Remove manual turn keys from game OR...

Kosty how would u resolve this?

Easy fix - increase the proximity trigger on the coil mortar so frigates can just aim in the middle of the orbit and blast the interceptor.


Problem solved.

Easy fix - increase the proximity trigger on the coil mortar so frigates can just aim in the middle of the orbit and blast the interceptor.


Problem solved.


Dunno with coils, I don’t use them since ages but with a lot of weapons, like gauss or positron: if you target the middle of the spinning circle you will miss 100%.

I guess prediction mechanic is involved.

Then explain it to me. The suggestion here affects others too.


I already explained why this need to be addressed asap,  It have nothing to do with my (or anyone) aiming skills.


Infinite proper spin abuses mechanic somehow. Skills, neither side, are not involved in this.

Here is how flying by average n00b looks like:
Not using manual turning:

Look how one have to put an effort to be aware of surroundings, the turning and maintaining adaptives not to get hit while staying on target

And here is how it is done with manual turning:

where you simply gain aim controls like on a destroyers (which are very easy to aim at anything) by simply pressing 2 buttons, don’t even have to randomly mash it hard (like with old strafe builds), while maintaining max agility (you can’t possibly turn faster than that, unless pushing turn stats even higher), and keeping adaptives perma ON.
And YET you still able to aim like a turret, don’t have to bother about anything much, just use multipurpose modules when needed and simply hide, don’t have to go into actual dogfight.

My problem with manual turning is how it makes extremely easy to aim, like you are some kind of an LRF sitting way back and not worrying about anything. I can live with it providing extreme dodge ratio, but it should not make it aim any easier.

The issue at core is that 90% of players use Aim assist and ping prediction, even if your target runs in perfect circle and you know where it will be, you cant shoot there, unless you are using lasers - aim assist will snap your shot and redirect it into false location, where target will never enter, because movement is circular and displacement goes on multiple vectors, while aim assist only works on one vector.

In this Manual turning example, i just randomly assign turn keys, i NEVER use them, so this is pretty much how any new players aware of this function will play, and yet i will guarantee that this “maneuver” will dodge 80%+ shots of projectile weapons with ~8 000 projectile speed at 1500+ m while maintaining extremely high aim on you, by pressing 2 buttons.



Easy fix - increase the proximity trigger on the coil mortar so frigates can just aim in the middle of the orbit and blast the interceptor.


Problem solved.


You gonna need like 500-1000m proximity explosion on coils for it to hit such ships

Again - why the hell it bothers you NOW? Every single intie pilot is using this for years. Heck, even in my first corp over 2 years ago we were flying like this, when I was in NASA I was telling people to use manual rotation on inties and fed fighters. More - I remember discussion with people from OWL where they were saying  that this type of flying doesn’t have much sense, cause sometimes you are not doing 100% damage because of turret location. I’m flying with free aim as much as I can, steering hull with one hand and turrets with the other. And yes - there are counters to fast rotation builds as well. Stop whining, ladies, learn to play. 



Don’t give them such ideas.

Just joking :stuck_out_tongue:

A lot of the time they are spinning in a flat circle so you can just aim when their vector is about to match up with your weapons. Or good aim with LRF lasers. The best ones are when they are in such a flat plane of movement that they are moving in a straight line between two points position represented by a sine wave, they spend more time at the ends :slight_smile:

Again - why the hell it bothers you NOW? Every single intie pilot is using this for years. Heck, even in my first corp over 2 years ago we were flying like this, when I was in NASA I was telling people to use manual rotation on inties and fed fighters. More - I remember discussion with people from OWL where they were saying  that this type of flying doesn’t have much sense, cause sometimes you are not doing 100% damage because of turret location. I’m flying with free aim as much as I can, steering hull with one hand and turrets with the other. And yes - there are counters to fast rotation builds as well. Stop whining, ladies, learn to play.

counter??? Explain to us. And please don’t say “play in squad, have 5 ECM’s, in your lineup…”

Again - why the hell it bothers you NOW? Every single intie pilot is using this for years. Heck, even in my first corp over 2 years ago we were flying like this, when I was in NASA I was telling people to use manual rotation on inties and fed fighters. More - I remember discussion with people from OWL where they were saying  that this type of flying doesn’t have much sense, cause sometimes you are not doing 100% damage because of turret location. I’m flying with free aim as much as I can, steering hull with one hand and turrets with the other. And yes - there are counters to fast rotation builds as well. Stop whining, ladies, learn to play. 


Again? Really? Kostyan explained very well why


General population is simply to close minded to realise the full potential of things, and only start using it when their face is put into that crap. It is simply that only now that manual turning becoming a thing of a regular Joe.


Manual turn keys are known since forever by my corpsmate, I also use them. But we never used them to make infinite spinning. 

Then again, if you want to understand what we are saying here: stop playing lower tiers, go r15 and realize by yourself what is going on (like I told you to do 2 days ago) instead of “ramboing on other opinions” without even knowing facts, calling others “whiners”.



A lot of the time they are spinning in a flat circle so you can just aim when their vector is about to match up with your weapons. Or good aim with LRF lasers. The best ones are when they are in such a flat plane of movement that they are moving in a straight line between two points position represented by a sine wave, they spend more time at the ends :slight_smile:


Nope, unless you are talking about Ions, ping prediction and aim assist will give your shot random direction. 'Cause you are not aiming at the reticle while you try to shoot at the “probable vector”.

