Remove Shield damage spillover

Due to awful tweaks and changes over the past few updates I suggest that damage not spillover to the hull if it just hit the shield. Simple change. It would function exactly like diffusion shield, except it would be, well, a shield.

To counter shield regeneration stopping all hull hits this would only work if the shield had a minimum of 750pts left in it. Or some similar number.

Due to awful tweaks and changes over the past few updates

like what?

To counter shield regeneration stopping all hull hits this would only work if the shield had a minimum of 750pts left in it. Or some similar number.


like what?

Like the extreme durability nerfs and implant nerfs.

And on the spillover: If the shield did not have a minimum breach capacity, then due to the regeneration of the shield, all non-instant weapons would just be cancelled out by the shield because it would regenerate between hits. This is to prevent it from becoming an OP, bullet-stopping nightmare for other pilots.

a) you really don’t see how broken that would be

b) there were no “drastic” survivability nerfs in recent past

I keep thinking - Wat?

Lol no.

Shields are totally fine.

Shields would be an auto emergency barrier and ceptor would be entirely broken.

If this would be broken then explain emerg barrier and diff shield.

Never mind.

As a pilot that uses singularities and positron cannon quite often, I really, really have to say no to this. A shield booster would be enough to become totally invulnerable to both (well, half-invulnerable to positrons, but doubleshots are stupid anyways) for eight whole seconds. An engineer could provide area invulnerability in the same manner.


Also, what tweaks and changes are you even talking about?