Remove gravitational Lense module from PVP

Remove it, it’s broken af and shouldn’t exist in pvp.


+1 you can’t even get rid of them (no, system hack doesn’t remove them, the annoying pulling effect is still there)

Or just reduce the active duration to about 5 seconds, and then shorten the charge up time and halve the cooldown time to compensate.

The guards modules are broken af. 

Remove them too. 

The Thar’Ga is broken af.

Remove it too.

There we go  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

I use to never use or like the gravi lens but since thar ga is here and cause it’s annoying as f I keep using it just to be even more annoying :3

The game is broken af.

Remove it too,

Is that the way how things work nowadays? It’s broken, remove it.

My arm’s broken, I gotta remove it.

You might instead ellaborate how it can be improved, instead.

1 hour ago, OmegaFighter said:

Is that the way how things work nowadays? It’s broken, remove it.

My arm’s broken, I gotta remove it.

You might instead ellaborate how it can be improved, instead.

It is improved by removing it. I already asked for this like 10 times. The effect is annoying and serves very little tactical purpose except getting the destroyer lots of assist points and denying a whole area of the map for long periods of time (which is guard’s job, not suppressor’s job). It is also extremely annoying in beacon games often leading to end  by timer rather than by capturing all enemy points.

4 minutes ago, millanbel said:

It is improved by removing it. I already asked for this like 10 times. The effect is annoying and serves very little tactical purpose except getting the destroyer lots of assist points and denying a whole area of the map for long periods of time (which is guard’s job, not suppressor’s job). It is also extremely annoying in beacon games often leading to end  by timer rather than by capturing all enemy points.


Right and just because you asked it just had to be removed.

After all the toning down, this module is pretty nice to have around.

12 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Right and just because you asked it just had to be removed.

After all the toning down, this module is pretty nice to have around.

I knew you would comment. You seem to be against everything I say nowadays just on principle.

It is purely annoying to those who try to capture beacons, while requiring absolutely no skill or correct timing of modules on behalf of the destroyer pilot.

2 minutes ago, millanbel said:

I knew you would comment. You seem to be against everything I say nowadays just on principle.

It is purely annoying to those who try to capture beacons, while requiring absolutely no skill or correct timing of modules on behalf of the destroyer pilot.


totaly, just like Engine suppressor + gauss out of invis one shoting inties.

8 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

totaly, just like Engine suppressor + gauss out of invis one shoting inties.

And as usual with the direct attack against my playstyle. God you are so predictable.

You cannot compare an area denial module that requires no skill and can control a whole beacon for lengthy periods of time, annoying and disrupting many ships, with a well timed tackle + gauss using cloak that *used to* be able to one-shot ships (nerf + rank bonuses means it can’t anymore - and I’m fine with that, you ever seen me complaining and asking them to buff gauss? no.)

14 minutes ago, millanbel said:

You cannot compare an area denial module that requires no skill and can control a whole beacon for lengthy periods of time, annoying and disrupting many ships, with a well timed tackle + gauss using cloak that *used to* be able to one-shot ships (nerf + rank bonuses means it can’t anymore - and I’m fine with that, you ever seen me complaining and asking them to buff gauss? no.)


I just did, deal with it

Gravi-lense is little to no threat to anything but another Destroyer or a frigate, anything else it tickles only/pulls lightly at.

Module removals are generally not happening, tweaks are. Removals of modules and weapons are just happening in case of big balance tweaking (v0.9), which is not planned at the moment. (And more of a Beta thing in general)
Even A1MA is still around, vastly different but it is available.

Indeed all for getting rid of it but it’ll never happen. For me its never been about the modules damage.

The duration and pull effect amplifiying collision damage are the pain. Player could precision fly around a map dodging everything and the slight pull effect from the outskirts of the aoe will have full hull/shield and all the skill in the world evaporate in an instant as a rock, ship, space unicorn is skimmed. Not to mention the clowns who fire one into thier own team as lone enemy ship scared them. Tiring to have lots of beacon hunt decided on who has better timing to throw this junk at a beacon. Duration reduction would go a long way to fix that.

23 hours ago, Alanthier said:

Remove it, it’s broken af and shouldn’t exist in pvp.

It’s not, learn to fly out of it. Others would argue the photon is OP as well. 


19 hours ago, millanbel said:

+1 you can’t even get rid of them (no, system hack doesn’t remove them, the annoying pulling effect is still there)

Inaccurate. I have System Hacked many. You have to be near it. (<100m)

37 minutes ago, IFreakinLoveBass said:

Inaccurate. I have System Hacked many. You have to be near it. (<100m)

My statement was accurate. System Hack does not remove gravi sh*t. Friendly gravi hole is almost as annoying as an enemy one…