Remove gravitational Lense module from PVP

Some people are annoying, we should ask to remove them from the game.

5 hours ago, millanbel said:

My statement was accurate. System Hack does not remove gravi sh*t. Friendly gravi hole is almost as annoying as an enemy one…

I am not trying to argue, I have seen it before. I activate, get sucked in and ECM nukes it. There is an ingame message as well if you can encounter it, " Remember, Gravitational Lens can be captured by an ECM’s system hack" get close to it and try again. Like balls close. 

On 3/11/2017 at 6:20 AM, ORCA1911 said:

The game is broken af.

Remove it too,

can we remove you too? because comments like that from a moderator, are actually abuse of your own power.  Think about it, before you remove this reply.

On 3/11/2017 at 4:36 PM, OmegaFighter said:

Module removals are generally not happening, tweaks are. Removals of modules and weapons are just happening in case of big balance tweaking (v0.9), which is not planned at the moment. (And more of a Beta thing in general)
Even A1MA is still around, vastly different but it is available.

Then how about actually tweaking/nerfing them? You shouldn’t be pulled in for 20 seconds and taking all that collision damage, when you’re nowhere near the center of it.  And increase it’s recharge time by about 4x, shouldn’t be as spammable as it currently is.

For what they have introduced Brokk?

-1 to remove/tweak.

Don’t fly frigate+.

Remove star gem, they’re overpowered.

gotta love the Aces coming to the game and cry at everything they don’t own XD

If you Aces ain’t pleased with the x2 explosive dmg, and x3 dmg at 750m or closer nerf to those ships (destroyers) just leave. I remember when destroying a dessie was actually a teamwork task to do, and now any scrub can kill a dessie in less than 20 seconds (which is broken af btw, considering the nice grind and “survivability” they are supposed to have)

On 3/11/2017 at 1:41 PM, OmegaFighter said:

You might instead ellaborate how it can be improved, instead.

I once tried giving devs a nice rework/improvement to dessies, but they keep doing the same “lazy” work of just putting damage multipliers or bonuses, instead of actually WORKING it. I sent you the document in PM.

Sc was supposed to be based on teamwork. Players never understand that so they made it that way

gravitational Lense is perfectly fine! Git gut man.

We need a module that actually pulls you away, not the opposite, which attracts you inward, in the center.

Yes, like a magnet, you can actually attract or repel.

New module: Repelling Hole!  ![:007_3:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_3.png “:007_3:”)

7 hours ago, theNoob said:

gravitational Lense is perfectly fine!


7 hours ago, theNoob said:

Git gut man.


But it’s alright. Perfectly fine is something I rather not use on anything in this game.

Is this bait?

Nothing wrong with Gravitational lens

Git Gud or Get Rekt

On 23/03/2017 at 9:27 PM, Koromac said:

We need a module that actually pulls you away, not the opposite, which attracts you inward, in the center.

Yes, like a magnet, you can actually attract or repel.

New module: Repelling Hole!  ![:007_3:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_3.png “:007_3:”)

Repelling beam, hello~

What is this? Necroing? BANISH THEM HILLARY! 

Ther e is no Hillary here.