Rent A Ship feature

Suggestion: ‘Rent A Ship’ feature



‘Rent a ship’ feature could be an integral part of the current Trading system, but with some minor modifications.

‘Rent a ship’ feature would allow you to ‘rent a ship’ to a person or a friend, for a fee - 100 GS for one day.

This could be implemented to an already existing Trading system. This will let users know that you are renting a specific ship of your choice.

Once you post an advert, you can cancel it or leave it there for three hours, or until you log off (go offline).

You could rent any Standard/Premium/Exclusive ship, including a Destroyer, provided that a person you’re renting to, has specific ranks of the faction already unlocked.

It’s unclear, if this system should include any Ellydium’ ships at this time.


Basic fees in GS: (Service)

100 GS for any ship or destroyer

Prices could also be set manually by the ‘Renter’ (100 GS - minimum set price, but in this case there is no fixed price, only a 10% tax fee)



(Extension of Service - Could come with 10-20% discount (10-20 GS), could be extended from one to three days, max. (24-72 hours))



  • You can try any ship that you would like to test, provided that you have enough GS for one day or 24 hours.

  • Ship setup, including ship slots and equipment is provided - customization (Implant/Crew setup doesn’t count, of course - that’s based on the End-user).

  • You can also apply preferred color or presets on the ship that you’re willing to rent.

  • You can automatically prolong the ‘Rent a ship’, if the user agrees, for another day, provided that you have an additional 100 GS on your account (Maximum prolonged use - 72 hours)

  (Renter must be online in order to approve it). (optional)

  • Ship comes with all the equipment that is asked and provided from the person that’s renting his ship - Renter.

  (Person can view the current equipment you have installed on your ship via Equipment screen.)

  • Ship that comes from the Renter is always fully synergized! (Max synergy rank/level is already unlocked.)

  • If the End-user or Recipient is offline for some reason, don’t you worry! Your ship will be automatically returned to you after a 24-hour period.

  • You can cancel the ‘pending rent’ in progress, at any time, if you decide to do so. Confirmation from the Renter is required to confirm! (You still lose your daily Rent, though.)

  • You can find out and decide, if the ship that you rented, suits your needs or playstyle.

  • No excessive grind, just get in, rent, and get ready for action!

  • You can use the ship you rented in any game modes. (PvP, PvE, Dreadnought Battle - Sector Conquest, Open Space)

  • Arthur Cage’s mission - ‘Send destroyers to War!’ can also be completed by rented ships and destroyers, provided that the ‘Rent’ is still active! (optional)

  • Buying a ship through a DLC or an event - unlocking it by other means, while having the same exact ship rented at the same time will automatically revoke the ‘Rent’.

  • If the End-user or Recipient got a temporary or permanent ban on his or her account, or if he closed his or her own account during this time, the ‘Rent’ feature is automatically revoked!




  • Player can only ‘Rent’, once it has participated in at least 200 PvP or PvE battles.

  • Player can only ‘Rent a ship’, if it has already reached the rank of the faction that the current ship is tied to

  (Example: To rent a Rank 8 Jericho destroyer, player must have Rank 8 Jericho faction unlocked.)

  • Player can only ‘Rent a ship’, once it has enough Galactic Standards - GS on his or her own account. (100 GS minimum)



  • You must have Galactic Standards - GS currency on your account to be able to use this feature.

  • You can only rent one ship at a time, to one person, daily.

  • Ship that is rented, must be fully equipped from the Renter, and not the End-user that received the ship. (‘Ammunition’ and ‘Missiles slot’ must be equipped by the End-user - Recipient.)

  • Ship that is rented, cannot be refitted, unequipped, salvaged, sold, changed or equipped with the equipment from the End-user or Recipient.

  • Ship that is rented, cannot be changed in the Customization screen - Tuning option by the End-user or Recipient. (Colors, Presets, etc.)

  • Ship cannot be rented, if it hasn’t been fully synergized. (Maximum synergy rank/level is required!)

  • Ship that’s about to be rented by the Renter, must be fully repaired or the ‘Rent a ship’ option is unavailable.

  • End-user that that uses your ship during that time, must pay for its expenses, including repair and resupply.

  • Combat Boosters only work, change or apply with the End-user - recipient of the ship. (They are not transferred from the Renter, if already active.)

  • Implants/Crews are re-calculated, based on the End-user - Recipient, not the Renter.

  • You cannot use a ship or destroyer that you rented in ‘Daily task/s’ - Arthur Cage - ‘Send destroyers to war!’, if you got less than 10 hours until you ‘Rent’ ends.

  • Player that has you on his or her Ignore list, cannot use this feature.

  • At this time, Ellydium’ ships are not included in this feature.

  • The ‘Renter’ cannot revoke the rent, only the End-User - Recipient can, but confirmation from the ‘Renter’ is required as well.



