Replace co-op with solo mode

Despite the claims by the devs that teams are broken, the community clearly wants them. From corps who want to practice together to casuals that want to fly with friends, games like this need to allow groups of players to fly together.

Thus, I propose we settle the “squads are bad” argument once and for all with a simple change.

  1. restore squads to PVP mode.

  2. replace co-op with solo mode.

Solo mode is identical to pvp, but there are no squads of any kind allowed.

This will give the devs real data about how popular squads are, and whether they truly do “break the game” as has been claimed.



There is nothing else that needs to be said! Just DO IT!

I wouldn’t mind having PvP for squads and for solo queuing but I think without showing the numbers and sizes of the queuing squads this system would fail again or at least it would be hard to get matches.


About the co-op mode: It is a good one. I mean I can see its potentials. Currently it is quite predictable so with a few tricks it is easy to win. But if it would shift towards some extreme challenge for teams then I would definitely want to see this mode staying in game.

I wouldn’t mind having PvP for squads and for solo queuing but I think without showing the numbers and sizes of the queuing squads this system would fail again or at least it would be hard to get matches.

About the co-op mode: It is a good one. I mean I can see its potentials. Currently it is quite predictable so with a few tricks it is easy to win. But if it would shift towards some extreme challenge for teams then I would definitely want to see this mode staying in game.

The mistake was always in how overly restrictive the matchmaking was. Unrestricted 2 man squads would have been great if the game didn’t dump them all on one side. As for the “game breaking” squads the devs cry about all the time, back in closed beta we used to wait for them to get a match before queueing. Problem solved. We got a game, they ruined someone else’s game, it was all good.

without re-thinking about what a squad in the mm is

and if the same mm-squad gets just reactivated with all the “rules” to “regulate them” like they were in for years

like this it might really fail, since i dont expect squads to fill up quickly, as many players became somewhat dormant.

i really feel like this could backfire; i rather liked cr0s approach of “softening” the entry into squadding by giving boosts to rewards that are important “until” you have all ships (credits, syn).

at the same time he also clearly stated what else a squad system should do

even then, MM is still the same with or without squads; entering a lost or won game is something that even happens more regularly now, than before, but now there are no “squads to blame”. so you know i agree that it is what the game needs, i am just not sure, if it wont be rather used as an excuse to say “no, see, nobody cares”.

I rather wait until they realize, that squads were not the problem of the MM.

They’ve made it clear they aren’t interested in rethinking their position. Hence the need for a mode where squads are plentiful to show people want to squad.

this is like a kick in the a$$ for the solo players


They’ve made it clear they aren’t interested in rethinking their position. Hence the need for a mode where squads are plentiful to show people want to squad.

Today a friend of mine asked me, if they will fix squads, since he was considering buying a Premium license. Of course, I had to tell him the truth. He didn’t want to spend his money on it. Developers can still comment here, while the license sale is still active.


How hard it is to allow 2-men squads to queue with regular randoms, who now have their Destroyers?

Really, if you were serious about this, your answer would not be in “not in the near future” or “never”.

Squads were the foundation that this game was built on. Now it’s nothing like that.

Revert the change or improve it somehow. You have enough suggestions how and why you should do it.



We have to keep asking for them.

Devs, people have the most fun in games when they play with their friends. When people find good team-based games, they’re likely going to invite their friends to play it together. And probably, when they’ll start to play in a more hardcore way, they’ll also pay something on it. It’s a win for everyone.