Remove Event Ship Parts Requirement

As the title says, I suggest that the misc ship part requirements for the Spiral and Endeavor be removed. They are event ships that don’t even really fit in to the game style, and should remain legacy ships instead of “look at how many monos I spent on this thing” ships. They should simply be acquired via the xenochip missions and no other means. If needed, you can reduce the rank to 9 or something to compensate. ( is always a good rank. Or 10.

They wont do it.  We already know they don’t pay attention to forum posts unless you post something that insults them.

Parts = trade

Trade = money

Come on guys, cut the spiral some slack ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

54 minutes ago, Rob40468 said:

Parts = trade

Trade = money

You can’t trade these parts though. This argument is moot.

Speaking of which, that lil hecker will be mine in two days. o boi

1 hour ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Speaking of which, that lil hecker will be mine in two days. o boi

euphoria spiraling*

i just had to do eet

i h8 u

17 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

You can’t trade these parts though. This argument is moot.

Well, Gargoyle and Dart were neither. I rather don’t think devs would miss those few $ more from this.