Additionally, there could also be items that you could ‘rent’, just to provide some extra additional equipment (weapons and modules), if you would want to improve your experience.

Same rules would apply, if that’s the case as well. Such service would probably be isolated.





The idea sounds nice at first but personally i guess it would only “sell well” with the prem/crafted ships while the standard ones you can purchase via credits would not go so well (at least this is my guess)


Also i would suggest that during the rent the ship will be “delivered” unequiped and just has the bare slots that it has so that the renter can decide on it’s own how he wanna equip it.


1 question thoug is if the ship will be delivered with the syn rank it has or will the syn bonus be excluded (cus the owner has put the time and effort in)?

5 hours ago, Vesperion said:

Also i would suggest that during the rent the ship will be “delivered” unequiped and just has the bare slots that it has so that the renter can decide on it’s own how he wanna equip it.


1 question thoug is if the ship will be delivered with the syn rank it has or will the syn bonus be excluded (cus the owner has put the time and effort in)?

Also possible. Extra ‘service’ that is provided by the Renter, could be charged additionally and could be optional.


As stated above, it’s mandatory that you rank up, or level up your ship to the maximum synergy level, otherwise such ship can not be rented.

I like the idea! Its a suggested fair, reasonable and interesting offer. My 5 cents:



For fully leveled up standard ships I suggest these prices:

ranks 01-05  =>   11 GS/d

ranks 06-10  =>   33 GS/d

ranks 11-15  =>   55 GS/d

For fully leveled up premium ships I suggest these prices:

ranks 01-05  =>   33 GS/d

ranks 06-10  =>   55 GS/d

ranks 11-15  =>   77 GS/d

For fully leveled up destroyers I suggest these prices:

ranks 08  =>        99 GS/d

ranks 11  =>      133 GS/d

ranks 14  =>      166 GS/d

For fully leveled up Ellydium ships I suggest these prices:

ranks 05-10  =>  99 GS/d

ranks 11-15  => 199 GS/d

For fully leveled up Ellydium destroyer (to come) I suggest this price:

rank 15  =>        399 GS/d


*) “GS/d” means Gold Standards per day



Nice idea, made me think about what if we could get an AI-wingman ship to fill up battles slots and to have bigger battles irrespectable of time and time-zone and number of players on servers (we some times have battle slots filled up with ai ships anyway). So I copied this poll question sheme for a  [AI Wingman feature](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/34587-ai-wingman-feature/) poll, because its good, and to provide kind of a rather standard question-answer system.

I might have no oversight about the current battle activities but my personal guess is that R1-6/7 will be an pretty “underrented” part cus leveling in those regions is relative fast i would assume.


Those ships collect more dust then then any other i guess cus they have no real purpose if you wanna farm for an dessy (considering you go only for an r8 Dessy here). Cus let’s be for realsies you need at least an r8 to start the grinding/farming torture (excluding the current dessy event).


Most rents ime will be the dessy ships while elly would be a bit tricky to handle considering they can’t be downgraded to lower ranks. Prem ships eventually good rent ships as well next to yhe crafted ones.


On the one side the idea is good to give the not used ship an “purpose” then just to be dustcollectors in the hangar but on the other side it might require eventually more work then it could be used at the end.


Imo a point the devs never really considered that ships might never be used again after a certain point once they are max syned. Fox suggested already the idea to send a number of ships for mining operationd out just to give them at least some purpose next to being an dust collecting piece of metal.

1 hour ago, Vesperion said:

I might have no oversight about the current battle activities but my personal guess is that R1-6/7 will be an pretty “underrented” part cus leveling in those regions is relative fast i would assume.

True, but this suggestion is not final. It’s an example. It can be modified in any way or form. Maybe only certain ships or destroyers could get rented.


1 hour ago, Vesperion said:

On the one side the idea is good to give the not used ship an “purpose” then just to be dustcollectors in the hangar but on the other side it might require eventually more work then it could be used at the end.

Well, that’s another way of putting it that it’s not useless to have this.


1 hour ago, Vesperion said:

Imo a point the devs never really considered that ships might never be used again after a certain point once they are max syned. Fox suggested already the idea to send a number of ships for mining operationd out just to give them at least some purpose next to being an dust collecting piece of metal.

If you ask me, there should be a daily 10-hour contract to obtain Iridium instead of doing SQ - Dreadnought Battle for only 25 units of Iridium.

Honestly i would reduce the Gage Mission to an 1 or 2 hours duration one that can be started directly again when it was finished. Decrease the amount of free faction point to 1/10 (if hour is used) or to 5/10 (if 2 hours are used) and let them also bring back some materials if you want to get at least something out of it cus honestly… sooner or later even the faction points will become obsolete cus you have upgraded all items to the max MK version (MK5 excluded).


And it can´t be that it only gives 1 mission where you can only send out 6 ships out for 10 hours to bring back basicly nothing after all that time