Report Option?

I have been playing a bunch of PvP matchs. I have noticed, some times people dont do anything at all. Or sometimes people will disconnect, and we lose a match because of that. Can we impliment a system where we can report people for something? Maybe have a “Tribunal-like” system, simular to League of Legends? I would love to be able to participate in something like that!

There is report option implemented, although I doubt reporting people for idling or simply “not playing the game the way you think it should be played” is something smart to do.


What I do is when I see some particularly bad player I put him on my Ignore list. Is it only coincidence or it really works as intended - I’m not sure, but I haven’t seen any of those ignored players in my team since.

/report playername reason


Reported so many teamkillers and leechers already…

My concern is reporting people who are not partcipating.

Disconnection is mostly a server thing, at times I lose connection because of the servers and it can be difficult to get back in.

I still think something at the end of the match such as “report” button with some kind of drop down menu, so we could select a reason of report, would make it much easier to report people. Disconnects are fine if people come back, not coming back is an issue when there is 2-3 people DCed from a match.

sometimes   it  may be  because of high ping rates   that are so high  you can’t join in. has happened to me   many times. spent time  floating around game  just watching  occasionally getting  low enough ping rate   to fire a few  shots   but  I don’t  quit a game because you get points even if you lose but get nothing if you quit.

Afk farmers/ Bot users/Automated game tools/Hacks

Afk farmers/ Bot users/Automated game tools/Hacks

yes i saw that thread as well. however, the type of option im refering to is more of a ingame option “button” at the end, in the debriefing. I am sorry i was not more specific to begin with haha. But i feel it is a necessary feature. I have seen TONS of disconnect in tier 1, but almost none in tier 2. So im not sure if /ragequit, or ping or what the deal is.

yes i saw that thread as well. however, the type of option im refering to is more of a ingame option “button” at the end, in the debriefing. I am sorry i was not more specific to begin with haha. But i feel it is a necessary feature. I have seen TONS of disconnect in tier 1, but almost none in tier 2. So im not sure if /ragequit, or ping or what the deal is.

I’ll forward this to developers


UPD: Planned feature.

I’ll forward this to developers


UPD: Planned feature.


Bit off-topic: I think you should have a tag or at least signature indicating your position on Russian forums. It would reduce confusion here and still allow for much smoother communication between .com and .ru community we have thanks to you. My 2 cents.