Requesting small but important addition to warehouse and loot pop-up (upgrade kits)

I made a mistake[wasting loyalty voucher], which is reason for this feedback. A tiny change to the UI of the Warehouse and the Purple encounter screen during a loot search could prevent mistakes like mine. 


Both warehouse and a purple loot encounter tell you if you own a white, green and/or blue version of that item. What it doesn’t tell you is whether you already own the purple version of that item.

I don’t know about you guys, but i can’t keep track of all the purple items i i own.




  • I did a pve mission. And opened up the guarenteed purple loot. I found a purple Parasitic Remodulator II.

  • I knew i used a Parasitic Remodulator on my Scout. The screen showed me i owned a white and a green version.

  • I accepted the purple one.

  • At the warehouse i went to the purple upgrade kit. I clicked on the green shortcut which took me directly to the green Parasitic Remodulator.

  • I upgraded it to blue using/wasting 20000 Warden loyalty vouchers. I wanted to upgrade the blue to purple.

  • When i scrolled down to view the blue one i saw that i already owned a purple Parasitic Remoulator II.


There is not a single moment in the steps mentioned above where you are made aware of already owning a purple. When you click the green shortcut which takes you to the green item itself, the green item is listed at the bottom of the list (see first image). I didn’t scroll down which is my fault, but it didn’t even cross my mind i owned a purple version of it already (see second image). (i wasn’t using the Scout at the moment, i didn’t remember i had a purple equipped on it already).  






A simple addition of adding the already owned purples under the upgrade kit in the warehouse AND during a purple loot search encounter could prevent simple things like this. (see next image).







TLDR: I wasted 20000 loyalty vouchers for not remembering i already had a purple version. It is almost strange owned purples aren’t listed where they should be. 

Here you can see: I have blue reinforced beams on my Prometheus, and the game tells me that I have already a Purple one:






I never use the warehouse to buy/upgrade things, the Equipment tab is easier Imo.

The problem is on the looting screen resi. You have no access to fitting screen or warehouse after a won battle during the looting phase.


+1 to this 

Here you can see: I have blue reinforced beams on my Prometheus, and the game tells me that I have already a Purple one:






I never use the warehouse to buy/upgrade things, the Equipment tab is easier Imo.


I don’t know if you read through everything i wrote, but i’ll repeat an important part: I wasn’t using the Scout at the time. It means i would have to equip the scout to upgrade and switch back to the ship i was using. I did the upgrade through the warehouse because i knew i would use the scout at some point again.

I don’t know if you read through everything i wrote, but i’ll repeat an important part: I wasn’t using the Scout at the time. It means i would have to equip the scout to upgrade and switch back to the ship i was using. I did the upgrade through the warehouse because i knew i would use the scout at some point again.

i indeed read everything, i was just pointing how easy the equipment tab is to use. That does not mean that the warehouse should be fixed on that matter