people don’t think their only purpose is that.


Happy birthday Rakza btw

F mod = counter sniping and extra burst damage

What if the F-module on the LRF boosted main gun range and/or projectile speed by x% for y seconds? That way it would still be able to ‘snipe’, especially if you kit it out right (Imagine a Mauler with 7-9km coil mortars!) but because you’re still in normal flight mode it should encourage forward movement.

IV.6.d and IV.6.f also state you shall not actively avoid dealing damage to the enemy or actively avoid combat. IV.6.i states you shall not aid the enemy team.

LRF sat in spawn is nowhere near the fight, nor is he attacking the enemy. They effectively reduce the number of active players, thus aiding the team.

After I killed the LRF in SQ he started taking part again, but he’d cost us the match by then. We’d been forced to try and fight 2v3 because he’d spent several minutes doing nothing at spawn when he could have been aiding us or capping a beacon elsewhere.

So, LRFs not only hurt the team, they violate at least two rules on a regular basis.

If you’re going to pretend to quote the rules, actually quote them instead of put them into your own views.


6.d: refuse to deal damage to the enemy. Shall be punished by blocking the account for 24 hours

6.f: avoid combat without leaving the battlefield. Shall be punished by blocking the account for 24



Refusing to deal damage means refusal, not inability.  Learning a new ship class means sucking at it in the beginning, or switching to a class you haven’t flown in time.  I’m relearning tacklers and it’s been months since I’ve flown cov ops decently.  Derping is not a bannable offense.  Not being an ESB caliber player is not a bannable offense.


We should tottaly start an educational compaign, eveyone flies lrfs as midrange gunboat, collect xxxx tons of medals for awhile, and hope that Aces notice how we are close choke points and destroing stuff. I got myself a sigurdr last night to try it ot, that ship is the ultimate pedobear T3 ship, full charget positrons 1-2 most of the newby inties/fighters.

In one of the beacon hunt games, i even noticed one of the newby lrf started to follow me where i was going and kinda follow my steps, was pretty cool. I really want to do a 3x sigudrd+styx positrons squad.

The month of the gunboats?  Although on occasion I’ll end up just sniping some opposing team.  Jericho has a decent harassment/troll ability.


I had one match where LRF’s started gathering around me.  The first guy to get near me already died once, and then proceeded to try to steal my kills.  I’d launch, then he would and follow my torpedo.  Dual Jericho LRF’s is nasty.


possible solution is to limit the range of disintegrators and torpedos by a few km. So instead of a sniper sitting 12 km from the centre of the map he has to move closer because the disintegrator would have a range of 7km or something

Disintegrator yes, torpedoes no.  A fair amount of a torpedo’s range is lost to maneuvering.  It only gets 10k range, and you can often assume you’ll lose up to 1k just trying to hit a target, more if you’re pixel hunting.


If we go by damage dealt, can I have death interceptors:

Session ID: 5184878
Session Server: RU 4
Session Time: Sunday, 2. March 2014, 21:18:02 to 21:26:25 (Battle time: 07:53)
Session Type: PVP (Domination) at Abandoned outpost
Session Size: 4v4
Session Result: Victory (Max score earned)

Total Damage: 563,594 - Team: 62.44%
Total Heals: 111,094 - Team: 2.42%
Total Kills: 16 - Team: 75.00%

ALEX1976 Swift Mk 3[6] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0
Alexorsk Kite-M[10] 1 1 0 2 3 31,301 8.89% 5 80% 0 7,041 10,232 11,135 816 1,238 15,894 0% 110,974
ALEXWLF Tormentor[10] 2 4 0 2 0 66,826 18.99% 25 60% 2,691 27,103 37,648 36,946 0 650 9,200 0% 103,504
Snib Eagle-M[12] 9 2 0 0 2 253,770 72.11% 18 78% 0 6,449 4,945 16,179 2,325 3,370 48,395 10% 167,482

awful4ik Wolf Mk II[10] 0 1 0 1 0 977 0.46% 0 0% 1,170 1,437 0 11,826 0 6 0 0% 0
Jurassic Garm[10] 1 1 0 3 2 101,006 47.71% 6 0% 102,327 19,489 98,318 85,747 1,635 1,020 7,903 10% 117,233
Kinslayer Castor[11] 2 0 0 5 1 60,047 28.36% 6 50% 4,907 4,678 47,627 19,327 0 631 9,376 65% 190,125
SergioContreras Nodachi EW[12] 1 2 0 3 3 49,667 23.46% 16 69% 0 4,120 12,019 33,382 947 1,203 5,767 0% 156,415

and death fighters as well then:

