Ressources change on sector conquest

I have a little but mighty suggestion for a change in the sector conflict.


Most corporation don’t need the 60,000 or 120,000 credits sektors because they can get much more money with grouping up and playing pve or invasion. So i got the idead, why not to change them into another more important ressource? Like alien monocrystals. For one cycle you get 1 or maybe 2 crystals.


The most advantage in this change is that the most pilots who are playing sector conquest don’t need any more money. Maybe some artifacts, but most worth at the moment are the gold sectors. And you have only less time for play then you play maybe more sector conquest because you love it and have less or no time for open world. This would be a way for honor all the sector pilots to get their monocrystals too and coporations have now 2  very interesting ressource type of ectors to spend their influence points.


Would be nice to get some feedback for this.

Nice greetings :slight_smile:

I have a little but mighty suggestion for a change in the sector conflict.


Most corporation don’t need the 60,000 or 120,000 credits sektors because they can get much more money with grouping up and playing pve or invasion. So i got the idead, why not to change them into another more important ressource? Like alien monocrystals. For one cycle you get 1 or maybe 2 crystals.


The most advantage in this change is that the most pilots who are playing sector conquest don’t need any more money. Maybe some artifacts, but most worth at the moment are the gold sectors. And you have only less time for play then you play maybe more sector conquest because you love it and have less or no time for open world. This would be a way for honor all the sector pilots to get their monocrystals too and coporations have now 2  very interesting ressource type of ectors to spend their influence points.


Would be nice to get some feedback for this.

Nice greetings :slight_smile:


Rewards should be 10 times higher than they are now. It would be fair imo.

I can get 700000 credits in one T5 match, if not more. This is simply laughable.

However, if they will do it or not, that’s another question.

Or keep all the sectors, and swap out a few for alien monocrystals.

Credit Sectors should definitely be swapped for Monocrystal Sectors. 

thanks for the input  - forwarded to Devs

As always, you are short sigthed and only watch for yourselves.


Credit sectors are a GREAT way for casual corps to help their players. Any casual corp with 100 players where 10 or 15 have high rank tiers and allow them to get credit sectors, are doing more for their mates than any high tier getting 6 or 12 GS.


I’ve seen some casual corps farming credit sectors, and for all their starting players having daily messages with 320k or 500k credits every 8 hours is a GREAT encouragement to keep playing and upgrade their ships.


For the 80% of players in corps, crystals are useless. They need credits.

As always, you are short sigthed and only watch for yourselves.


Credit sectors are a GREAT way for casual corps to help their players. Any casual corp with 100 players where 10 or 15 have high rank tiers and allow them to get credit sectors, are doing more for their mates than any high tier getting 6 or 12 GS.


I’ve seen some casual corps farming credit sectors, and for all their starting players having daily messages with 320k or 500k credits every 8 hours is a GREAT encouragement to keep playing and upgrade their ships.


For the 80% of players in corps, crystals are useless. They need credits.


This is the same as the daily login rewards. People with enough credits will just say they’re worthless and demand something better. While new players actually make good use of that small amount of credits.

Just increase credit prizes… I am homeless broke on credits… All the time… … … …

As always, you are short sigthed and only watch for yourselves.


Credit sectors are a GREAT way for casual corps to help their players. Any casual corp with 100 players where 10 or 15 have high rank tiers and allow them to get credit sectors, are doing more for their mates than any high tier getting 6 or 12 GS.


I’ve seen some casual corps farming credit sectors, and for all their starting players having daily messages with 320k or 500k credits every 8 hours is a GREAT encouragement to keep playing and upgrade their ships.


For the 80% of players in corps, crystals are useless. They need credits.

Is this really the case though? I mean, surely by the same logic GS is far better because the new players can just use that to buy credits instead?


Plus, Sector Conquest is meant to be the endgame; it’s a mode where the best teams prove they are the best and get rewarded for it. As such, the rewards should reflect that. Don’t get me wrong, I like that the whole Corp gets rewarded and I am not suggesting that should change (it really helps foster a community spirit within the Corp in my opinion) but I don’t agree with the idea of making a reward you get purely for the sake of the bottom end of the Corp.


Besides, most Corps don’t really become active until T3 and up. By then, you’ve got access to a decent revenue stream just through normal play. As such, most lower-end Corp members would be far better served with almost any other kind of reward.

GD it Jasan credit rewards are needed because small corps can’t compete with big ones like NASA, OWL, WPK, or ESB.

I don’t know if you have ever been in a small Corp competing for sectors but if you haven’t stop trying to change things if you don’t have all of the perspective.

Credit rewards are too low. They need to be increased.

That doesn’t make sense. How do credit sectors help you compete vs strong corps?

What I think you’re saying is that it’s a safe prize for weak corps because the strong ones want GS and Iridium.

But that’s hardly a positive assessment. You’re essentially admitting half the sectors are junk.

So I say upgrrade the sectors. If a few top corps then start buying the whole map, mechanics can be added to limit how many sectors a corp can control.

That doesn’t make sense. How do credit sectors help you compete vs strong corps?

You’re essentially admitting half the sectors are junk.

Right now I can’t even buy purple upgrade kit that I find in loot. I would say that purple gears helps against orange geared deathsquads. Extra credits means that I can save time and actually afford to use credits to pay the absurd cost to jump from station to station allowing me to get monocrystals. Credits can compensate for artifacts and monocrystals (which you want).

Quinn, Jasan. Do not assume what I mean. Do not tell me what I think, imply or say.

Nice idea, we will use it.