Repair ship?!

While i was taking a nap, i had a dream that i was playing this game. And in my dream i was a gunship with some repair modual.

So basically, when i entered Turret mode friendly ships could come and dock up near me and get some slight repairs done to their ship and they could rearm themselves. It could allow some interesting Hit, Run, Repair/Rearm. Gameplay.

While i was taking a nap, i had a dream that i was playing this game. And in my dream i was a gunship with some repair modual.

So basically, when i entered Turret mode friendly ships could come and dock up near me and get some slight repairs done to their ship and they could rearm themselves. It could allow some interesting Hit, Run, Repair/Rearm. Gameplay.

that I do like. Im not sure I would want to see some type of remote repair module, ones that repair you via beam or something…that is something that bothers me. If your getting fcked up…you should escape and proceed to nearest repair dock, station or ship and repair from there. But who knows, if there are modules that exist like that, we will learn to adapt and use them against the enemy :stuck_out_tongue:

“medic’s” should be on the game but, then “assualt” “engineer” and “sniper” would have to be made to balance it all out. i like the repare beam instead of some dumb auto repare (instead the use of some not so frendly real coin use up) using the “medic” idea could make a match longer, high exp (or coins however they do it) and team work. (which battlefield p4f faild big time even with medics assults engineers and snipers)

squads also should be added (up to 5 per squad) adding team assist points to the game

While i was taking a nap, i had a dream that i was playing this game. And in my dream i was a gunship with some repair modual.

So basically, when i entered Turret mode friendly ships could come and dock up near me and get some slight repairs done to their ship and they could rearm themselves. It could allow some interesting Hit, Run, Repair/Rearm. Gameplay.

Dude you arent even in the game and yet you have became adicted :smiley:

You are sick fed004.png


well come on i mean i hardly ever got any sleep last night casue i was addicted to this as well i mean who would not get addicted to this :smiley: the game looks awesome :fighter:

i hope i get to find out if it plays awesome too

come to think of it this is kinda a bad idea not only dose it pose as many problems but yet again it would be like EVE and if u ever play EVE u know how much cap/armor fitters there are out there tanking a hole fleet or even a corp just by repairing and filling there cap while they try to get sniped

i agree with the repairs, but not at long range, and also no missle rearms as it forms a integral part of the game strategy, no missles left, tough luck

i agree with the repairs, but not at long range, and also no missle rearms as it forms a integral part of the game strategy, no missles left, tough luck

yep 100% agree with you

that I do like. Im not sure I would want to see some type of remote repair module, ones that repair you via beam or something…that is something that bothers me. If your getting fcked up…you should escape and proceed to nearest repair dock, station or ship and repair from there. But who knows, if there are modules that exist like that, we will learn to adapt and use them against the enemy :stuck_out_tongue:

i think remote repair module is exist… but not sure it just for shield or there’s also exist for hull… i dont have the skill anyway so dont ask me how it works … not mention… HAO2TARGET ALLIES?

aaanyway… im more happier if there’s free repair from those beacon…

i think remote repair module is exist… but not sure it just for shield or there’s also exist for hull… i dont have the skill anyway so dont ask me how it works … not mention… HAO2TARGET ALLIES?

aaanyway… im more happier if there’s free repair from those beacon…

well il be darned

i’ll have to agree with that, BP4F really failed teamwork. BADLY.

i think “medics” could work with AoE effects instead, but i’m not sure of how to implement it. nanobot-firing guns would be terribly inefficient IMO.

missile ressuply is also interesting, but i’m not sure of how it should be implemented. user gets extra missiles before the match? dunno. this would make games much more interesting(as long as the players can afford it). get a small group, sneak into enemy territory, spam rocket barrages at a single ship, killing it, hyperdrive back, ressuply, rinse and repeat.

Maybe a repair beam or drone with one condition : no shield, yah because beam just absorb or reflected by the shield

when the first big clans will be founded and the first good strategies are deployed it wouldn’t take long until players start working in a team…

rep ships and missile resupply sounds like one hell of a tactical advantage

Maybe a gadjet for counteract this, a furtive bomb paste against the shell or a mercenaries team launched on the shell enter in the cargo take the control and fight the crew of the supply ship (yeah sound like X3 Terran Conflict boarding ^^" )

Frigates would be considered med ships; as by common sense repair modules usually take a larger ship to use and meet the power demands - Just no one really cares to play them. There are skills *( as mentioned by devs so its not breaking NDA) that heal/give power/and restore other ships in your vicinity, rather than targeting them ; however as mentioned previously, no one cares to play them this early in the game. Everyone is doped up on firepower. When the game gets to a more developed stage and people start working with clans and groups more, they will begin to show.

Just no one really cares to play them.

Why no one? I saw lots of frigate-lovers in game, and as for myself i use 'em. They are not maneurable or speedy, but firepower is good. An ability to kill from distance is one more plus.

So frigate are for who love hit and run tactic ? :3

i think he refer as no one wanna be “medic” frigate … imma sez true need a bit improvement about “medic” things…