(Request) Rebalance 2 Suppressor Class Module Damage

I know, other people have asked this before, but I urge you- the developers to rethink the “Destroyers” modules and how they are killed, the current damage taken from their destruction is to great for the majority of builds, for the two destroyers “Archon” and “Procyon” the request is to simply-- Rebalance the two destroyers as mentioned earlier so their modules have a higher health due to the fact “Procyon” is not built nor should be built to increase hull amount, and since it is a agile-destroyer it should not have to have Armored Plates on it which reduces its rotation speed, just to survive a total module destruction.

As per the “Archon” it is a shield-tank, and I have seen most builds being 3x Shield slots, 2x CPU and 1x Capacitor or vice-versa, it too does not have not sufficient bonus’s to be able to survive a destroyer-module destruction, as it is already slow in all aspects such as roll, pitch, and even acceleration, my simple request is to change the amount of damage needed for a destruction because they simple have no use if half the ships hull is gone on loss, take a look at these exact specifications of my “Archon” 



Synergy- Max(9/9





Shield-70 Kinetic, 62 EM & 100 Thermal, +41(MK4) multiphase-

111 Kinetic, 104 EM and 141 Thermal(at all times)

Hull-32 Kinetic, 65 EM 35 Thermal.

Module destruction on all lost- 60,000 points, which leaves me 25,000 give or take to survive, and the recharge is one minute, so it doesn’t take much without hull slots to kill a Archon or Procyon, so again, consider this and get back to me… it really does need changed. 

This is the good topic, I dont know how but 3 other posts were made, but were not finished, anyway.

And in T4 just destroying the engine on my Sibyl downs it by 20,000hull points. That’s outrageous.

Guys, it’s made on purpose. 

Keep in mind that Fed and Jericho Destroyers are compensated in a way by having considerably stronger missile slot equpment

Fed can deploy 3 and Jerichos are 50% energy cheaper on use, Emires dont have anything

16 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Keep in mind that Fed and Jericho Destroyers are compensated in a way by having considerably stronger missile slot equpment

Fed can deploy 3 and Jerichos are 50% energy cheaper on use, Emires dont have anything

Also, they have a much stronger shield to compensate and protect your mods. 


In fact I find the empire destroyer less powerful then the two others. You may survive longer once your mods are down, but they are destroyed much faster because you have nearly no shield. 

And it takes so much time to regenerate between two fights because 95% of his tank is in the hull (litteraly).  



52 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Also, they have a much stronger shield to compensate and protect your mods. 


In fact I find the empire destroyer less powerful then the two others. You may survive longer once your mods are down, but they are destroyed much faster because you have nearly no shield. 

And it takes so much time to regenerate between two fights because 95% of his tank is in the hull (litteraly).  



The Empire destroyer line is indeed weaker than Jericho and Federation if you last for more than one dogfight, since there’s almost no way you’ll get your hull back up to 100% if you don’t have either multiple engineers focus healing you or other destroyers helping to heal you.

Destroyers never meant to be alone and for sure - not under constant fire. Even their class is called “Suppressors” . If you are getting your modules down too quickly it means that a) you are out of position b) your engie is too far away c) your team just screwed up providing you cover.

4 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

And in T4 just destroying the engine on my Sibyl downs it by 20,000hull points. That’s outrageous.

Excatly, Fox!


2 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

Also, they have a much stronger shield to compensate and protect your mods. 


In fact I find the empire destroyer less powerful then the two others. You may survive longer once your mods are down, but they are destroyed much faster because you have nearly no shield. 

And it takes so much time to regenerate between two fights because 95% of his tank is in the hull (litteraly).  



This is wrong, your modules get damaged no matter your shield capacity, but its really wrong to loose 55k-60k whatever hull on module loss when you have base 85k.

1 hour ago, niripas said:

Destroyers never meant to be alone and for sure - not under constant fire. Even their class is called “Suppressors” . If you are getting your modules down too quickly it means that a) you are out of position b) your engie is too far away c) your team just screwed up providing you cover.

Wrong, I was destroyed, not even 3000m from spawn with 3 tacklers behind me, russian 0 ms ping haha. But still. Engies cant kill in 0.3 seconds and thats what it takes for covy to destroy.

*Some people are risk takers, even though I have pilots near me, still, some will try, and most of the time they win.

The engine’s additional damage on destruction seems to be harsh but my main problem is not this. It is the way it comes back online. I don’t often lose my engine but when I do, it often fails to restore the afterburner. It may be a bug or I don’t know. It just stops burning and showing the destroyed status but the AB still fails to operate. A timer or something that shows when destroyed modules will be ready to use would be nice to have.

