(Request) Rebalance 2 Suppressor Class Module Damage

55 minutes ago, Papitas said:

More hull = less shields = modules blow up easier = less mods to use/more dmg received. Empire HAD (notice: past) stronger shields, now they dont, they dont have any missile buff (check stats, also if you are really suspicious about it, equip heavy repair drones and see they heal just like fed and jeri dest. They have no bonuses). 50% reduction is awesome: you can keep static shields up all the time while spending high energy consumption modules like photon.

Which is a great reduction from the entire weaponry “population”.

Plasma arc is one of the few very effective measures against destroyers and comes at great price: aproaching and standing still…a good pilot will know when to start firing that cov op and should have counters ready against his plasma arc: like a nice photon torp, tempest voley, wormhole jump…or simply ping the dude and have a decent team that blows him up. Yeah, cov ops are the most fragile ships.

Module destruction has nothing to do with shield capacity. Shields stop most incomming dmg to modules since they cover a large area, but some weapons/missiles with big AoE will still go through that big space and dmg the modules. And if you are getting hit 3 times by the same anomaly (specially after the long charge time nerf)…oh boy you really gotta git gud. Destroyers arent rocks, they move for some reason (even them can dodge A LOT of dmg).


I haven’t an empire, so I can’t comment, while your point is logical, it doesn’t matter if the shields are itself up or not as most non explosives/piercing ones doesn’t catch module slots(you need to aim for that to specific to be realiable).

Check stats: Heavy repair drones aren’t static shields.

So your argument isn’t the truth. Only extensive tests/developer can say if the empire missile shields ARE stronger or not.

To the 50%: I have no issues with my federation to spam missile+photon. It’s a build thingie. I think empire can be at some point be build too so.

So Jericho NEED that reduction, but is itself useless.


If you just yolo into one, then you are bad. Adaptive or jammer and your problem of knowing is GONE. But hey…


Eating AG: Well timed good eat.

49 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Check stats: Heavy repair drones aren’t static shields.

The bonus is for the missiles slot, not for the shields/drones specifically - “deployable bonus”

49 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Only extensive tests/developer can say if the empire missile shields ARE stronger or not.

Empire Destroyers do not have deployable bonus, I confirm my own statement, happy?

49 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

To the 50%: I have no issues with my federation to spam missile+photon. It’s a build thingie. I think empire can be at some point be build too so.

So Jericho NEED that reduction, but is itself useless.

You really have no idea how awesome that 50% reduction in deployable bonus really is…