remove CPU component (Central Processing Unit) from Mysterious container and adjust it

This is a request as much as suggestion as well.



You can get next items from Mysterious containers.


all T4 pirate blueprints

all T4 weapon and module blueprints

all T5 pirate blueprints

all T5 weapon and module blueprints


Credit loot only:


CPU (functioning central processing unit): 119280 credits - remove it and replace it with the list of proposed components below

Thermal Control Unit (working software module): 375480 credits

Light cell (functioning cockpit part): 1006320 credits



If people must buy Spatial Scanner to be able to get those items, I would like that you remove CPU processing unit , since I am getting it a lot lately and replace it with something more valuable.

I would be happy, if instead of CPU we could get the next following components listed below. CPU component is quite often in regular loot - containers.


List of proposed components: (artifacts/iridium)


Alien Deflector - 60 artifacts/iridium

Alien Cypher module - 60 artifacts/iridium

Alien Thruster - 100 artifacts/iridium

Alien Neurotransmitter - 150 artifacts/iridium


Those examples are taken from the list of Invasion loot [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23552-invasion-available-loot/).



I can guarantee you that more people will buy Spatial Scanner, much more than ever before, if the content within Mysterious containers would actually be more beneficial/rewarding with the contents.

People need artifacts/iridium. Now more than ever.

Do this and we will be grateful. For such a price for the Spatial Scanner, we can rightly ask for such change.



Thank you.




Sincerely,  Koromac

This is a request as much as suggestion as well.



You can get next items from Mysterious containers.


all T4 pirate blueprints

all T4 weapon and module blueprints

all T5 pirate blueprints

all T5 weapon and module blueprints


Credit loot only:


CPU (functioning central processing unit): 119280 credits - remove it and replace it with the list below

Thermal Control Unit (working software module): 375480 credits

Light cell (functioning cockpit part): 1006320 credits



If people still must buy Spatial Scanner to be able to get those items, I would like that you remove CPU processing unit , since I am getting it a lot lately and replace it with something more valuable.

I would be happy, if instead of CPU we could get the next following components listed below. You can find such a component quite often in regular loot in containers.


List of proposed components: (artifacts/iridium)


Alien Deflector - 60 artifacts/iridium

Alien Cypher module - 60 artifacts/iridium

Alien Thruster - 100 artifacts/iridium

Alien Neurotransmitter - 150 artifacts/iridium


Those examples are taken from the list of Invasion loot [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23552-invasion-available-loot/).



I can guarantee you that more people will buy Spatial Scanner, much more than ever before, if the content within Mysterious containers would actually be more beneficial/rewarding with the contents inside.

People need artifacts/iridium. Now more than ever.

Do this and we will be grateful. For such a price for the Spatial Scanner, we can rightly ask for such change.



Thank you.




Sincerely,  Koromac

Honestly, I spent $10 on the damn thing. I ought to be treated a bit better than “Hey, 80% of your loot is low value credits and 20% is low value blueprints! Mk. 5 blueprints? Hahaha.”

Honestly, I spent $10 on the damn thing. I ought to be treated a bit better than “Hey, 80% of your loot is low value credits and 20% is low value blueprints! Mk. 5 blueprints? Hahaha.”


I know how you feel!

This is the exact reason, why people are reluctant to buy Spatial Scanner. You get no artifacts rewards!

It would not be P2W module, but it would at least be worth to buy!

It would be P2W !


At the Moment, if something you can only pay with real Money grant you an advantage, whatever is the form of this advantage, while non-paying players can’t have the same, IT’S P2W !

It would be P2W !


At the Moment, if something you can only pay with real Money grant you an advantage, whatever is the form of this advantage, while non-paying players can’t have the same, IT’S P2W !


It would not be P2W, if the Spatial Scanner would also be craftable!

It would be P2W !


At the Moment, if something you can only pay with real Money grant you an advantage, whatever is the form of this advantage, while non-paying players can’t have the same, IT’S P2W !

Is it possible to get Mk. 5 blueprints without a spatial scanner right now?


Is the loot really that bad? I’m on the verge of getting one but if the loot is a bit meh then I don’t see the point in spending so much on the module.

Is the loot really that bad? I’m on the verge of getting one but if the loot is a bit meh then I don’t see the point in spending so much on the module.


It is and I blame the CPU component. If the CPU component would get replaced by any random alien artifact component/item, which cost is not lower than 60 and up to 150 artifacts, then I would say go for it with 100% certainty and approval.


I probably picked thousands of mysterious containers by know, who knows how many… and I can tell you that I don’t know how much times I got CPU, which is worthless, since you can find this exact item in the regular loot and it’s low based on credit value, especially if you have to buy and use Spatial Scanner.