Another thing I can’t explain sometimes is why one module gets destroyed instead of another. In pve I got hit by a full load of tempest torps at my front. I used static shields, didn’t turn much but still got my engine down. I think we all could use a damage bar on the icons of the modules and also an indicator that showed which module is being damaged. A flashing effect or something.    

After engine is back online, you haev to cycle F to reenable AB functionality, no idea why

9 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

After engine is back online, you haev to cycle F to reenable AB functionality, no idea why

Oh, that explains it. Thanks. I usually started pushing everything wildly and the engine started working at some point. I thought it was the auto afterburner causing trouble. 

I already suggested, that a % based system of module damage should be applied. This mean more base hull = more base damage if module is destroyed.

Because currently, the system is really against a) Fed AND Jericho b) ‘reward’ hull builds.

8 hours ago, xKostyan said:

Keep in mind that Fed and Jericho Destroyers are compensated in a way by having considerably stronger missile slot equpment

Fed can deploy 3 and Jerichos are 50% energy cheaper on use, Emires dont have anything

What you say is false.

Empire have stronger shields in the slot.

And I would say that Jerichos 50% reduction is the worst of all three.

5 hours ago, IFreakinLoveBass said:

Wrong, I was destroyed, not even 3000m from spawn with 3 tacklers behind me, russian 0 ms ping haha. But still. Engies cant kill in 0.3 seconds and thats what it takes for covy to destroy.

*Some people are risk takers, even though I have pilots near me, still, some will try, and most of the time they win.

The 3 tacklers aren’t even needed. Just 1 Cov and you are half dead. Most time the team isn’t interested if their are flies around you!

You tend to forget that before being able to destroy your mods, they have to take down your shield. 

45 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

You tend to forget that before being able to destroy your mods, they have to take down your shield. 

Nope. Not for explosive/piercing things.

11 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Nope. Not for explosive/piercing things.

But then is the same for the “stronger static shield” of Empire 

They don´t need to lower the shield. The plasma bow can kill them even with and if you stay in the shield you can attack the hull directly.

5 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

You tend to forget that before being able to destroy your mods, they have to take down your shield. 

They changed that, its now at 45% shield capacity I believe before your modules are destroyed, I know because I can survive 2 anomaly generators before the third pops one.

this does not apply to Covert Ops’s plasma arc

9 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

I already suggested, that a % based system of module damage should be applied. This mean more base hull = more base damage if module is destroyed.

Because currently, the system is really against a) Fed AND Jericho b) ‘reward’ hull builds.

What you say is false.

Empire have stronger shields in the slot.

And I would say that Jerichos 50% reduction is the worst of all three.

The 3 tacklers aren’t even needed. Just 1 Cov and you are half dead. Most time the team isn’t interested if their are flies around you!

More hull = less shields = modules blow up easier = less mods to use/more dmg received. Empire HAD (notice: past) stronger shields, now they dont, they dont have any missile buff (check stats, also if you are really suspicious about it, equip heavy repair drones and see they heal just like fed and jeri dest. They have no bonuses). 50% reduction is awesome: you can keep static shields up all the time while spending high energy consumption modules like photon.

8 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Nope. Not for explosive/piercing things.

Which is a great reduction from the entire weaponry “population”.

6 hours ago, otaku98753 said:

They don´t need to lower the shield. The plasma bow can kill them even with and if you stay in the shield you can attack the hull directly.

Plasma arc is one of the few very effective measures against destroyers and comes at great price: aproaching and standing still…a good pilot will know when to start firing that cov op and should have counters ready against his plasma arc: like a nice photon torp, tempest voley, wormhole jump…or simply ping the dude and have a decent team that blows him up. Yeah, cov ops are the most fragile ships.

3 hours ago, IFreakinLoveBass said:

They changed that, its now at 45% shield capacity I believe before your modules are destroyed, I know because I can survive 2 anomaly generators before the third pops one.

this does not apply to Covert Ops’s plasma arc

Module destruction has nothing to do with shield capacity. Shields stop most incomming dmg to modules since they cover a large area, but some weapons/missiles with big AoE will still go through that big space and dmg the modules. And if you are getting hit 3 times by the same anomaly (specially after the long charge time nerf)…oh boy you really gotta git gud. Destroyers arent rocks, they move for some reason (even them can dodge A LOT of dmg).