Relocator [Module]

Name: Relocator

Type: Multipurpose Active Module

Ranks: 7-15

Recharge: 60s

Energy: 300

Turret rotation speed: 50deg/s

Maximum range: 6,000m

Flight speed: 1,950m/s

Manoeuvring speed: 40deg/s

Tooltip: “Fires a homing mechanism that attaches itself the locked target. Upon latching on to them it will charge for 2 seconds, then instantly teleport them backwards by 4,500m. Effected target gains 25% increased rotation speed during the charging period.”

It can be blind-fired but accuracy would be awful.

It would be more tactical, but also be harder to use. It would instantly jump the fleeing target back to you by 4,500m, or jump them away from you by that same distance depending on what direction they are facing. The 2 second “charging” period gives the effected ship time to react, but not too much.

Take this as a good thing. Even all programmers from Google couldn’t keep your level of innovations. XDDDD

A am a lean mean thinking machine, meant to churn out new theories and ideas.

That combined with my love for SC means that SC gets tons of free ideas~

This idea in particular would be extremely easy to implement, as everything needed for it’s mechanism of functionality is already in-game. Just make the module one of those little turrets like the Stingay has, then make it fire a small missile at the target. On impact it would simply apply the Reverse Thruster buff to the hit ship.

They should add as well medals for: killing a target for being out of map boundaries, kill a ship in 1 vs team, deny a bomb plant, kill target through environment (anomalies, engines, etc.), make the target player recieve 0 score for at least 1 minute, teleporting a teammate…any other ideas?

They should add as well medals for: killing a target for being out of map boundaries, kill a ship in 1 vs team, deny a bomb plant, kill target through environment (anomalies, engines, etc.), make the target player recieve 0 score for at least 1 minute, teleporting a teammate…any other ideas?

Your post is irrelevant???

Your post is irrelevant???

In a direct way: yes

In an indirect way: no. Its showing how your module can xxxx up things in SC.

Literally every module can xxxx up SC in some way shape or form. They were all added at some point, regardless of xxxxupness and this module -should it be added or not- will not be any exception to this fact.

Also might I remind you that teleport=/=warp, so no crashes.

Okay here, lemme add a thing to counter some of your vaguely relevant points:

-Module now gives the effected target increased rotation speed before teleportation.

-Module now has a turret rotation speed limit.

“Also might I remind you that teleport=/=warp, so no crashes.”


I sayed nothing about crashes (although it could count if you manage to teleport a dude in dreads to a nearby asteroid field to get smashed): anomaly deals about 40k per second (no need to crash), engines deal instant kill when entering in dmg zone (i havent tried flying with a destroyer there). You can also add main caliber cannons of the dreads…but its a bit unlikely. I remember once when mecron was flying ECM in PVP, dogfighting some guy near the anomaly…he activated stasis when the guy was pointing to the anomaly, so he got too close and before the effect ended, he blew up only from the anomaly hahaha. This module would make this happen more often, specially in dreads.


“Literally every module can xxxx up SC in some way shape or form.”
I strongly disagree. What i understand from xxxx up is something that breaks balance. Idk what you understand from that, but it seems its something very different from my view. This module is way too effective to remove from the game slow ships: frigates and destroyers; a ship going at 180ms will take almost 28 seconds to move 5km and return where it was before. Add now that frigates dont fight at close quarters and that battlefield is often dynamic, forcing ships to move even more. Imagine an LRF using RT, you use this mod upon him (easy if you engage him at close range), it will fly 10km away…theres no way it will make it in time to get back to the battle before exploding from being out of the battlefield.


EDIT: also, most engineers dont fly with warpgate. Guards have nothing. Destroyers that used their wormhole a while ago will suffer the same. The 2 seconds time to activate and rotation speed bonus dont seem to solve this balance issue, since the reaction time + ping will reduce players the opportunity to know where to turn if they want to hit some asteroid nearby (time that will be accentuated under hot situations where attention is directed to other things like returning fire, using modules, being aware of nearby allies/enemies, etc.), also considering that many frigates/destroyers use galva in hull, reducing turn rate consistently.

Alright I see what you mean now. What I’m hearing is that “So one time this really devastating thing happened but it’s so improbable that it would take a miracle to make this relevant.”

I’ll get working on a workaround~

Workaround added. Now the jump is smaller, allowing for slower ships to recover from it easier.

-Jump distance reduced by 500m.

New module:

Name: Relocator

Type: Multipurpose Active Module

Ranks: 7-15

Recharge: 60s

Energy: 300

Turret rotation speed: 50deg/s

Maximum range: 6,000m

Flight speed: 1,950m/s

Manoeuvring speed: 40deg/s

Tooltip: “Doesn’t do anything because being useful makes things OP, even if the chances of something genuinely harmful happening are slim.”

hahahah dont get mad fox, theres nothing personal in my comments :slight_smile:

 “Doesn’t do anything because being useful makes things OP, even if the chances of something genuinely harmful happening are slim.”

That was funny)


Btw, the concept is good.

As cinnamon said, it’s a good concept, but:

  • You should be able to use the module on allies

  • It shouldn’t be multipourpuse, but class specific. Maybe tackler, or recon. 

You can try something with similar concept soon. A little hint - Reaper :008j:

You can try something with similar concept soon. A little hint - Reaper :008j:

New module:

Name: The Stopper

Type: Guard Active Module

Ranks: 8

Tooltip: Warps distant enemies closer upon activation.

Not -1 or +1 but a +0!


Even though it is a neat idea, I wouldn’t want Star Conflict to slowly turn into a moba game or a game like that of your choosing.

It would be nice to bully some ships around but it really does not feel like SC to me.

+What kind of monster rocket does it take to get fired from a relatively small missile silo and have the power to counter-thrust the target’s engines?!

+What kind of monster rocket does it take to get fired from a relatively small missile silo and have the power to counter-thrust the target’s engines?!

It’s a spatial warp module, not a simple thruster. Instead of physically pushing them backwards it simply warps space around them to teleport them. ^^

It’s a spatial warp module, not a simple thruster. Instead of physically pushing them backwards it simply warps space around them to teleport them. ^^

Well, now it makes more sense!