Session ID: 5306156
Session Server: RU 1
Session Time: Wednesday, 12. March 2014, 10:09:56 to 10:22:24 (Battle time: 12:00)
Session Type: PVP (Capture the beacons) at Pandora. Dreadnought debris
Session Size: 4v4
Session Result: Victory (Timeout)

Total Damage: 683,127 - Team: 51.76%
Total Heals: 115,968 - Team: 59.32%
Total Kills: 18 - Team: 50.00%

(bot)Sophia Ira Deus[9],Kris AE[9],Katana AE[8] 0 3 0 3 0 19,187 5.43% 7 43% 1,048 2,573 0 44,796 0 78 3,513 0% 85,836
Arounor Tormentor AE[11],¤Polus[12],¤Panther[12],¤Konkistado… 2 2 1 3 1 62,538 17.69% 5 0% 45,732 6,817 0 125,634 2,322 588 25,362 65% 329,029
illgiz72 Wolf Mk II[10],Kite[9],Anaconda[8] 0 1 0 3 0 42,984 12.16% 6 67% 6,484 0 0 51,856 3,974 69 3,804 0% 89,828
Snib Lance Bartle[11] 7 2 0 0 0 228,856 64.73% 6 83% 15,523 9,911 1,436 42,142 2,897 1,377 17,256 10% 192,427

(bot)Mary Ira Deus[9],Kris AE[9],Katana AE[8] 1 1 0 3 0 10,591 3.21% 8 25% 3,122 42,940 11,031 0 1,061 152 1,475 0% 93,829
Doh1ik Kris S[10],Lance[10],Tormentor[10] 2 2 0 3 0 52,418 15.91% 14 50% 26,598 56,925 13,498 50,778 523 342 5,350 0% 125,559
JaVi Chiron[12],Prometheus Fire[10],Wolf[8] 3 3 0 2 0 139,210 42.24% 17 18% 4,373 43,391 2,308 0 250 677 5,127 0% 151,149
kRaKeN Tormentor AE[11],Styx[9] 3 2 0 1 0 127,343 38.64% 26 58% 13,087 54,700 13,095 1,546 0 769 7,106 0% 148,069

Low player count battles are so unbalanced. Those 517k damage from xKostyan are rather impressive though, don’t think I’ve ever seen that high. Must have been a funny game with them just throwing themselves at his guns.


Ever thought about dueling Takamina?


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22089-league-of-duelists/)


So far he’s only died once in all of those battles.


There is no good Positionning with an LRF until you move with your team, give FireSupport with your 6 weapons slots and harass the ennemy with your Desintigrator/Guided Torpedo to prevent the ennemy to reach the objective without pressure.


To my mind, it’s how LRF should be played. Instead of staying in a corner of the map Spamming with the special Module.

Empire LRF can reposition outside of the team due to weapon’s range.  It’s weapon’s range is greater than almost any ship’s sensor range so it can sneak off to areas where few would expect it.  While sniping, Empire LRF can be extremely effective away from the team.


Jericho LRF on the other hand depends on it’s team as either a buffer or nearby support.  Gunboats can only tank so many kamikaze pilots.

Torps are pretty useless at max range anyway, you typically don’t want to be a sitting duck during that long time it takes them to get to the target.

Ever thought about dueling Takamina?


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22089-league-of-duelists/)


So far he’s only died once in all of those battles.

Haha funny, hadn’t seen that before. I only know Takamina as a (deadly) gunship player, never faced him in a cov-ops.

Torps are pretty useless at max range anyway, you typically don’t want to be a sitting duck during that long time it takes them to get to the target.

Haha funny, hadn’t seen that before. I only know Takamina as a (deadly) gunship player, never faced him in a cov-ops.

takamina in a cov ops is the WORST thing to see on the other team.

If you’re going to pretend to quote the rules, actually quote them instead of put them into your own views.


6.d: refuse to deal damage to the enemy. Shall be punished by blocking the account for 24 hours

6.f: avoid combat without leaving the battlefield. Shall be punished by blocking the account for 24



Refusing to deal damage means refusal, not inability.  Learning a new ship class means sucking at it in the beginning, or switching to a class you haven’t flown in time.  I’m relearning tacklers and it’s been months since I’ve flown cov ops decently.  Derping is not a bannable offense.  Not being an ESB caliber player is not a bannable offense.