Nope, unless you are talking about Ions, ping prediction and aim assist will give your shot random direction. 'Cause you are not aiming at the reticle while you try to shoot at the “probable vector”.

termal wep overheats to fast so even if u aim in a way U tray to predicct the fly path U wont do enough dmg

And yes… More and more RU players are using this “pro” fighting style. Yesterday in T5 4 of them were dancing arround like this. It’s super fun for me coz I have like 80% of games on RU server (Can u explain this Fake? Why do I mostly get RU server?). I think this thread did it’s job so they should do something about this.

I’ve seen people doing this in T3. Some just try spinning on a single plane and get wasted, but the double-axis spin makes CovOps borderline invincible. Thankfully, in T3 at least, attack drones and engi drones can still hit them.

I’ve seen people doing this in T3. Some just try spinning on a single plane and get wasted, but the double-axis spin makes CovOps borderline invincible. Thankfully, in T3 at least, attack drones and engi drones can still hit them.


Eh, in t3 it is counterable. Limited number of engine slots, weapon speeds are fast enough. I have no trouble killing these guys in my gauss tackler. Just wait till they have used multipurpose, engine inhibit them, and boom. in t5 though, even after tackle, their rotation and speed is still ludicrous, making my alpha charged shot miss even after 50% speed reduction. I don’t really use other weapons on tacklers, so I don’t know, but I imagine it is similar.

Again? Really? Kostyan explained very well why



Manual turn keys are known since forever by my corpsmate, I also use them. But we never used them to make infinite spinning. 

Then again, if you want to understand what we are saying here: stop playing lower tiers, go r15 and realize by yourself what is going on (like I told you to do 2 days ago) instead of “ramboing on other opinions” without even knowing facts, calling others “whiners”.




Johnny… Dude… I’m playing almost exclusively T5. That’s why I was so pissed with this patch that moved most of the players to T3 and T4. If you really like to point at my PR, then please take a look at another thread. I did one HUNDRED battles in lower tiers with my fellow corpmates and friends to check the real drop rate of the monocrystals in PvP loot. Rating falls down like a stone when you are doing that. And again - if you don’t know how to kill that intie - not my fault. I agree with Listick and Kosty that it’s been abused in last few days, but again - there are known counters for that. Pity the most powerful one (squad play) was removed from this game. Problem is not with high rotation or high strafe builds - problem is in counters for that. Those builds were easily counterable when you had one ship dedicated to do so in your squad. Now you have to think - should I take that guard with slows, or tackler or ecm or gunship against that engie or maybe lrf against that command. It just doesn’t make sense. I like to play in league, when we have squad and last time enemy team wanted to do a spin dance, we won 19-2. So yeah I see two ways for that problem 

  1. lowering the rotation of the inties, or summarize pitch+roll and limit the max rotation. It will make inties useless in leagues.
  2. get the squads back  to game (at least to R11+) then you can assign roles and counter those windmills easily. Again - there is a problem to that - there are just very limited amount of games in T5. I call myself lucky if I get a game in average of 10 minutes. The only way for me to get proper squad game in T5 is to get to the League queue, but few days ago we didn’t get a single game being in queue whole league session. 


Also - I don’t think anyone on the dev side will take care of that. Same as they don’t care about people with high rotation/high strafe builds that are scripting pseudorandom jerks in different directions. Wait till you notice that - then you will be pissed. 


I think that’s the only game I can play Fallout 4 while waiting in queue for a batlle. And that is a main problem. We need more players. This is the same song repeated in last 3 years. Why devs cannot make this game as it was 2 years ago? Simple arcade game with squads. Ok - Open Space and introduction of craftable ships was fun, but it was a downhill from there. No marketing, no advertisement.

Niri tacklers can’t counter that in T5, ES has a big cooldown period, ES does nothing against that, gravi beamer needs time to take effect, slowing missile just miss so… And there is a little thing could implants that help u debuff. ECM is the only real counter so,by your words, everyone should have one in their lineup.

I never said I’m not able to kill such ships. I said that the maneuver is way to powerfull for what it cost. Which is nothing. It allows you even to shot.


I never said anywhere that, still you continue your rant like if this is not a real issue.


Do you think I started this discussion 'cause I’m a Ace that can’t kill a ceptor or because I’m concerned about something that is a stupid, moronic way to fly like was the dancing strafe not so long ago?


If you like to brag that’s your personal problem. They fixed the strafe mechanic, they will fix also this sooner or later. Meanwhile if you want to discuss about it, once again: go t5 see what is happening more and more since months and then come back with valids argomentations.


One match in leagues vs spinners means nothing when you are in a kill squad. 


Edit: why you don’t also take a look at the ru forum? You know why people doesn’t want this thing solved? 'Cause they see a fix to this as a nerf to ceptors, at the level that they think they will become useless.

Like if using some skill instead of tricks is not smart. If who use it think that this is how a ceptor should work instead of learn some real skill, don’t you think there is a problem?

Here instead people still fail to get it…

Niri tacklers can’t counter that in T5, ES has a big cooldown period, ES does nothing against that, gravi beamer needs time to take effect, slowing missile just miss so… And there is a little thing could implants that help u debuff. ECM is the only real counter so,by your words, everyone should have one in their lineup.


A good ship which work as counter is a command with phaser.

A good ship which work as counter is a command with phaser.

I’ve seen people going near them and following their movements with their own ships. It seems to work.