Remove 7 Part/Day Limit

A simple suggestion to remove the 7 parts per day grinding limit for premium ship parts. If I want to waste my like grinding for these ships I want to be able to do it consistently. With no parts after battle after a certain point, there is no point to battles after that point.

It’s limited? Excuse me devs, if it really is, then that is ultra stupid. You’re simply preventing your players from spending more time on your game than their life. I mean I never saw a game which does this…

What if, they make it like the first purple dot of PvE? Dropping with a high chance, but after some it regain its real chance?

Multiple people have experienced this insane drop rate drop off, so there is little room for speculation. Though Cinnamon Bun said that no such limit was in the game. What might have happened is that they overlooked a variable issue and made the drop-rate plummet to almost zero after a certain amount of them are found.

Multiple people have experienced this insane drop rate drop off, so there is little room for speculation. Though Cinnamon Bun said that no such limit was in the game. What might have happened is that they overlooked a variable issue and made the drop-rate plummet to almost zero after a certain amount of them are found.

There’s no such limitation. And I have no idea where is this rumor come from.

There’s no such limitation. And I have no idea where is this rumor come from.

This ‘rumor’ come from people, that found up to 5 parts within their first 10 victories and then next to none after the next 10+. (at least what I have read about)

I have a different problem. I didn’t found a ship component at all… but this is the issue of having non R7/10/13 full synergy ship. o.o

This ‘rumor’ come from people, that found up to 5 parts within their first 10 victories and then next to none after the next 10+. (at least what I have read about)

I have a different problem. I didn’t found a ship component at all… but this is the issue of having non R7/10/13 full synergy ship. o.o

Random is random. But that’s not the reasons for any speculations. Patch was realised 2 days ago.