Really? You think people who fly in Sector Conquest are still learning to fly?


Your excuse is a bad one for a tier 2 pilot, nevermind tier 4 and 5.

Really? You think people who fly in Sector Conquest are still learning to fly?


Your excuse is a bad one for a tier 2 pilot, nevermind tier 4 and 5.

You will be surprised of what you can find in SQ…

Really? You think people who fly in Sector Conquest are still learning to fly?


Your excuse is a bad one for a tier 2 pilot, nevermind tier 4 and 5.

Oh come on, there are bad players in all tiers. I still meet engineers in T4 who are pulsing their heals or run without any. Plenty of T4 and I assume T5 (I’m not playing T5 PVP yet) players will come straight from PVE and many others will simply be bad no matter the tier they play. Besides, what would WPK know about sector conquest?

Also jrisom mentioned re-learning a ship class, which is certainly true. I recognize that I was a better interceptor pilot when I still exclusively flew recons. For some reason I ended up synergizing every other ship as well afterwards just for laughs which ruined my inty play style a bit.

And last but certainly not least, if somebody wants to play an LRF as a sniper then it’s their right to do so. At the end of the day nobody cares how you think they should play. They may be less effective doing nothing but sniping but this is a game and if sniping is what they are looking for in a game and the game mechanics allow it then sniping is what they have the right to do even if they’re bad at it.

Fly in a wing if you want to tell people what to do, maybe your corp mates will listen.

Besides, what would WPK know about sector conquest?

All this WPK beating is just for free or do you have something against us?

All this WPK beating is just for free or do you have something against us?

I was of the impression you guys did not participate in SQ? That wasn’t beating on WPK though - I don’t fly sector conquest either so I’d be beating myself. :wink:

Win ratio of morons playing interceptors > win ratio of morons playing longrange


And i guess you have proof of this, other than your head.

I was of the impression you guys did not participate in SQ? That wasn’t beating on WPK though - I don’t fly sector conquest either so I’d be beating myself. :wink:

We had won some sectors, and yes, we play SQ. That is easy to check.


Next time just avoid bashing any other corp without proofs. You may find yourself with a tag on your head  :005j:

We had won some sectors, and yes, we play SQ. That is easy to check.


Next time just avoid bashing any other corp without proofs. You may find yourself with a tag on your head  :005j:

I stand corrected then, I had gotten the impression that you did not participate based on other discussions on the forums. Fixed my post. Apologies if you took it as bashing, as I said it wasn’t, just a bit of passive aggressiveness since I really didn’t like his “I teamkill those who do not play as I want them to” stance.

Pretty sure I got the tag on my head anyway, and you and I have fought it out before, that’s fine. :slight_smile:

I stand corrected then, I had gotten the impression that you did not participate based on other discussions on the forums. Fixed my post. Apologies if you took it as bashing, as I said it wasn’t, just a bit of passive aggressiveness since I really didn’t like his “I teamkill those who do not play as I want them to” stance.

Pretty sure I got the tag on my head anyway, and you and I have fought it out before, that’s fine. :slight_smile:

Jasan ideas stand on their own. He doesn’t represent WPK neither is an officer. He is always bitching and giving ideas (some of them are great btw), but we love him anyway  :005j:

If you run around with a tag and a signature showing your allegiance, what you say gets attributed to that group no matter the amount of disclaimers you put up. “Official stance” of a group is irrelevant if its members say/do something else. Fact of life.

If you run around with a tag and a signature showing your allegiance, what you say gets attributed to that group no matter the amount of disclaimers you put up. “Official stance” of a group is irrelevant if its members say/do something else. Fact of life.

It is not. It seems you don’t follow the daily news.


Any wpk member can give his or her opinion about anything in the forum, even if that opinion is contrary to the official statement of the Corp.


One thing is the organization official position in any issue, another is the opinion of any of its members. In fact you can see me disagreeing with Jasan sometimes (like in this thread for once) so what then? Neither my opinion or his should be taken as the WPK position. Even the posts that NeoCodex writes cannot be taken as the WPK position, except in the case he says that.


And afterall, this is just a game forum ffs, this is not the state parliament.

It is not. It seems you don’t follow the daily news.

Daily news on the planet I live on is that politicians either get forced to follow the party line in their statements and behaviour or get kicked out.

A group is the sum of its members, as such member actions and statements are always relevant.