Resist points?

How is resistance calculated in this game? You can add a flat value to your ship how does it reduce the incoming damage?

Based of the balance tool, resistance works the same way as protection in League of Legends: actual damage = damage * 100 / (100 + resistance).

100 resistance = 2 times as much damage to kill you

200 resistance = 3 times as much damage to kill you



Another way to look at is that with an extra 10 resistance and 1000 hull it takes 100 more damage to kill you (1000 * 10 / 100).


I hope this helps.

thx, exactly what i was looking for

100 resist = 50% damage reduction or 100% more life
200 resist = 66% damage reduction or 200% more life
300 resist = 75% damage reduction or 300% more life
400 resist = 80% damage reduction or 400% more life

If this is true, then the Jericho first level implant is better than the Empire’s. The empire gives +25% hull, but the jericho one gives +30 to all resists. If every 30 points is = to an extra 30% health…then it’s a no-brainer. Go with +30 all resist and you effectively have more hit points.

If this is true, then the Jericho first level implant is better than the Empire’s. The empire gives +25% hull, but the jericho one gives +30 to all resists. If every 30 points is = to an extra 30% health…then it’s a no-brainer. Go with +30 all resist and you effectively have more hit points.

It’s a bit more complex than that. I did the calculation yesterday and for me the 25% hull were better.


EHP = HP * (1 + R / 100) where EHP is your effective Hitpoints, R is your resistance vs one damage type and HP is your current health.


For 1000 HP and 0 Resistance your EHP are the following:

1250 EHP with the 25% implant, 1300 EHP with the resistance implant. In this case you are right.


For 1000 HP and 50 Resistance:

1875 EHP with the 25% imp, 1800 EHP with the resistances. In this case you are wrong.


So basically the more resistance you have the less EHP you get out of every additional point of resistance.

EHP = HP + (1 + R / 100)


Wouldn’t it be EHP = HP x (1 + R/100)? Otherwise I’m really confused about how you’re getting 1300 EHP from 25 resist all.


*EDIT* Also, yes I agree with you on your math. Given this information, it’s most effective to balance both +HP%, and +Resist. You pretty much want both your +HP% and +Resist to be equal. So if you had +10% HP and you had +9 All Resist, you’re better off getting 1 more point in resist. Then they’re even and you’re maximizing your EHP.; If you had +10% HP and +11 All resist, you’re better off getting another +1% HP to balance it with your resist.


So yeah. Balance them to get best results. Things obviously get more complicated when you take into account various levels of resistances between hull/shield, regen effects, etc.

Yeah it’s HP * (1 + r/100) of course, I had a typo in my formula, but the calculations were done with the correct one. :slight_smile:


Also for shields bear in mind that the regeneration favors resistance over flat HP because you get “more” out of your regeneration. If you go for flat HP, you still regenerate the same amount of x HP whether you have 1000 or 10000 shield HP, but if you regenerate x HP and the enemy has to deal more damage to take those x HP away again because you have resistances the regeneration gives you x * 1 + r/100 (E)HP back.

Exactly, that’s where I began paying more attention to resists in the first place. I used to just full blown have massive shield/hp but now I’m realizing it’s important to balance it out with resists too. One of the things I’m wondering though…if your shield takes damage, is there a delay before it begins recharging?

It’s a bit more complex than that. I did the calculation yesterday and for me the 25% hull were better.


EHP = HP * (1 + R / 100) where EHP is your effective Hitpoints, R is your resistance vs one damage type and HP is your current health.


For 1000 HP and 0 Resistance your EHP are the following:

1250 EHP with the 25% implant, 1300 EHP with the resistance implant. In this case you are right.


For 1000 HP and 50 Resistance:

1875 EHP with the 25% imp, 1800 EHP with the resistances. In this case you are wrong.


So basically the more resistance you have the less EHP you get out of every additional point of resistance.

actually you dont get less hp per resist point, you just got ALOT more per 1% hull point (since with 100 resist, each 1% heal increase is effectively 2% Ehp, while resist will stay at 1% ehp no matter how much you got of it per 1point of resist)  :slight_smile:


the difference is that resist is dmg metigation while hp is buffer tank. meaning if you got sick resistence each point you HEAL will effectively last for ALOT more EHP then it would with lower resist and more hp…

so it really depends on what you are going for. are you gonna outheal or simply buffertank and retreat to heal :slight_smile:

actually you dont get less hp per resist point, you just got ALOT more per 1% hull point (since with 100 resist, each 1% heal increase is effectively 2% Ehp, while resist will stay at 1% ehp no matter how much you got of it per 1point of resist)  :slight_smile:


This is correct, I misworded that.

