Replays and Previous Games

Quick and easy suggestion that I haven’t seen on this forum yet:


How about a Replay system?


I’m talking about a way to watch previously played games.  Locally stored perhaps.


If that is too complicated to implement, how about at least a way to inspect prior game results / match historical data.  After returning to hanger, I often wish I could look back at the stats from my previously played match especially while waiting for the next one.  Would be nice to be able to look again at players from your last match to invite them to a squad for more games.


And I can tell you aren’t displaying death counts per game for confidence boosting reasons… and preventing griefing and shutting out Aces and lower skill players -  but come on now how can we really tell how good we’re doing without some death stats?  More info = better.  We all know we die too much and get owned when it happens.  I like a good comprehensive breakdown on performance including info like damage dealt, damage received, accuracy (hits/shots fired), distance traveled, player matchup stats (who killed who most), missiles fired, etc etc.  You don’t have to make any more data public on the pilot profile.


I guess there is a balance between too much info and leaving some for the imagination.  Personally, I like to see it all, and at least a way to review the battle results post-match would be really nice.





Edit: I think it makes sense for this to be in the Visuals/ UI suggestions - if necessary recommend a better place for it.

I believe a replay system has been suggested in the past, but I am not entirely sure. There are a few programs you can use to record your screen, like FRAPS, dxtory, nvidia shadowplay, or bandicam. As for prior match data, logs from the past 10 log-ins are stored locally already. You can try out [Snib’s analyzer](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21314-snibs-star-conflict-log-analyzer/?p=226110) to make some sense of it.


*This is just my personal opinion. Anything another GM, Admin, or Dev says is most likely to be more correct than my answer.*

This has been indeed suggested several times, as well as a spectatror mode.

Quake-like demo system would be fine and not so hard to implement.

I believe this idea was mentioned by Antibus in his “plan for the game for the year.”  Many people want recordings, and the network data could help a lot with that.  It’ll probably happen in due time.

Or how about we have an advanced spectator mode like LoL? Where those who do not wish to participate or just want to sit back and watch a high tier battle have the power to do so. Mabye we could implement a “bet” system like in GTA5 where you can bet using credits or money on certain players?

There will be some kind of spectate-system (was announced in the blog). Lets hope they implement a replay function, too. 

Or how about we have an advanced spectator mode like LoL? Where those who do not wish to participate or just want to sit back and watch a high tier battle have the power to do so. Mabye we could implement a “bet” system like in GTA5 where you can bet using credits or money on certain players?


LoL’s spectator mode is horrid, you can barely watch a couple of games, the DotA 2 one is way better, you can literally spectate ANY game going on at the moment, you can aslo select the games depending on the heros they have, of if they’re team vs team games

I am willing to this … Replay is good… as good as when I have lunch… its good to see replay my game… but in cinematics video it will be good… looks like watch a movie of space war… in that replay, there will be good to disable UI guidance… just like make it as cinematic video :yes_yes: :yes_yes: :yes_yes:

This would be awesome. And also bad. Because it would take away from the “mysteries” of the builds people use, or the way they fly. But this is the future i guess, embrace it.