Restock missiles:

missiles are a very importent part of the battle’s and i really do feel that some ships gets vastly weaker then others when you remove these from the playing field, thats why i feel that they should at least be able to be restocked back at the spawn point of a map.


it doesnt make much sense from the creators side that you can have unlimited ability use, “bullet/energy/etc” but missiles are not only limited of how many you can carry at once but also how many you can use through the entire battle, and in most cases they are limited down to 1-3 fights(1v1 equel good players).


i do feel like it breaks a big potion of the game of when you designed it so that missiles is a 1 time in a battle thing and cant be restocked in the battle.

I think if missiles could or should be restocked, only in arcade and when you got enough left in your warehouse.

I think if missiles could or should be restocked, only in arcade and when you got enough left in your warehouse.

enough in the warehouse is ofc a most :slight_smile:

i think it needs to be in scenarios as well and i dont see why not in “realism” thing.

when you need to go to the spawn to restock its still not just a spam away thing :slight_smile:

won’t a ammo loading support mod be better, have it just work on your team and not yourself or something.

won’t a ammo loading support mod be better, have it just work on your team and not yourself or something.

i do feel like forcing yet another module upon people is not a good idea for something like this, it would be kinda the same as saying it should be a module to reload your main guns or you would run out of bullets.

I don’t think it’s a good idea, as all the game balancing should have to be reworked. 


There are few missiles available. Period. It’s the same for everyone. You have to mainly use your main gun. Hence its name.


That is just my opinion.

I don’t think it’s a good idea, as all the game balancing should have to be reworked. 


There are few missiles available. Period. It’s the same for everyone. You have to mainly use your main gun. Hence its name.


That is just my opinion.


exactly they are. and we most assume they have been made so its balancedwhen you got full missiles.

meaning once 1 side is out of them its not balanced anymore, which leads me to say “i think this is needed”

As it is most ships can carry more then enough missiles on them. If you think about it, say I used the T2 Machete Fighter of jericho. Medium missiles aside, it can already carry 8 large missile which means either 8 minefields (keep in mind that I have already done quadra kills with a single minefield) or 8 incredibly powerful and long range cruise missile. If I were able to restock these every time I died then all I’d have to do is run around and lay minefields/spam cruise missiles, suicide respawn and repeat. This would a) make interceptors useless since they can’t move an inch without blowing up 3 times over, fighters overpowered since they can just spam guided missiles/lay minefields while moving around the field at considerable speed, root frigates to one position forcing them to snipe/spam torpedoes (and making fed frigates worthless).


You also have to think about the fact that for example a machete s or ae already has far less large missile slots then the normal machete. on the other hand they get other neat bonuses. And up to now I’ve never managed to deplete ALL my missiles fast enough so that I would feel a need to restock unless I was playing particularily wasteful that game and used them unnecessarily. and oh boy, once we get to t3 or 4 it would turn into a simple fireworks show.


As for one side using all their missiles before the other making the game unbalanced is nonsense, since both sides started out at max missiles. Thus if you wasted your missiles yes, you will be at a disadvantage. That is why you need to be able to judge when you actually have to use one and when not to. Also main weapons are also rather powerful.


So long story short: imo missile restock is a bad idea, would mess up the balancing and is unneeded.

There’s been another thread about this already, and I’ll say what I said in that one. This is a very bad idea.


Star Conflict is all about using tactics and strategy. Arcade is the borderline, where you can still play somewhat uncaring, but strategy and tactics will still prevail. Missiles are a strategic choice in battle. Do I use it  now? or save it for a better target? Its a strategic choice. Allowing them to refill every time takes away from this, and there will be nothing but missile spams.