Remove auto-fill for Premium ammo

Sorry, but one solitary notification when you first equip the ammo isn’t good enough. It should not be possible to spend GS automatically. Premium ammo should require a manual refill every time, or at the very least a popup confirming the refill.


Today game stole my 400gs! i created my first anti alien ammo from broker parts then went to os. after returning 200gs has been stolen - ok. next one i crafted messon resonating charges for pvp broker mission, i disabled auto repair. After this pvp game stolen next 200gs. idk if its a bug i dont have time for making bug reports but i want my money back.i never bought before alien ammo because price is crazy. now because of this event and stupid repairs mechanism i have 400gs less in my wallet - it makes me angry


Lost 200 GS today for nothing. And I didn’t see any notifictation, or mention in the ammo’s tooltip where it should be. Also no mention at all in the patch notes which I find very sneaky…

Is it only notifying on your first ever equip? It should notify each time you change from non premium to premium


Lost 200 GS.A new metod to stil our GS?

Is it only notifying on your first ever equip? It should notify each time you change from non premium to premium


I didn’t even get the first notification.

Today i lost one more 200gs. i disabled autorepairs but game decided to buy one more premium ammo for me.  I demand compensation. second day of stupid event  and im shorter 600gs

Today i lost one more 200gs. i disabled autorepairs but game decided to buy one more premium ammo for me.  I demand compensation. second day of stupid event  and im shorter 600gs

You have to disable “auto refill” or “auto purchase ammo” (I don’t remember the actual description in-game), not “auto repair ships”. 

There will be new pop-up about it soon. It will appear every time when pilot is going to spend GS.

There will be new pop-up about it soon. It will appear every time when pilot is going to spend GS.

I think you should also make it so that repairing ships does not replenish ammo.