Remove Peaks

So of course we understand that the game has peaks in cases of how fast you can shoot your guns or how fast you can fly… Obviously, going faster than 700 is possible in theory, or shooting your railguns faster than 300 is also possible with the combination of overdrive, vanadium shells and three heatsinks.


Now I know what you’re thinking. “Jesus, make the game more overpowering, why don’t you…” Mind you, the effective ability to fire your guns faster than or go faster than the barrier given only really comes into effect after rank 9 and even then, with ships like the Katana S with verniers that could be also specifically fitted to refire at an absurd rate could still outmatch a gunship - ergo, let’s say an Achilles, fitted to force its way through a tough ship, versus a Katana S’s diffusion shield where the ship is able to both capacity tank due to perhaps dual compacts - the outcome would still favour the Katana S, because the gunship has already hit its refire peak.


In addition to this, I would also like to suggest raising the reload rate of all of the gunship’s modules - overdrive should take 75 seconds to reload, whereas the aiming and engine overcharge modules should reload at 105 seconds. This would not only rebalance the gunships, but also mean that using aiming overcharge every time you use an overdrive will not be possible.


Do take in to account, the gunship is useless if it already fires quickly with railguns right now. There is no way that anyone will manage to make a gunship shoot quicker than 400 right now, so at least there is some safety in the observation. But the whole point is, a fighter that is not a gunship should not be able to do what the gunship is capable of, just like the gunship should not be able to do what the other fighters are capable of either.



The problem is the engine, not the devs not wanting to remove the limit. Such discussions were had before.

Gunships are in a good spot now, raising the module reloads to what you suggest would render them redundant, especially considering how quick some games are now.

The caps are there due to technical limitations.

Chicken engine + gunship = over 800 m/s ?

gunships can have a pretty powerful build if you go for crit chance and dmg. I often use rails on gunships; for lightbringer i use crit chance ammo, 1 infrared, 2 co-processor, pulse discharger. DPS is 2621, crit chance 49,5% and crit dmg 121%. That is 4191 dps considering crits, 6287 if you use overdrive and 8689 if you also use aiming overcharge along with overdrive…seems like a decent dmg output for me.

If you have a cap, boost other features (max? speed, go for turn rate or strafe. Max rate of fire? use E-J11 implant, pulse discharger, crit builds, acceleration coils, etc).

The caps are there due to technical limitations.

If you could modify to accommodate fit this, would you consider it?

I’ve already gone 888m/s on standard thrusters in an inti :slight_smile: Didn’t try crashing into anything though

I’ve already gone 888m/s on standard thrusters in an inti :slight_smile: Didn’t try crashing into anything though


Ohhhh :smiley: I remember that!! So much fun