Remove Destroyers from PvP


Get it done!

not as bad as the killsquads! they are much more bad!

And I’d rather play against 4 organised gunship pilots over a team of destroyers, because I know that at least they’ll die.


Drop destroyers add 4 man squad.

Leave destroyer in game AND bring back 4 man squads.

Yes to that.^


…and if the reason not to would sound like: “We cannot, queue time would be too long…” Then give teams some extra loot spot reward and/or synergy bonus gain if you are squadded up. Tons of possible solutions. 

Or just make it so that if people still try to use destroyers, just make them inaccessible!

Leave destroyer in

game AND bring back 4 man squads.

ingame, yes… in PvP… NO!

Destroyers does

The fun out of PVP.

T3+ has become unplayeble.
Remove them out of PVP and make a new game mode suted for Destroyers.

This is what it feels like im surounded by!