To make things easy, here is a sort of guestamate guide to resistance and DR


120 = 20% Dr
140= 30% Dr
160 = 35% Dr
180= 45% Dr
200 = 55% Dr
220= 65% Dr
240 = 75% Dr

For 1000 HP and 0 Resistance your EHP are the following:

1250 EHP with the 25% implant, 1300 EHP with the resistance implant. In this case you are right.


For 1000 HP and 50 Resistance:

1875 EHP with the 25% imp, 1800 EHP with the resistances. In this case you are wrong.


I admit I was initially fascinated with this example, as it didn’t make sense to me. Both the implant and and resistance give bonus percentage, so shouldn’t they add up, with the 80 resistance giving an 80% bonus compared to the 75% bonus from 25% hull and 50 resistance? This may have been obvious to a lot of other people, but I decided to do a quick write up:


The full equation is:

EHP = HP * (1+ I/100) * (1 + R/100) where EHP is effective hit points, HP is the raw hit points, I is the implant and R is resistance.

(NOTE: I am assuming I is not a percentage. Instead of using 25%, we are use 25 for this equation)


If we expand this out, we find that the formula turns into this:


EHP = HP * ( 1 + (I+R)/100 + (I*R)/10000)

From here, it’s obvious the difference comes from the last term, the I*R/10000

If we then divide both sides by HP, we can define EHP as Effective HP Gain, or EHPG


EHGP = EHP/HP = 1 + (I+R)/100 + (I*R)/10000


For 1000 HP and 50 Resistance

+30 Resistance results in an EGHP = 1 + 0.8 + 0 = 1.8 , with EHP = 1800

+25% Implant results in EGHP = 1 + 0.75 + 0.125 = 1.875, with EHP = 1875

In the first case, we lost the last term, resulting in the second case winning out. It would seem the best way to maximize survivability is to balance both raw HP and Resistance.

…dude, what? I thought the implant resistance bonus stacked *additively* with any resist gear, not multiplicatively.(did I spell that right?)

…dude, what? I thought the implant resistance bonus stacked *additively* with any resist gear, not multiplicatively.(did I spell that right?)


Yeah, when I meant implant I meant the HULL implant boost. I probably need to go back and spell things out better, as I had created that post in context of the reply comparing resistance vs 25% hull. In brief:


EHP = HP * (1+ H/100) * (1 + R/100) where EHP is effective hit points, HP is the raw hit points,  H is extra hull and R is resistance

Note: I am using H not as a percentage. So instead of setting H to 25% in this example, it will be 25.


For 1000 HP and 50 Resistance

+30 Resistance results in an EGHP = 1 + (50+30)/100 + ((50+30)*0)/10000 = 1 + 0.8 + 0 = 1.8 , with EHP = 1000 * 1.8 = 1800

+25% Hull Implant results in EGHP = 1 + (50+25)/100 + (50*25)/10000 = 1 + 0.75 + 0.125 = 1.875, with EHP = 1000 * 1.875 = 1875

Guys, there are only additin and division in those formulas, so this is linear… vsKz6Xt.png


I made a table

Nice picture Benache. And yes, if you take into resistance alone it is linear. But if you then factor in extra hp, (IE +14% Hull, +20% shields etc.) it then becomes a quadratic. For example, say you want to find out the best way to triple your base HP using a combination of resistance and extra hp modules. The equation is 3 = (1+H/100)*(1+R/100). Where H is extra hull/shields and R is resistance. The graph turns out below:



(X is H, and Y is R)


As can be seen, you can either stack 200 resistance or 200% HP/Shields to triple your EHP. You can aslo use a combination of 73% extra HP/Shields and 73 Resistance, or any valid point in the 1st quadrant on the curve.


Of course this gets even more complicated if you then take into account hull and shield seperatly, as well as making consideration for each different type of resistance type. I’m probably gonna create something excel to crunch the numbers for me.

There’s already an excel sheet doing some damage calculation.

Maybe it’s time we start creating a fiting software…

All I know is I’m trying to balance my increases to my base hit points with my increases to my resists.


So if I had +50 resistances across the board for my hull, I would then try to get close to +50% hull.


I actually have my resists slightly higher than my +hull% because I take into account the benefits of hull regen module (I pilot support frigates).


So at the end my stats look kinda like this:


+45% hull

+50-75 resistances (varies depending upon type of damage)

+150 Hull regen per second.


My shields are similar, except because I have such a small amount of shield to begin with, and shields regenerate quickly, I focus even more on resists and less on +shield%.


So I end up with something like


+30% shield

+60-80 Resistances

+200-250 shield regen per second (guesstimate)


I pilot empire frigates.


The reason I put my resistances slightly higher than my hull/shield bonuses, is because when I combine it with my regen, the longer the fight is, the better my survivability. If the fight is short, with high burst damage, then there’s better ways to equip your ship.

All I know is I’m trying to balance my increases to my base hit points with my increases to my resists.


So if I had +50 resistances across the board for my hull, I would then try to get close to +50% hull.


Pretty much. Due to the nature of multplication, the best way to maximize the result while minimizing the products is to use two equal numbers.



My shields are similar, except because I have such a small amount of shield to begin with, and shields regenerate quickly, I focus even more a resists and less on +shield%.


I’ve got something similair going on with my empire fighter. I have an overcharged hull regen module in it, giving 32 hull per second. This combined with hull resistance stacking, along with the overdrive module that gives +50 Hull resistance makes the fighter incredibly survivable.