Ok like me you like this game …a lot, but don’t you find the 25 to 30 sec respawn rate a fun sapper and frustrating, I mean wouldn’t 10 to 15 sec. respawn rate be a whole lot more fun, now I know there is going to be someone/s who will post that this is the way the dev’s made it, that the whole game balance thingy hangs on it being 25 to 30 seconds, but I don’t care it’s frustrating I want back in on the combat, as I’m sure a lot of you do as well, i’m not saying we should have no respawn rate we definitely need one, just not one that’s so long,
I think there needs to be a downside to dying to avoid suicidial hit and die -stupidity with ships that are not so intented for that.
There ARE ships that are intented for suicidial runs (even a special self destruct feauture), only after using one of those, or that feature, I would allow faster respawn.
There has to be a “penalty” for the team whoms member dies, and a “gain” for that side whom made the kill, so the play is more meaningful and smarter. The killer team should have at least small gain, from being able to try to move forward with the game objective(s) while the opposing team is missing one ship.
Thus, the respawn time in my opinion is fine. Too long naturally makes waiting boring.
I do understand that there is alternative for this issue though: Regular matches.
I think the respawn rates are fine. You should play more strategically and they should not reward bad play that results in over-extension and death with a free respawn. Also, Combat Recon would be even more difficult to kill a captain surrounded by a camp-shield.
[…] don’t you find the 25 to 30 sec respawn rate a fun sapper and frustrating […]
I completely disagree, I find it far more meaningful and engaging that death means a little bit more in this game. If anything I would be interested to see even longer death timers. If getting shot down only meant a 10 sec re-spawn timer it would eliminate a lot of the really enjoyable strategy and skill currently seen in gameplay.
Respawn timer is tactically important. It means if you get a few kills in quick succession, the enemy is now weak and it’s time to push forward, capture a beacon, get the bomb, go for the captain, etc…
If the re spawn was QUICKER, I’d complain about the fact that killing enemies is sort of meaningless when they pop up 15 seconds later to kill your weakened ship.
Pretty much. Given the TTK in this game and how fast people can get into the fight the respawn has to keep those factors in mind. Too short and nothing can get accomplished. Too long and its a waiting game with no risks taken.
Right now I think it’s too easy for one side to defend most of the beacon placements in this game. Respawns are long enough that any new players would be alone flying into the fight and wouldn’t survive long enough for backup to show up, And when they die all of them start trickling back in.
Maybe do a group respawn. All dead players spawn at the same 30 second interval, regardless if you died 10 or 29.9 seconds ago.
I completely disagree, I find it far more meaningful and engaging that death means a little bit more in this game. If anything I would be interested to see even longer death timers. If getting shot down only meant a 10 sec re-spawn timer it would eliminate a lot of the really enjoyable strategy and skill currently seen in gameplay.
100 times this. Also it gives you 30 sec to finally have a closer look at that damn map - something most players obviously never do during combat (sadly).
Regular mode is the only proper way to play strategically in more meaningful way for me anyway.
I just wish all match types could be available in equal proportions in Regular mode as it is in Arcade (and that more players sign up for Regular).
I just had a game where we literally spawn camped the enemy team… even with the 5 second immunity buff you get after spawning we would just mow down players as they spawned. We had a couple of healer frigates with us and a lot of dps so only interceptors ever managed to get away, all the enemy frigates and fighters just died within seconds and couldn’t do enough damage to anyone to accomplish anything with the repairs going on our team. With the spawn timer so long there isn’t a whole lot the enemy team could do about it since they would just spawn 1 or 2 at a time.
Side note: this happened entirely by accident, it was a detonation game and their spawn was near a station that we blew up so our whole team was there. Nobody on our team could be bothered to go blow up the other stations as we were slaughtering them anyways.
I think a shared respawn timer might help prevent this kind of problem.
Given how easy it is to cross the map, a shorter respawn would be better. Considering unless someone runs support front line it’s really hard to not die, and in a good situation everyone should eventually die once.
The respawn time in my opinion is a bit long. When I’m using my sniper frigate, my highest record is shooting down 4 small ships in 15 second. There’s a time where only 2 opponent are on the map and 8 of them are waiting to spawn… My team got a really easy win for both emp and beacon mode since no one is there to stop the bomb carrier and capture the base. I think around 15 second would be an ideal time.