My pure estimation based on my intuition/hunch. I could be wrong, but not much.


Credit value component item: total - 26% ( CPU - 16% - 119280 credits , Thermal Control Unit - 10%, Light cell - 5%)

Random loyalty vouchers: 15k friend or foe module - 10%

T4 Pirate Booster modules S, M, and L. and Pirate Multiphase Shield Adapter: 25% sell value: 20k credits

T4 weapon blueprints 5%  (around 600k credits or more?) I do not know the exact number.

T4 module blueprints 10% (around 450k or more?) I do not know the exact number.

T5 module blueprints - Pirate versions: 20% (642k credits or more?) Usually only 3 - Pirate Gunship Overcharge and/or Pirate Orion Complex, Pirate Mass Shield Generator.

T5 module blueprints - 3% (860k credits?) Hard to get! Confirmed!

T5 weapon blueprints - 1% (900k credits) Hardest to get! Confirmed!


I think that this is pretty much valid information, even it’s just out of my head, but after 3550 hours I should know this.


Developers, bring on the chart to see, if I am right about this.

Is it possible to get Mk. 5 blueprints without a spatial scanner right now?



Then increasing chances to get a blueprint with a spatial scanner doesn’t make it P2W.



Then spatial scanner is already P2W and increasing chances to get a blueprint with it doesn’t make it any more so.

Spatial Scanner must become craftable in the workshop.

Developers should not fear this. The cost for this module should be immense, so it would still be better to buy it than farm it for months to get one.

Just remove the last bit of P2W obstacle. The option to [craft it](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/26303-tier-345-spatial-scanner-craftable-from-invasion-materials/) must exist. That’s the main thing with F2P. You have a choice. You can get it for free or you can pay to play.

Then this game will really be F2P. Oh, the colors. Well, you can only pay for the service. Each service resets the previous one. I already gave you a [solution](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25550-ships-customization-dlc-pack-full-access-for-all-features-in-ships-customization-tree/).

If those things are sorted, this game is the best and the only F2P game in existence. You can really advertise it as such - F2P

Spatial Scanner must become craftable in the workshop.


Again: Why? You can leave without it. It’s just a fancy whim. You want it, you pay for it. 


Just my opinion.

Again: Why? You can leave without it. It’s just a fancy whim. You want it, you pay for it. 


Just my opinion.


Because some people already call me P2W pilot, since I have one. I know that you can get Mysterious containers without it, but with so many possible spots, it would take probably 15-30 minutes to find one by blind luck, since you really need to be very close to it to uncloak it. And you need to know all exact spots!

If there would be the option to craft one, but at ridiculously high cost, then at least they wouldn’t claim that you can’t get it otherwise than just buying it. For some, it’s P2W.

I need 15-45 seconds to locate one in each sector without breaking a sweat.

I am a man of principle. If we get craft option, then the last minor bit of possible “P2W” aspect by nerds is gone!

As for the colors, those are considered to be a luxury. It’s bad, that we can’t spend money to paint our ships for 1 day, at least.

If Spatial Scanner and this 1 day for credit option would get avialable or maybe that you could construct some component, which enables you to use some sort if modeling or customization kit for 1 use, it would be the best.

That’s just me, though.

Because some people already call me P2W pilot, since I have one. I know that you can get Mysterious containers without it, but with so many possible spots, it would take probably 15-30 minutes to find one by blind luck, since you really need to be very close to it to uncloak it. And you need to know all exact spots!

If there would be the option to craft one, but at ridiculously high cost, then at least they wouldn’t claim that you can’t get it otherwise than just buying it. For some, it’s P2W.

I need 15-45 seconds to locate one in each sector without breaking a sweat.

I am a man of principle. If we get craft option, then the last minor bit of possible “P2W” aspect by nerds is gone!

As for the colors, those are considered to be a luxury. It’s bad, that we can’t spend money to paint our ships for 1 day, at least.

If Spatial Scanner and this 1 day for credit option would get avialable or maybe that you could construct some component, which enables you to use some sort if modeling or customization kit for 1 use, it would be the best.

That’s just me, though.


But it’s not pay to xxxx win. It’s not the game’s fault if people can’t comprehend that Spatial Scanner and it’s benefits wont make you win a freaking single game.

But it’s not pay to xxxx win. It’s not the game’s fault if people can’t comprehend that Spatial Scanner and it’s benefits wont make you win a freaking single game.


Look, I agree.

We can silence those voices forever, if they become craftable.

Don’t you get it?

Look, I agree.

We can silence those voices forever, if they become craftable.

Don’t you get it?


Or we can apply common sense and ignore the idiots xD

Or we can apply common sense and ignore the idiots xD


Let’s do both!

We make it craftable and we ignore the idiots. xD

thanks for your input - forwarded to Devs